Man pages for electionsBR
R Functions to Download and Clean Brazilian Electoral Data

candidateDownload data on the candidates' backgrounds in federal...
candidate_fedDownload data on the candidates' background in local...
candidate_localDownload data on the candidates' background in local...
details_mun_zoneDownload data on the verification of federal elections in...
details_mun_zone_fedDownload data on the verification of federal elections in...
details_mun_zone_localDownload data on the verification of local elections in...
electionsBR-packageR functions to download and clean Brazilian electoral Data
elections_cepespRetrieve electoral data from the cepesp API.
elections_rdaDownload data on the candidates' background in local...
elections_tseFunction for downloading electoral data from the TSE...
legend_fedDownload data on federal election coalitions in Brazil
legend_localDownload data on local election coalitions in Brazil
legendsDownload data on federal election coalitions in Brazil
parties_brReturns a vector with the abbreviations of all Brazilian...
party_mun_zoneDownload data on the polls by parties from federal elections...
party_mun_zone_fedDownload data on the polls by parties from federal elections...
party_mun_zone_localDownload data on the polls by parties from local elections in...
personal_financesDownload data on federal candidates' personal financial...
personal_finances_fedDownload data on federal candidates' personal financial...
personal_finances_localDownload data on local candidates' personal financial...
pipePipe operator
seatsDownload data on the number of seats under dispute in federal...
seats_fedDownload data on the number of seats under dispute in federal...
seats_localDownload data on the number of seats under dispute in local...
social_mediaDownload data on the candidates' social media links in...
uf_brReturns a vector with the abbreviations of all Brazilian...
vote_mun_zoneDownload data on candidate electoral results in federal...
vote_mun_zone_fedDownload data on candidate electoral results in federal...
vote_mun_zone_localDownload data on candidate electoral results in local...
voter_profileDownload data on the voters' profile
voter_profile_by_sectionDownload data on the voters' profile by vote section
vote_sectionDownload data on candidate electoral results in federal...
vote_section_fedDownload data on candidate electoral results in federal...
vote_section_localDownload data on candidate electoral results in local...
electionsBR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:16 a.m.