epi.epidural: Rates of use of epidural anaesthesia in trials of caregiver...

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Rates of use of epidural anaesthesia in trials of caregiver support


This data set provides results of six trials investigating rates of use of epidural anaesthesia during childbirth. Each trial is made up of a group where a caregiver (midwife, nurse) provided support intervention and a group where standard care was provided. The objective was to determine if there were higher rates of epidural use when a caregiver was present at birth.




A data frame with 6 observations on the following 5 variables.


the name and year of the trial.


number of births in the caregiver group where an epidural was used.


number of births in the caregiver group.


number of births in the standard care group where an epidural was used.


number of births in the standard care group.


Deeks JJ, Altman DG, Bradburn MJ (2001). Statistical methods for examining heterogeneity and combining results from several studies in meta-analysis. In: Egger M, Davey Smith G, Altman D (eds). Systematic Review in Health Care Meta-Analysis in Context. British Medical Journal, London, pp. 291 - 299.

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