frbd2fact: Analysis of Factorial Randomized Block Design for 2 factors

Description Usage Arguments Value Examples

View source: R/frbd2fact.R


The function gives ANOVA, R-square of the model, normality testing of residuals, SEm (standard error of mean), SEd (standard error of difference), interpretation of ANOVA results and multiple comparison test for means.


frbd2fact(data, replicationvector, fact.A, fact.B, Multiple.comparison.test)



dependent variables


vector containing replications


vector containing levels of first factor


vector containing levels of second factor


0 for no test, 1 for LSD test, 2 for Duncan test and 3 for HSD test


ANOVA, interpretation of ANOVA, R-square, normality test result, SEm, SEd and multiple comparison test results for both the factors as well as interaction.


#FRBD analysis along with dunccan test for two dependent var.

Example output

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: dependent.var
                  Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
replicationvector  2  700.08  350.04  2.2796 0.1311
fact.A             1   24.00   24.00  0.1563 0.6972
fact.B             1  112.67  112.67  0.7337 0.4029
fact.A:fact.B      1   42.67   42.67  0.2779 0.6045
Residuals         18 2763.92  153.55               

[1] "R Square 0.241"

[1] "SEm of A: 5.059 , SEd of A: 7.154 , SEm of B: 5.059 , SEd of B 7.154 , SEm of AB: 7.154 , SEd of AB: 10.118"


	Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  model$residuals
W = 0.94271, p-value = 0.1874

[1] "Normality assumption is not violated"

[1] "All the first factor level means are same so dont go for any multiple comparison test"

   MSerror Df     Mean       CV
  153.5509 18 122.6667 10.10182

     Table CriticalRange
2 2.971152      10.62822

   dependent.var groups
n1      123.6667      a
n0      121.6667      a

[1] "All the second factor level means are same so dont go for any multiple comparison test"

   MSerror Df     Mean       CV
  153.5509 18 122.6667 10.10182

     Table CriticalRange
2 2.971152      10.62822

   dependent.var groups
p0      124.8333      a
p1      120.5000      a

[1] "The means of levels of interaction between two factors are same so dont go for any multiple comparison test"

   MSerror Df     Mean       CV
  153.5509 18 122.6667 10.10182

     Table CriticalRange
2 2.971152      15.03057
3 3.117384      15.77034
4 3.209655      16.23712

      dependent.var groups
n1:p0      127.1667      a
n0:p0      122.5000      a
n0:p1      120.8333      a
n1:p1      120.1667      a

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: dependent.var
                  Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value    Pr(>F)    
replicationvector  2 92.333  46.167 10.9342 0.0007795 ***
fact.A             1 10.667  10.667  2.5263 0.1293712    
fact.B             1  2.667   2.667  0.6316 0.4371305    
fact.A:fact.B      1 28.167  28.167  6.6711 0.0187637 *  
Residuals         18 76.000   4.222                      
Signif. codes:  0***0.001**0.01*0.05.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

[1] "R Square 0.638"

[1] "SEm of A: 0.839 , SEd of A: 1.186 , SEm of B: 0.839 , SEd of B 1.186 , SEm of AB: 1.186 , SEd of AB: 1.678"


	Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  model$residuals
W = 0.92997, p-value = 0.09734

[1] "Normality assumption is not violated"

[1] "All the first factor level means are same so dont go for any multiple comparison test"

   MSerror Df     Mean       CV
  4.222222 18 12.41667 16.54876

     Table CriticalRange
2 2.971152      1.762401

   dependent.var groups
n1      13.08333      a
n0      11.75000      a

[1] "All the second factor level means are same so dont go for any multiple comparison test"

   MSerror Df     Mean       CV
  4.222222 18 12.41667 16.54876

     Table CriticalRange
2 2.971152      1.762401

   dependent.var groups
p0      12.75000      a
p1      12.08333      a

[1] "The means of levels of interaction between two factors are not same, so go for multiple comparison test"

   MSerror Df     Mean       CV
  4.222222 18 12.41667 16.54876

     Table CriticalRange
2 2.971152      2.492412
3 3.117384      2.615082
4 3.209655      2.692485

      dependent.var groups
n1:p0      14.50000      a
n0:p1      12.50000     ab
n1:p1      11.66667      b
n0:p0      11.00000      b

doebioresearch documentation built on July 8, 2020, 7:18 p.m.