
context ("iso")

test_all <- (identical (Sys.getenv ("MPADGE_LOCAL"), "true") |
    identical (Sys.getenv ("GITHUB_WORKFLOW"), "test-coverage"))

if (!test_all) {
    RcppParallel::setThreadOptions (numThreads = 2)

source ("../sc-conversion-fns.R")

test_that ("isodists", {
    expect_silent (hsc <- sf_to_sc (hampi))
    # This all exists just to test the next line:
    requireNamespace ("geodist")
    requireNamespace ("dplyr")
    expect_no_message (net <- weight_streetnet (hsc,
        wt_profile = "bicycle"
    npts <- 100
    set.seed (1)
    from <- sample (net$.vx0, size = npts)
    dlim <- c (1, 2, 5, 10, 20) * 100
    expect_silent (d <- dodgr_isodists (net, from = from, dlim))
    expect_is (d, "data.frame")
    expect_equal (ncol (d), 5)
    expect_identical (names (d), c ("from", "dlim", "id", "x", "y"))
    expect_true (nrow (d) > 0)
    # some points may give no iso countours, so the following 2 may
    # not always be equal:
    expect_true ((npts - length (unique (d$from))) >= 0)
    expect_true (length (unique (d$dlim)) <= length (dlim))

# skip_on_cran ()
skip_if (!test_all)

test_that ("turn penalty", {
    hsc <- sf_to_sc (hampi)
    net0 <- weight_streetnet (hsc, wt_profile = "bicycle")
    npts <- 100
    set.seed (1)
    from <- sample (net0$.vx0, size = npts)
    dlim <- c (1, 2, 5, 10, 20) * 100
    d0 <- dodgr_isodists (net0, from = from, dlim)

    net <- weight_streetnet (hsc,
        wt_profile = "bicycle",
        turn_penalty = TRUE
    expect_equal (nrow (net), nrow (net0))
    d <- dodgr_isodists (net, from = from, dlim)
    # d includes compound vertices with "_start" suffix, and routes
    # differently because of turning angles
    expect_true (!identical (d0, d))
    # expect_true (length (grep ("_start", d$from)) > 0)
    # expect_false (length (grep ("_start", d0$from)) > 0)

test_that ("errors", {
    expect_silent (hsc <- sf_to_sc (hampi))
    expect_silent (net <- weight_streetnet (hsc,
        wt_profile = "bicycle"
    npts <- 100
    set.seed (1)
    from <- sample (net$.vx0, size = npts)
    dlim <- c (1, 2, 5, 10, 20) * 100
    expect_error (
        d <- dodgr_isodists (net, from = from),
        "dlim must be specified"
    expect_error (
        d <- dodgr_isodists (net, from = from, dlim = "a"),
        "dlim must be numeric"
    expect_error (
        d <- dodgr_isoverts (net,
            from = from,
            dlim = dlim, tlim = 500
        "Only one of dlim or tlim can be provided"

    net <- weight_streetnet (hampi)
    expect_error (
        d <- dodgr_isochrones (net,
            from = from,
            tlim = 500
        "isochrones can only be calculated from SC-class networks"
    expect_error (
        d <- dodgr_isoverts (net,
            from = from,
            tlim = 500
        "isoverts can only be calculated from SC-class networks"

test_that ("isochrones", {
    expect_silent (hsc <- sf_to_sc (hampi))
    expect_silent (net <- weight_streetnet (hsc,
        wt_profile = "bicycle"
    npts <- 100
    set.seed (1)
    from <- sample (net$.vx0, size = npts)
    tlim <- c (5, 10, 20, 30, 60) * 60 # times in seconds
    expect_silent (x <- dodgr_isochrones (net, from = from, tlim))
    expect_is (x, "data.frame")
    expect_equal (ncol (x), 5)
    expect_identical (names (x), c ("from", "tlim", "id", "x", "y"))
    expect_true (nrow (x) > 0)
    # some points may give no iso countours, so the following 2 may
    # not always be equal:
    expect_true ((npts - length (unique (x$from))) >= 0)
    expect_true (length (unique (x$tlim)) <= length (tlim))

test_that ("isoverts", {
    expect_silent (hsc <- sf_to_sc (hampi))
    expect_silent (net <- weight_streetnet (hsc,
        wt_profile = "bicycle"
    npts <- 100
    set.seed (1)
    from <- sample (net$.vx0, size = npts)
    dlim <- c (1, 2, 5, 10, 20) * 100
    expect_silent (dd <- dodgr_isodists (net, from = from, dlim))
    expect_silent (d <- dodgr_isoverts (net, from = from, dlim))
    expect_identical (names (dd), names (d))
    # isodists may not return all from pts, so the following may not
    # always hold:
    # expect_identical (unique (d$from), unique (dd$from))
    # dd has all vertices within isodistance hulls; d has only those
    # on the actual hulls, so far fewer vertices
    expect_true (nrow (d) > nrow (dd))

    tlim <- c (60, 120, 300)
    expect_silent (v <- dodgr_isoverts (net,
        from = from,
        tlim = tlim
    expect_true ("tlim" %in% names (v))
    expect_true ("dlim" %in% names (d))
    expect_true (all (paste0 (tlim) %in% unique (v$tlim)))

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dodgr documentation built on June 7, 2023, 5:44 p.m.