bayesCoxMcmc: Get the MCMC Samples from 'bayesCox'

View source: R/bayesCoxMcmc.R

bayesCoxMcmcR Documentation

Get the MCMC Samples from bayesCox


Returns the MCMC samples produced by bayesCox into data frames.


bayesCoxMcmc(object, parts = c("h0", "coef"), ...)



A bayesCox object


A character vector specifying the parts to be exacted from the MCMC output text file produced by bayesCox. One or more following options can be specified: "h0" for baseline hazard function, "coef" for covariate coefficients, "nu" for sampled latent variance of coefficients, "jump" for indicators of jumps, and "all" for all of the above. The default value is c("h0", "beta").


Other arguments that are not used now.

dynsurv documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:32 p.m.