
Defines functions plot_idle_time

plot_idle_time <- function(x, ...) {

	mapping <- attr(x, "mapping")
	level <- attr(x, "level")
	units <- attr(x, "units")

	y_lab <- glue("Idle time (in {units})")

	if(level == "log") {
		attr(x, "raw") %>%
			ggplot(aes("", idle_time)) +
			geom_boxplot() +
			scale_y_continuous() +
			theme_light() +
			coord_flip() +
			labs(x = "", y = y_lab) -> p
	else if(level == "case") {
		x %>%
			ggplot(aes_string(glue("reorder({mapping$case_id}, idle_time)"), "idle_time")) +
			geom_col(aes(fill = as.numeric(idle_time))) +
			scale_fill_continuous_tableau(name = y_lab, palette = "Blue") +
			theme_light() +
			scale_y_continuous() +
			theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) +
			labs(x = "Cases", y = y_lab) -> p
	else if(level == "trace") {
		stop("No plot availabe at this level")
	else if(level == "resource") {
		x %>%
			ggplot(aes_string(glue("reorder({mapping$resource_id}, idle_time)"), "idle_time")) +
			geom_col(aes(fill = as.numeric(idle_time))) +
			scale_fill_continuous_tableau(name = y_lab, palette = "Blue") +
			scale_y_continuous() +
			coord_flip() +
			theme_light() +
			labs(x = "Resources",y = y_lab) -> p

	if(!is.null(mapping$groups)) {
		p <-	p + facet_grid(as.formula(paste(c(paste(mapping$groups, collapse = "+"), "~." ), collapse = "")), scales = "free_y")


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edeaR documentation built on April 27, 2023, 9:07 a.m.