
Defines functions add_weights_cluster

Documented in add_weights_cluster

#' Add a column of cluster survey weights to a data frame.
#' For use in surveys where you took a sample population out of a larger
#' source population, with a cluster survey design.
#' Will multiply the inverse chances of a cluster being selected, a household
#' being selected within a cluster, and an individual being selected within a
#' household.
#' As follows:
#' ```
#' ((clusters available) / (clusters surveyed)) *
#' ((households in each cluster) / (households surveyed in each cluster)) *
#' ((individuals eligible in each household) / (individuals interviewed))
#' ```
#' In the case where both ignore_cluster and ignore_household are TRUE, this
#' will simply be:
#' ```
#' 1 * 1 * (individuals eligible in each household) / (individuals interviewed)
#' ```
#' @param x a data frame of survey data
#' @param cl a data frame containing a list of clusters and the number of
#'   households in each.
#' @param eligible the column in `x` which specifies the number of people
#'   eligible for being interviewed in that household. (e.g. the total number of
#'   children)
#' @param interviewed the column in `x` which specifies the number of people
#'   actually interviewed in that household.
#' @param cluster_cl the column in `cl` that lists all possible clusters.
#'   Ignored if `ignore_cluster` is TRUE.
#' @param cluster_x the column in `x` that indicates which cluster rows belong
#'   to. Ignored if `ignore_cluster` is TRUE.
#' @param household_cl the column in `cl` that lists the number of households
#'   per cluster.  Ignored if `ignore_household` is TRUE.
#' @param household_x the column in `x` that indicates a unique household
#'   identifier. Ignored if `ignore_household` is TRUE.
#' @param ignore_cluster If TRUE (default), set the weight for clusters to be 1.
#'   This assumes that your sample was taken in a way which is a close
#'   approximation of a simple random sample. Ignores inputs from `cluster_cl`
#'   as well as `cluster_x`.
#' @param ignore_household If TRUE (default), set the weight for households to
#'   be 1. This assumes that your sample of households was takenin a way which
#'   is a close approximation of a simple random sample. Ignores inputs from
#'   `household_cl` and `household_x`.
#' @param surv_weight the name of the new column to store the weights. Defaults
#'   to "surv_weight".
#' @param surv_weight_ID the name of the new ID column to be created. Defaults
#'   to "surv_weight_ID"
#' @author Alex Spina, Zhian N. Kamvar, Lukas Richter
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # define a fake dataset of survey data
#' # including household and individual information
#' x <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
#'          cluster = c("Village A", "Village A", "Village A", "Village A",
#'                      "Village A", "Village B", "Village B", "Village B"),
#'     household_id = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2),
#'       eligible_n = c(6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 3, 3, 3),
#'       surveyed_n = c(4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3, 3),
#'    individual_id = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 1, 2, 3),
#'          age_grp = c("0-10", "20-30", "30-40", "50-60", "50-60", "20-30",
#'                      "50-60", "30-40"),
#'              sex = c("Male", "Female", "Male", "Female", "Female", "Male",
#'                      "Female", "Female"),
#'          outcome = c("Y", "Y", "N", "N", "N", "N", "N", "Y")
#' )
#' # define a fake dataset of cluster listings
#' # including cluster names and number of households
#' cl <- tibble::tribble(
#'      ~cluster, ~n_houses,
#'   "Village A",        23,
#'   "Village B",        42,
#'   "Village C",        56,
#'   "Village D",        38
#' )
#' # add weights to a cluster sample
#' # include weights for cluster, household and individual levels
#' add_weights_cluster(x, cl = cl,
#'                     eligible = eligible_n,
#'                     interviewed = surveyed_n,
#'                     cluster_cl = cluster, household_cl = n_houses,
#'                     cluster_x = cluster,  household_x = household_id,
#'                     ignore_cluster = FALSE, ignore_household = FALSE)
#' # add weights to a cluster sample
#' # ignore weights for cluster and household level (set equal to 1)
#' # only include weights at individual level
#' add_weights_cluster(x, cl = cl,
#'                     eligible = eligible_n,
#'                     interviewed = surveyed_n,
#'                     cluster_cl = cluster, household_cl = n_houses,
#'                     cluster_x = cluster,  household_x = household_id,
#'                     ignore_cluster = TRUE, ignore_household = TRUE)
add_weights_cluster <- function(x, cl,
                                eligible, interviewed,
                                cluster_x = NULL, cluster_cl = NULL,
                                household_x = NULL, household_cl = NULL,
                                ignore_cluster = TRUE, ignore_household = TRUE,
                                surv_weight = "surv_weight",
                                surv_weight_ID =  "surv_weight_ID") {

  # define vars
  clus_id_cl <- tidyselect::vars_select(colnames(cl), {{cluster_cl}}, .strict = FALSE)
  hh_id_cl   <- tidyselect::vars_select(colnames(cl), {{household_cl}}, .strict = FALSE)
  clus_id_x  <- tidyselect::vars_select(colnames(x),  {{cluster_x}}, .strict = FALSE)
  hh_id_x    <- tidyselect::vars_select(colnames(x),  {{household_x}}, .strict = FALSE)
  indiv_eli  <- tidyselect::vars_select(colnames(x),  {{eligible}}, .strict = FALSE)
  indiv_surv <- tidyselect::vars_select(colnames(x),  {{interviewed}}, .strict = FALSE)

  # pull the environment from which this was called (i.e. the function)
  cll   <- match.call()

  ## checks (errors / warnings)

  # check if variables are in datasets (spelling) - throws error

  # for cluster dataset
  if (length(clus_id_cl) == 0) {

    # put the variable of interest in quotations
    ppltn <- rlang::as_name(rlang::enquo(cluster_cl))
    # throw error saying which variable not in which dataset
    stop(glue::glue("{ppltn} is not one of the columns in {cll[['cl']]}, check spelling"))

  if (length(hh_id_cl) == 0) {
    ppltn <- rlang::as_name(rlang::enquo(household_cl))
    stop(glue::glue("{ppltn} is not one of the columns in {cll[['cl']]}, check spelling"))

  # for study dataset
  if (length(clus_id_x) == 0) {
    ppltn <- rlang::as_name(rlang::enquo(cluster_x))
    stop(glue::glue("{ppltn} is not one of the columns in {cll[['x']]}, check spelling"))

  if (length(hh_id_x) == 0) {
    ppltn <- rlang::as_name(rlang::enquo(household_x))
    stop(glue::glue("{ppltn} is not one of the columns in {cll[['x']]}, check spelling"))

  if (length(indiv_eli) == 0) {
    ppltn <- rlang::as_name(rlang::enquo(eligible))
    stop(glue::glue("{ppltn} is not one of the columns in {cll[['x']]}, check spelling"))

  if (length(indiv_surv) == 0) {
    ppltn <- rlang::as_name(rlang::enquo(interviewed))
    stop(glue::glue("{ppltn} is not one of the columns in {cll[['x']]}, check spelling"))

  # check if there are duplicate cluster names (i.e. counted twice) - throws error
  if (any(duplicated(cl[[clus_id_cl]]))) {
    stop(glue::glue("Cluster names are duplicated in {clus_id_cl} variable of {cll[['cl']]} dataset"))

  # check how many cluster names in the study data match cluster counts data
  non_matching_clusters <- !x[[clus_id_x]] %in% cl[[clus_id_cl]]

  if (any(non_matching_clusters)) {
    nm_cluster_names <- unique(x[[clus_id_x]][non_matching_clusters])
    warning(glue::glue("The following cluster names in the {clus_id_x} variable are not in the {cll[['cl']]} dataset: ",
                       glue::glue_collapse(nm_cluster_names, sep = ",")))

  ## start function

  if (ignore_cluster) {
    cluster_chance <- 1
  } else {
    ## chance of a cluster being selected
    # the total number of clusters in the area
    n_clusters_total  <- length(unique(cl[[clus_id_cl]]))
    # the number of clusters that were surveyed
    n_clusters_chosen <- length(unique(x[[clus_id_x]]))
    # inverse chance of a cluster being chosen
    cluster_chance <- n_clusters_total / n_clusters_chosen

  if (ignore_household) {
    cl$hh_chance <- 1
  } else {
    ## chance of a household being selected in each cluster
    # number of households chosen in each cluster
    n_households_chosen <- dplyr::summarise(
      dplyr::group_by(x, {{cluster_x}}),
      n_hh = sum(!duplicated({{household_x}}))

    # join counts of households surveyed to list of clusters
    cl <- dplyr::left_join(cl, n_households_chosen, by = setNames(clus_id_x, clus_id_cl))

    # inverse chance of a household being chosen in each cluster
    cl[["hh_chance"]] <- cl[[hh_id_cl]] / cl[["n_hh"]]

  # multiply cluster chance and household chance
  cl$clus_hh_chance <- cl$hh_chance * cluster_chance

  ## chance of an individual being selected in their household
  # create a subset - so we dont merge too many vars in later
  temp <- dplyr::select(x, 

  # inverse chance of individual being chosen in their household
  temp[["indiv_chance"]] <- temp[[indiv_eli]] / temp[[indiv_surv]]

  # add in the cluster_household chance
  temp <- dplyr::left_join(temp, cl, by = setNames(clus_id_cl, clus_id_x))

  # create final weight by multiplying indivdual chance by cluster_household chance
  temp[[surv_weight]] <- temp$indiv_chance * temp$clus_hh_chance

  # create a survey weight id by merging cluster and household id
  temp[[surv_weight_ID]] <- paste0(temp[[clus_id_x]], "_", temp[[hh_id_x]])
  temp[[clus_id_x]] <- NULL
  temp[[hh_id_x]] <- NULL

  # only keep the weight and the weight id
  temp <- dplyr::select(temp, {{surv_weight}}, {{surv_weight_ID}})

  # bind weights on to original dataset
  d <- dplyr::bind_cols(x, temp)

  # return new dataset with weights


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