
Defines functions domino.call domino.handleCommandNotFound domino.osSpecificPrefixOfDominoCommand domino.notFalse domino.OK domino.projectNameWithoutUser domino.jumpToProjectsWorkingDirectory .is.domino.in.path .open.rStudio.login.prompt .domino.login.prompt .onAttach

# Environment(package global) variable holding infomation about domino client
# If this gets assigned with true, the commands will be tried to run from default installation path
domino <- new.env()

#Calls a program with or without stdin
domino.call <- function(cmd, stdInput=FALSE) {
    return(system(cmd, input=stdInput))
  } else {

domino.handleCommandNotFound = function(failureMessage){
  stop(paste("Couldn't find domino client in the PATH or in default locations.
  Add domino client directory path to PATH environment variable.
  If you don't have domino client installed follow instructions on 'http://help.dominodatalab.com/client'.
  If you use R-Studio Domino on GNU/Linux through a desktop launcher, add domino path to the .desktop file.

  If you need more help, email support@dominodatalab.com or visit http://help.dominodatalab.com/troubleshooting

  - ", failureMessage), call.=FALSE)

domino.osSpecificPrefixOfDominoCommand <- function() {
  os = Sys.info()["sysname"]
  if(os == "Darwin") {return("/Applications/domino/")}
  else if (os =="Linux") {return("~/domino/")}
  else if (os == "Windows") {return("c:\\program files (x86)\\domino\\")}
  else { print("Your operating system is not supported by domino R package.")}

domino.notFalse <- function(arg) {
  if (arg == FALSE){FALSE} else { TRUE}

domino.OK <- function(){return(0)}

domino.projectNameWithoutUser <- function(projectName) {
  rev(unlist(strsplit(projectName, "/")))[1]

domino.jumpToProjectsWorkingDirectory <- function(projectName) {
  setwd(paste("./",domino.projectNameWithoutUser(projectName), sep=""))
  print("Changed working directory to new project's directory.")

.is.domino.in.path <- function() {

.open.rStudio.login.prompt <- function(message){
  if(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO") != "1"){
    stop("The system is not running in RStudio")

  if(!("tools:rstudio" %in% search())){
    stop("Cannot locate RStudio tools")

  toolsEnv <- as.environment("tools:rstudio")
  rStudioLoginPrompt <- get(".rs.askForPassword", envir=toolsEnv)


.domino.login.prompt <- function(){
  passwordPromptMessage <- "Enter your Domino password: "

  # if not in rstudio env or the prompt function is not found,
  # the function will fail => fallback to readLine
  password <- try(.open.rStudio.login.prompt(passwordPromptMessage), silent=T)

  if(inherits(password, "try-error")){
    password <- readline("Enter your Domino password: ")

  if(password == ""){
    password <- NULL


.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
  domino$command_is_in_the_path <- .is.domino.in.path()

Try the domino package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

domino documentation built on May 2, 2019, 10:16 a.m.