Man pages for equivalence
Provides Tests and Graphics for Assessing Tests of Equivalence

equivalenceEquivalence Tests
equivalence-deprecatedDeprecated Functions in Equivalence package
equivalence.xyplotConstructs graphical regression-based tests of equivalence...
equiv.bootRegression-based TOST using bootstrap
equiv.pInverts the regression-based TOST equivalence test
pref.4PGMeasured and simulated data from PREF, northern Idaho, USA,...
pref.LAIMeasured Leaf Area Index data from PREF, northern Idaho, USA
print.tostPrint methods for TOST objects
ptte.dataComputes a paired t-test for equivalence from a single sample...
ptte.statComputes a paired t-test for equivalence from the mean and...
rtostComputes a robust TOST for equivalence from paired or...
tostComputes a TOST for equivalence from paired or unpaired data
tost.statComputes a TOST for equivalence from sample statistics
ufcUpper Flat Creek cruise data
equivalence documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:15 p.m.