
Defines functions epub_sift

Documented in epub_sift

#' Sift EPUB sections
#' Sift out EPUB sections that have suspiciously low word or character count.
#' This function is like a sieve that lets small section rows fall through.
#' Choose the minimum number of words or characters to accept as a meaningful section in the e-book worth retaining in the nested data frame, e.g., book chapters.
#' Data frame rows pertaining to smaller sections are dropped.
#' This function is helpful for isolating meaningful content by removing extraneous e-book sections that may be difficult to remove by other methods when working with poorly formatted e-books.
#' The EPUB file included in \code{epubr} is a good example of this. It does not contain meaningful section identifiers in its metadata.
#' This creates a need to restructure the text table after reading it with \code{epub} by subsequently calling \code{epub_recombine}.
#' However, some unavoidable ambiguity in this leads to many small sections appearing from the table of contents.
#' These can then be dropped with \code{epub_sift}. See a more comprehensive in the \code{\link{epub_recombine}} documentation.
#' A simpler example is shown below.
#' @param data a data frame created by \code{epub}.
#' @param n integer, minimum number of words or characters to retain a section.
#' @param type character, \code{"word"} or \code{"character"}.
#' @return a data frame
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{epub_recombine}}
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' file <- system.file("dracula.epub", package = "epubr")
#' x <- epub(file) # parse entire e-book
#' x$data[[1]]
#' x <- epub_sift(x, n = 3000) # drops last two sections
#' x$data[[1]]
#' }
epub_sift <- function(data, n, type = c("word", "char")){
  type <- paste0("n", match.arg(type))
  data$data <- lapply(data$data, function(x){
    dplyr::filter(x, .data[[type]] >= n)

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epubr documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 6:23 a.m.