
setClassUnion("matrixORnumeric", c("matrix", "numeric"))
setClassUnion("functionORNULL",members=c("function", "NULL"))
setClassUnion("listORNULL",members=c("list", "NULL"))
setClassUnion("matrixORnumericORfunction", c("matrix", "numeric", "function"))
setClassUnion("matrixORnumericORfunctionORNULL", c("matrix", "numeric", "function", "NULL"))

#' An S4 class to represent an exponential marked Hawkes model
#' This class represents a specification of a marked Hawkes model with exponential kernel.
#' The intensity of the ground process is defined by:
#' \deqn{\lambda(t) = \mu + \int_{(-\infty,t)\times E} ( \alpha + g(u, z) )  e^{-\beta (t-u)} M(du \times dz).}
#' For more details, please see the vignettes.
#' \eqn{\mu} is base intensity.
#' This is generally a constant vector but can be extended to stochastic processes.
#' Currently, piecewise constant mu is also possible. mu is left continuous.
#' \eqn{\alpha} is a constant matrix which represents impacts on intensities after events.
#' It is represented by slot \code{alpha}.
#' \eqn{g} is for non-constant parts of the impact.
#' It may depend on any information generated by \eqn{N}, \eqn{\lambda}, \eqn{z} and so on.
#' It is represented by slot \code{impact}.
#' \eqn{\beta} is a constant matrix for exponential decay rates.
#' It is represented by slot \code{beta}.
#' \eqn{z} is mark and represented by slot \code{rmark}.
#' \code{mu}, \code{alpha} and \code{beta} are required slots for every exponential Hawkes model.
#' \code{rmark} and \code{impact} are additional slots.
#' @slot mu Numeric value or matrix or function, if numeric, automatically converted to matrix.
#' @slot alpha Numeric value or matrix or function, if numeric, automatically converted to matrix, exciting term.
#' @slot beta Numeric value or matrix or function, if numeric, automatically converted to matrix, exponential decay.
#' @slot eta Numeric value or matrix or function, if numeric, automatically converted to matrix, impact by additional mark.
#' @slot dimens Dimension of the model.
#' @slot rmark A function that generates mark for counting process, for simulation.
#' @slot dmark A density function for mark, for estimation.
#' @slot impact A function that describe the after impact of mark to lambda whose first argument is always `param`.
#' @slot type_col_map Mapping between type and column number of kernel used for multi-kernel model.
#' @examples
#' MU <- matrix(c(0.2), nrow = 2)
#' ALPHA <- matrix(c(0.75, 0.92, 0.92, 0.75), nrow = 2, byrow=TRUE)
#' BETA <- matrix(c(2.25, 2.25, 2.25, 2.25), nrow = 2, byrow=TRUE)
#' mhspec2 <- new("hspec", mu=MU, alpha=ALPHA, beta=BETA)
#' mhspec2
#' @export
  slots = list(
    mu = "matrixORnumericORfunction",
    alpha = "matrixORnumericORfunction",
    beta = "matrixORnumericORfunction",
    eta = "matrixORnumericORfunctionORNULL",
    dimens = "numeric",
    rmark = "functionORNULL",
    dmark = "functionORNULL",
    impact = "functionORNULL",
    type_col_map = "listORNULL"

# Initialize the hspec object
# \code{mu}, \code{alpha} and \code{beta} are required slots for every exponential Hawkes model.
# \code{mark} and \code{impact} are additional slots.
# @param .Object \code{hspec}
# @param mu Numeric value or matrix or function, if numeric, automatically converted to matrix.
# @param alpha numeric value or matrix or function, if numeric, automatically converted to matrix, exciting term
# @param beta numeric value or matrix or function, if numeric,, automatically converted to matrix, exponential decay
# @param dimens dimesion of the model
# @param rmark a function that generate mark
# @param impact a function that describe the mark impact whose first argument is always `param`
# @param stability_check check the spectral radius
  function(.Object, mu, alpha, beta, eta=NULL, impact=NULL, type_col_map = NULL, dimens=NULL,
           rmark=NULL, dmark = NULL, stability_check = FALSE){

    # If rmark is not provided, then rmark is constant 1.
    # if (is.null(rmark)) rmark <- function(...) 1

    # check the number of arguments
    # if(length(formals(rmark)) == 0){
    #  .Object@rmark <- function(...) rmark()
    #} else {
    #  .Object@rmark <- rmark

    .Object@rmark <- rmark

    if( !is.function(mu) & !is.matrix(mu) ){
      .Object@mu <- as.matrix(mu)
    } else{
      .Object@mu <- mu
    if( !is.function(alpha) & !is.matrix(alpha) ){
      .Object@alpha <- as.matrix(alpha)
    } else{
      .Object@alpha <- alpha
    if( !is.function(beta) & !is.matrix(beta) ){
      .Object@beta <-  as.matrix(beta)
    } else {
      .Object@beta <- beta
    if( !is.null(eta) & !is.function(eta) & !is.matrix(eta) ){
      .Object@eta <-  as.matrix(eta)
    } else {
      .Object@eta <- eta

    .Object@type_col_map <- type_col_map

    .Object@dmark <- dmark
    .Object@impact <- impact

    nrow_mu <- ncol_mu <- NULL

    if( is.matrix(.Object@mu) ) {

      nrow_mu <- nrow(.Object@mu)
      ncol_mu <- ncol(.Object@mu)

      if (ncol_mu != 1) stop("The number of column in mu should be one.")

    } else if( is.function(.Object@mu) && length(formals(.Object@mu)) == 1 && names(formals(.Object@mu)[1]) == "param"){

      nrow_mu <- nrow(evalf(.Object@mu))
      ncol_mu <- ncol(evalf(.Object@mu))

      if (ncol_mu != 1) stop("The number of column in mu should be one.")


    nrow_alpha <- ncol_alpha <- nrow_beta <- ncol_beta <- nrow_eta <- ncol_eta <- NULL

    if ( is.matrix(.Object@alpha) ) {

      nrow_alpha <- nrow(.Object@alpha)
      ncol_alpha <- ncol(.Object@alpha)

    } else if( is.function(.Object@alpha) && length(formals(.Object@alpha)) == 1 && names(formals(.Object@alpha)[1]) == "param"){

      nrow_alpha <- nrow(evalf(.Object@alpha))
      ncol_alpha <- ncol(evalf(.Object@alpha))


    if ( is.matrix(.Object@beta) ) {

      nrow_beta <- nrow(.Object@beta)
      ncol_beta <- ncol(.Object@beta)

    }  else if( is.function(.Object@beta) && length(formals(.Object@beta)) == 1 && names(formals(.Object@beta)[1]) == "param"){

      nrow_beta <- nrow(evalf(.Object@beta))
      ncol_beta <- ncol(evalf(.Object@beta))


    if (!is.null(.Object@eta)){

        nrow_eta <- nrow(.Object@eta)
        ncol_eta <- ncol(.Object@eta)

      } else if (is.function(.Object@eta) &&length(formals(.Object@eta)) == 1 && names(formals(.Object@eta)[1]) == "param"){

        nrow_eta <- nrow(evalf(.Object@eta))
        ncol_eta <- ncol(evalf(.Object@eta))



    if(is.null(dimens) & is.null(nrow_mu) & is.null(nrow_alpha) & is.null(nrow_beta) & is.null(nrow_eta)) {
      stop("dimens should be provided in this model.")

    if (length(unique(c(dimens, nrow_mu, nrow_alpha, nrow_beta, nrow_eta)))==1) {

      .Object@dimens <- unique(c(dimens, nrow_mu, nrow_alpha, nrow_beta, nrow_eta))

    } else {

      stop("The number of rows in parameters and given dimens are all should be the same.")


    if (length(unique(c(ncol_alpha, ncol_beta, ncol_eta))) != 1) {
      stop("The number of columns in alpha, beta, eta are all should be the same.")

    if (ncol_alpha > .Object@dimens & is.null(.Object@type_col_map)) {
      stop("type_col_map should be provided for this model as the number of columns in parameters exceed the dimens")

    # set dimens
    # if( is.null(dimens)){
    #   if( is.matrix(.Object@mu) ){
    #     .Object@dimens <- length(.Object@mu)
    #   } else if ( is.matrix(.Object@alpha) ) {
    #     .Object@dimens <- nrow(.Object@alpha)
    #   } else if ( is.matrix(.Object@beta) ) {
    #     .Object@dimens <- nrow(.Object@beta)
    #   } else if ( is.function(.Object@mu) ){
    #     .Object@dimens <- nrow(evalf(.Object@mu))
    #   } else if ( is.function(.Object@alpha) ){
    #     .Object@dimens <- nrow(evalf(.Object@alpha))
    #   } else if (is.function(.Object@beta) ){
    #     .Object@dimens <- nrow(evalf(.Object@beta))
    #   } else {
    #     stop("argument \"dimens\" is missing, with no default")
    #   }
    # }

    # Check spectral radius, only works for non marked model
    if ( stability_check==TRUE && max(abs(eigen(alpha/beta)$values)) > 1)
      warning("This model may not satisfy the stability condition.")




setMethod("show", "hspec", function(object) {

  cat("An object of class \"hsepc\" of ", object@dimens, "-dimensional Hawkes process",  "\n\n", sep='')

    cat("Slot mu: \n")

    cat("Slot alpha: \n")

    cat("Slot beta: \n")

    cat("Slot eta: \n")

    cat("Slot impact: \n")

    cat("Slot type_col_map: \n")

    cat("Slot rmark: \n")

    cat("Slot dmark: \n")


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emhawkes documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 9:02 p.m.