SCOR formatted file into R in multiple formats INPUT = file...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) References

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Read in network model data files that are in the SCOR format (REFERENCE).


1, from.file = TRUE, warn = FALSE)



File path or plain text.


States whether the file argument input should be treated as a file path (TRUE) or plain text (FALSE).


Turn on (TRUE) or off (FALSE) warnings.


The SCOR file must be formatted properly. In particular, the number of nodes on the second line must have the first three characters dedicated to the total number of nodes and the next three characters should contain the number of living nodes. That is, the second line of the file should be formatted as 'xxxyyy' where x and y are the characters for the total number of nodes and the number of living nodes, respectively. Thus, if the total number of nodes is 10 and the number of living nodes is 1, then the second line should read, " 10 1."


Returns the network model in one of several formats. The default format is a network object used by the statnet package (type="network"). Three other options are the network environ analysis format (type="nea") as defined by (Fath and Borrett 2006), a list format (type="list") and an edge list (type="edge.list").


Matthew K. Lau Stuart R. Borrett


Ulanowicz, R.E. and J.J. Kay. 1991. A package for the analysis of ecosystem flow networks. Environmental Software 6:131-142.

Fath, B. D., Borrett, S. R. 2006. A Matlab function for Network Environ Analysis. Environ. Model. Softw. 21, 375-405.

enaR documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:54 p.m.