Man pages for eha
Event History Analysis

aftregAccelerated Failure Time Regression
aftreg.fitParametric proportional hazards regression
age.windowAge cut of survival data
cal.windowCalendar time cut of survival data
check.distGraphical goodness-of-fit test
check.survCheck the integrity of survival data.
childChild mortality, SkellefteƄ, Sweeden 1850-1900.
compHazGraphical comparison of cumulative hazards
coxfunkLoglihood function (partial likelihood) of a Cox regression
coxregCox regression
coxreg2Cox regression
coxreg.fitCox regression
croCreates a minimal representation of a data frame.
eha-packageeha: Event History Analysis
EVThe EV Distribution
fertMarital fertility nineteenth century
frail.fitFrailty experiment
geome.fitConstant intensity discrete time proportional hazards
GompertzThe Gompertz Distribution
hazardsGet baseline hazards atoms from fits from
HiscoHisclassHISCO to HISCLASS transformation
import_strata'strata' function imported from 'survival'
import_Surv'Surv' function imported from 'survival'
infantsInfant mortality and maternal death, Sweeden 1821-1894.
join.spellsStraighten up a survival data frame
LoglogisticThe Loglogistic Distribution
LognormalThe Lognormal Distribution
logrankThe Log-rank test
logryeRye prices, Scania, southern Sweden, 1801-1894.
ltxLaTeX printing of regression results.
ltx2LaTeX alternative printing of regression results.
make.communalPut communals in "fixed" data frame
makehamThe Gompertz-Makeham Distribution
male.mortalityMale mortality in ages 40-60, nineteenth century
mlregML proportional hazards regression
mortMale mortality in ages 40-60, nineteenth century
oeCreate an oe object
oldmortOld age mortality, Sundsvall, Sweden, 1860-1880.
PchThe Piecewise Constant Hazards distribution.
pchregPiecewise Constant Proportional Hazards Regression
perstatPeriod statistics
phfuncLoglihood function of a proportional hazards regression
phregParametric Proportional Hazards Regression
phreg.fitParametric proportional hazards regression
piecewisePiecewise hazards
plot.aftregPlots output from an AFT regression
plot.coxregPlot method for 'coxreg' objects
plotHazGraphical comparing of cumulative hazards
plot.hazdataPlots of hazdata objects.
plot.logrankPlots of hazdata objects.
plot.phregPlots output from a phreg regression
plot.tpchregPlots output from a tpchreg regression
plot.weibregPlots output from a Weibull regression
print.aftregPrints aftreg objects
print.coxregPrints coxreg objects
print.logrankPrints logrank objects
print.phregPrints phreg objects
print.risksetsPrints a summary of the content of a set of risk sets.
print.summary.aftregPrints summary.aftreg objects
print.summary.coxregPrints summary.coxreg objects
print.summary.phregPrints summary.phreg objects
print.summary.tpchregPrints summary.tpchreg objects
print.tpchregPrints tpchreg objects
print.weibregPrints weibreg objects
regtableRetrieves regression tables
risksetsFinds the compositions and sizes of risk sets
scaniaOld age mortality, Scania, southern Sweden, 1813-1894.
summary.aftregPrints aftreg objects
summary.coxregA summary of coxreg objects.
summary.phregA summary of phreg objects.
summary.tpchregSummary for tpchreg objects
summary.weibregPrints a weibreg object
SurvSplitSplit a survival object at specified durations.
swedeathsSwedish death data, 1969-2020.
swepopSwedish population data, 1969-2020.
table.eventsCalculating failure times, risk set sizes and No. of events...
toBinaryTransforms a "survival" data frame into a data frame suitable...
toDateConvert time in years since "0000-01-01" to a date.
toTimeCalculate duration in years from "0000-01-01" to a given date
toTpchTransform survival data to tabular form
tpchregProportional hazards regression with piecewise constant...
weibregWeibull Regression
weibreg.fitWeibull regression
WeibullThe (Cumulative) Hazard Function of a Weibull Distribution
wfunkLoglihood function of a Weibull regression
eha documentation built on Oct. 7, 2024, 1:17 a.m.