Man pages for easyanova
Analysis of Variance and Other Important Complementary Analyses

data1data1: Kaps and Lamberson(2009): page 252
data10data10: Kaps and Lamberson (2009): page 395
data11data11: Pimentel Gomes and Garcia (2002): page 199
data12data12: Pimentel Gomes and Garcia (2002): page 202
data13data13: Cruz and Carneiro (2006): page 575
data14data14: Sampaio (2009): page173
data15data15: Pimentel Gomes and Garcia (2002): page 211
data16data16: Sampaio (2010): page164
data17data17: Sanders and Gaynor (1987)
data18data18: Ramalho et al. (2005): page 115
data19data19: Sampaio (2010): page 155
data2data2: Kaps and Lamberson (2009): page 313: randomizad block...
data3data3: Kaps and Lamberson (2009): page 347
data4data4: Kaps and Lamberson (2009): page 349
data5data5: Kaps and Lamberson (2009): page 361
data6data6: Pimentel Gomes and Garcia (2002): page 127
data7data7: Kaps and Lamberson (2009): page 409
data8data8: Kaps and Lamberson (2009): page 386
data9data9: Sampaio (2010): page 67
ea1Analysis of variance in simple designs
ea2Analysis of variance in factorial and split plot
easyanova-packageAnalysis of Variance and Other Important Complementary...
ecEasy contrast
easyanova documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 5:12 p.m.