splitplot: Analysis of Split plot design

Description Usage Arguments Value Examples

View source: R/splitplot.R


The function gives ANOVA, R-square of the model, normality testing of residuals, SEm (standard error of mean), SEd (standard error of difference), interpretation of ANOVA results and multiple comparison test for means.


splitplot(data, block, main.plot, sub.plot, mean.comparison.test)



dependent variables


vector containing replications


vector containing main-plot levels


vector containing sub-plot levels


0 for no test, 1 for LSD test, 2 for Dunccan test and 3 for HSD test


ANOVA, interpretation of ANOVA, R-square, normality test result, SEm, SEd and multiple comparison test result


#Using Date of sowing as Main-plot factor and varieties as sub-plot factor and using LSD test
#Split plot analysis with LSD test for Yield
#Split plot analysis with LSD test for both Yield and Plant Height

Example output

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: dependent.var
                   Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
block               2  61557   30779  0.1876 0.84205  
main.plot           1    187     187  0.0011 0.97615  
Ea                  2 328176  164088                  
sub.plot            5 510277  102055  2.9915 0.03556 *
main.plot:sub.plot  5 125447   25089  0.7354 0.60557  
Eb                 20 682307   34115                  
Signif. codes:  0***0.001**0.01*0.05.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

[1] "CV(a): 8.063 , CV(b) : 3.677"

[1] "R Square 0.601"


	Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  model$residuals
W = 0.94087, p-value = 0.05406

[1] "Normality assumption is not violated"

[1] "All the main plot factor level means are same so dont go for any multiple comparison test"

   MSerror Df     Mean       CV  t.value      LSD
  164087.9  2 5023.611 8.063474 4.302653 580.9694

  dependent.var groups
1      5025.889      a
2      5021.333      a

[1] "The means of one or more levels of sub plot factor are not same, so go for multiple comparison test"

   MSerror Df     Mean       CV  t.value      LSD
  34115.36 20 5023.611 3.676707 2.085963 222.4442

  dependent.var groups
6      5154.333      a
5      5075.833      a
4      5070.000      a
3      5053.833      a
2      5013.167      a
1      4774.500      b

[1] "All the interaction level means are same so dont go for any multiple comparison test"

   MSerror Df     Mean       CV  t.value      LSD
  34115.36 20 5023.611 3.676707 2.085963 314.5836

    dependent.var groups
2:6      5173.333      a
1:6      5135.333      a
2:5      5095.000      a
2:3      5074.333      a
1:4      5070.000      a
2:4      5070.000      a
2:2      5069.667      a
1:5      5056.667      a
1:3      5033.333      a
1:2      4956.667     ab
1:1      4903.333     ab
2:1      4645.667      b

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: dependent.var
                   Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
block               2  61557   30779  0.1876 0.84205  
main.plot           1    187     187  0.0011 0.97615  
Ea                  2 328176  164088                  
sub.plot            5 510277  102055  2.9915 0.03556 *
main.plot:sub.plot  5 125447   25089  0.7354 0.60557  
Eb                 20 682307   34115                  
Signif. codes:  0***0.001**0.01*0.05.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

[1] "CV(a): 8.063 , CV(b) : 3.677"

[1] "R Square 0.601"


	Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  model$residuals
W = 0.94087, p-value = 0.05406

[1] "Normality assumption is not violated"

[1] "All the main plot factor level means are same so dont go for any multiple comparison test"

   MSerror Df     Mean       CV  t.value      LSD
  164087.9  2 5023.611 8.063474 4.302653 580.9694

  dependent.var groups
1      5025.889      a
2      5021.333      a

[1] "The means of one or more levels of sub plot factor are not same, so go for multiple comparison test"

   MSerror Df     Mean       CV  t.value      LSD
  34115.36 20 5023.611 3.676707 2.085963 222.4442

  dependent.var groups
6      5154.333      a
5      5075.833      a
4      5070.000      a
3      5053.833      a
2      5013.167      a
1      4774.500      b

[1] "All the interaction level means are same so dont go for any multiple comparison test"

   MSerror Df     Mean       CV  t.value      LSD
  34115.36 20 5023.611 3.676707 2.085963 314.5836

    dependent.var groups
2:6      5173.333      a
1:6      5135.333      a
2:5      5095.000      a
2:3      5074.333      a
1:4      5070.000      a
2:4      5070.000      a
2:2      5069.667      a
1:5      5056.667      a
1:3      5033.333      a
1:2      4956.667     ab
1:1      4903.333     ab
2:1      4645.667      b

Analysis of Variance Table

Response: dependent.var
                   Df  Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
block               2 3022.06 1511.03  6.7149 0.1296
main.plot           1    0.03    0.03  0.0001 0.9921
Ea                  2  450.06  225.03               
sub.plot            5 1167.14  233.43  1.7106 0.1782
main.plot:sub.plot  5  292.47   58.49  0.4287 0.8232
Eb                 20 2729.22  136.46               

[1] "CV(a): 13.104 , CV(b) : 10.205"

[1] "R Square 0.644"


	Shapiro-Wilk normality test

data:  model$residuals
W = 0.96789, p-value = 0.3707

[1] "Normality assumption is not violated"

[1] "All the main plot factor level means are same so dont go for any multiple comparison test"

   MSerror Df     Mean       CV  t.value      LSD
  225.0278  2 114.4722 13.10442 4.302653 21.51459

  dependent.var groups
2      114.5000      a
1      114.4444      a

[1] "All the sub plot factor factor level means are same so dont go for any multiple comparison test"

   MSerror Df     Mean      CV  t.value      LSD
  136.4611 20 114.4722 10.2048 2.085963 14.06859

  dependent.var groups
6      122.8333      a
5      121.6667     ab
1      112.5000     ab
2      112.1667     ab
4      109.0000     ab
3      108.6667      b

[1] "All the interaction level means are same so dont go for any multiple comparison test"

   MSerror Df     Mean      CV  t.value      LSD
  136.4611 20 114.4722 10.2048 2.085963 19.89599

    dependent.var groups
2:6      123.6667      a
1:5      123.0000      a
1:6      122.0000      a
2:5      120.3333      a
2:2      118.0000      a
1:1      115.6667      a
1:3      110.0000      a
1:4      109.6667      a
2:1      109.3333      a
2:4      108.3333      a
2:3      107.3333      a
1:2      106.3333      a

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