
ecospat.co_occurrences <- function (data)

## Co-occurrences 2m ##

#This part calculate the matrix P1 of co-occurrence realized on co-occurrences possible
#at a resolution of 2 meters for each pair of species. These results are also put in
#a vector L1, where each comparison is only kept once.

P1_n_occ = t(as.matrix(data[,-(1:4)]))%*%as.matrix(data[,-(1:4)])
Tot1_sp = apply(data[,-(1:4)],MARGIN=2,sum)
Min1_n = outer(Tot1_sp, Tot1_sp,FUN=pmin)
P1_n = P1_n_occ / Min1_n

#This part reunite in columns all the values of co-occurrences relative to each
#species. Hence, one comparison between two pairs of species occur in two columns.

L1_n = P1_n[lower.tri(P1_n)]
Sp1_n = rep(1:(Nsp1-1),times=((Nsp1-1):1))
Sp2_n = t(outer(1:Nsp1,1:Nsp1,FUN="pmax"))[lower.tri(t(outer(1:Nsp1,1:Nsp1,FUN="pmax")))]
#Sumdata_n = data.frame(cbind(Sp1_n,Sp2_n,L1_n))

#This part below reunite in columns all the values of co-occurrences relative to each
#species. There is one column by species. Hence, one comparison between two pairs of
#species occur in two columns.

CoobySp1_n = matrix(data=0, nrow=Nsp1-1, ncol=Nsp1)
CoobySp1_n[lower.tri(CoobySp1_n,diag = TRUE)]=P1_n[lower.tri(P1_n)]

return (P1_n)

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ecospat documentation built on July 4, 2024, 5:06 p.m.