
Defines functions change_input_file

Documented in change_input_file

#' Change parameter value of input files to DYRESM_CAEDYM model.
#' @param input_file vector of input format, such as "par","cfg".
#' @param row_no the number of row where the variable of interest is in the
#'  input file.
#' @param new_value the new value that will be assigned to the variable
#'  of interest.
#' @return updated input_file with a new value to a parameter.
#' @export

  # 1. read in input file.
  par_data <- readLines(paste0(input_file))

  #2. remove all proceeding whitespace in the line of interest.
  extract_val <- unlist(strsplit(par_data[row_no], split = " "))
  extract_val <- delete_space(extract_val)

  # 3. replace old value with new value, and update the input file.
  par_data[row_no] <- paste(new_value,paste0(extract_val[-1],collapse = " "))
  writeLines(par_data, input_file)

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dycdtools documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:40 p.m.