
Defines functions fmt_count fmt_ci_df fmt_pci_df fmt_pci fmt_ci

Documented in fmt_ci fmt_ci_df fmt_count fmt_pci fmt_pci_df

#' Helper to format confidence interval for text
#' This function is mainly used for placing in the text fields of Rmarkdown
#' reports. You can use it by writing it in something like this:
#' The CFR for Bamako is `` `r fmt_ci_df(case_fatality_rate(10, 50))` `` which
#' will render like this:
#' "The CFR for Bamako is `r fmt_ci_df(case_fatality_rate(10, 50))`"
#' @param x a data frame
#' @param e the column of the estimate (defaults to the third column). Otherwise, a number
#' @param l the column of the lower bound (defaults to the fourth column). Otherwise, a number
#' @param u the column of the upper bound (defaults to the fifth column), otherwise, a number
#' @param digits the number of digits to show
#' @param percent if `TRUE` (default), converts the number to percent, otherwise
#'   it's treated as a raw value
#' @param separator what to separate lower and upper confidence intervals with,
#'   default is "-"
#' @return a text string in the format of "e\% (CI l--u)"
#' @rdname fmt_ci
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cfr <- data.frame(x = 1, y = 2, est = 0.5, lower = 0.25, upper = 0.75)
#' fmt_pci_df(cfr)
#' # If the data starts at a different column, specify a different number
#' fmt_pci_df(cfr[-1], 2, d = 1)
#' # It's also possible to provide numbers directly and remove the percent sign.
#' fmt_ci(pi, pi - runif(1), pi + runif(1), percent = FALSE)
fmt_ci <- function(e = numeric(), l = numeric(), u = numeric(), digits = 2, percent = TRUE, separator = "-") {
  stopifnot(is.numeric(e), is.numeric(l), is.numeric(u), is.numeric(digits))
  msg <- "%s (CI %.2f%s%.2f)"
  msg <- gsub("2", digits, msg)
  fun <- if (percent) match.fun(scales::percent) else match.fun(scales::number)
  e <- fun(e, scale = 1, accuracy = 1 / (10^digits), big.mark = ",")
  sprintf(msg, e, l, separator, u)

#' @export
#' @rdname fmt_ci
fmt_pci <- function(e = numeric(), l = numeric(), u = numeric(), digits = 2, percent = TRUE, separator = "-") {
  fmt_ci(e = e * 100, l = l * 100, u = u * 100, digits = digits, percent = percent, separator = separator)

#' @export
#' @rdname fmt_ci
fmt_pci_df <- function(x, e = 3, l = e + 1, u = e + 2, digits = 2, percent = TRUE, separator = "-") {
  fmt_pci(x[[e]], x[[l]], x[[u]], digits = digits, percent = percent, separator = separator)

#' @export
#' @rdname fmt_ci
fmt_ci_df <- function(x, e = 3, l = e + 1, u = e + 2, digits = 2, percent = TRUE, separator = "-") {
  fmt_ci(x[[e]], x[[l]], x[[u]], digits = digits, percent = percent, separator = separator)

#' Counts and proportions inline
#' These functions will give proportions for different variables inline.
#' @param x a data frame
#' @param ... an expression or series of expressions to pass to [dplyr::filter()]
#' @return a one-element character vector of the format "n (%)"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' fmt_count(mtcars, cyl > 3, hp < 100)
#' fmt_count(iris, Species == "virginica")
fmt_count <- function(x, ...) {
  f <- dplyr::filter(dplyr::as_tibble(x), ...)
  f <- dplyr::count(f)
  prop <- f$n / nrow(x)
  sprintf("%d (%s)", f$n, scales::percent(prop, accuracy = 0.1))

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epikit documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:42 p.m.