printex: The printex Method

printexR Documentation

The printex Method


The printex Method


printex(object, ParameterAs, printDyn = TRUE, printMeas = TRUE,
  printInit = FALSE, printRS = FALSE, outFile, show, ...)



The dynr object (recipe, model, or cooked model).


The parameter values or names to plot. The underscores in parameter names are saved for use of subscripts. Greek letters can be specified as corresponding LaTeX symbols without ##' backslashes (e.g., "lambda") and printed as greek letters.


logical. Whether or not to print the dynamic model. The default is TRUE.


logical. Whether or not to print the measurement model. The default is TRUE.


logical. Whether or not to print the initial conditions. The default is FALSE.


logical. Whether or not to print the regime-switching model. The default is FALSE.


The name of the output tex file.


logical indicator of whether or not to show the result in the console.


Further named arguments, passed to internal method. AsMatrix is a logical indicator of whether to put the object in matrix form.


This is a general way of getting a LaTeX string for recipes, models, and cooked models. It is a great way to check that you specified the model or recipe you think you did before estimating its free parameters (cooking). After the model is cooked, you can use it to get LaTeX code with the estimated parameters in it.

Typical inputs to the ParameterAs argument are (1) the starting values for a model, (2) the final estimated values for a model, and (3) the parameter names. These are accessible with (1) model$xstart, (2) coef(cook), and (3) model$param.names or names(coef(cook)), respectively.


character text suitable for use fiel LaTeX

See Also

A way to put this in a plot with plotFormula

dynr documentation built on Oct. 17, 2022, 9:06 a.m.