
Defines functions as.list.rule list2rules print.rule rule

Documented in as.list.rule list2rules rule

#' Create rule based on mappings
#' @param ... Mapping pairs, the argument name is the transformed while
#' its values are original values.
#' @param .lst (`list`) of mapping.
#' @param .string_as_fct (`flag`) whether to convert characters to factors.
#' @param .na_last (`flag`)  whether the level replacing `NA` should be last.
#' @param .drop (`flag`) whether to drop empty levels.
#' @param .to_NA (`character`) values that should be converted to `NA`. Set to `NULL` if nothing should be converted to
#'   `NA`.
#' @returns a `rule` object.
#' @note Conversion to `NA` is the last step of the remapping process.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' rule("X" = "x", "Y" = c("y", "z"))
#' rule("X" = "x", "Y" = c("y", "z"), .drop = TRUE, .to_NA = c("a", "b"), .na_last = FALSE)
rule <- function(..., .lst = list(...), .string_as_fct = TRUE, .na_last = TRUE, .drop = FALSE, .to_NA = "") {
  checkmate::assert_character(.to_NA, null.ok = TRUE, any.missing = FALSE)

  .lst[is.na(.lst)] <- NA_character_
  if (!checkmate::test_list(.lst, types = c("character"))) {
    rlang::abort("Value mapping may only contain the type: {character}")
  vals <- as.character(unlist(.lst, use.names = FALSE))
  checkmate::assert_character(vals, unique = TRUE)
  nms <- unlist(lapply(seq_len(length(.lst)), function(x) {
    rep(names(.lst)[x], length(.lst[[x]]))

  res <- structure(
    setNames(vals, nms),
    class = c("rule", "character"),
    .string_as_fct = .string_as_fct,
    .na_last = .na_last,
    .drop = .drop,
    .to_NA = .to_NA


#' @export
print.rule <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Mapping of:\n")
  nms <- names(x)
  if (length(x) == 0) {
    cat("Empty mapping.\n")
  } else {
    for (i in seq_len(length(x))) {
      cat(nms[i], " <- ", if (length(x[[i]]) > 1) sprintf("[%s]", toString(x[[i]])) else x[[i]], "\n")
  .to_NA <- attr(x, ".to_NA")
  if (!is.null(.to_NA)) cat("NA <- ", toString(.to_NA), "\n")
  cat("Convert to factor:", attr(x, ".string_as_fct"), "\n")
  cat("Drop unused level:", attr(x, ".drop"), "\n")
  cat("NA-replacing level in last position:", attr(x, ".na_last"), "\n")

#' Convert nested list into list of `rule`
#' @param obj (`nested list`) to convert into list of rules.
#' @returns a `list` of `rule` objects.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' obj <- list(
#'   rule1 = list("X" = c("a", "b"), "Z" = "c", .to_NA = "xxxx"),
#'   rule2 = list(Missing = c(NA, "")),
#'   rule3 = list(Missing = c(NA, ""), .drop = TRUE),
#'   rule4 = list(Absent = c(NA, ""), .drop = TRUE, .to_NA = "yyyy")
#' )
#' list2rules(obj)
list2rules <- function(obj) {
  coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assert_list(obj, types = "list", add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_names(names(obj), type = "unique", add = coll)

  lapply(obj, function(x) {
    do.call("rule", x)

#' Convert Rule to List
#' @param x (`rule`) to convert.
#' @param ... not used.
#' @returns an object of class `list`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- rule("a" = c("a", "b"), "X" = "x", .to_NA = c("v", "w"))
#' as.list(x)
as.list.rule <- function(x, ...) {
  nms <- names(x)
  unames <- unique(nms)
  res <- lapply(unames, function(i) {
    unname(x[nms == i])

  att <- attributes(x)
  arg <- att[!names(att) %in% c("names", "class")]

  res <- c(res, unname(arg))
  unames <- c(unames, names(arg))

  r_list <- setNames(res, unames)

  # Explicitly declare .to_NA value, even if NULL.
  .to_NA <- r_list[[".to_NA"]]
  if (is.null(.to_NA)) {
    r_list[".to_NA"] <- list(NULL)


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dunlin documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:53 a.m.