daEsa: Daily returns of 14 public firms from 1990 to 2004

daEsaR Documentation

Daily returns of 14 public firms from 1990 to 2004


This data set contains daily returns of 14 public firms, three-month treasury bill, and SP 500 Index from 1990 to 2004.

date Eight-digit numbers for date of 1990-2004; the format is YYMMDD, e.g., 19900102 for Jan 2, 1990
tb3m Daily returns for three-month treasury bills
sp500 Daily returns for SP 500 Index
bcc Daily returns for Boise Cascade
bow Daily returns for Bowater
csk Daily returns for Chesapeake Corp VA
gp Daily returns for Georgia-Pacific
ip Daily returns for International Paper
kmb Daily returns for Kimberly Clark
lpx Daily returns for Louisiana Pacific
mwv Daily returns for MeadWestvaco
pch Daily returns for Potlatch
pcl Daily returns for Plum Creek
pop Daily returns for Pope and Talbot
tin Daily returns for Temple Inland
wpp Daily returns for Wausau Mosinee Paper
wy Daily returns for Weyerhaeuser




A data frame object with daily returns for firms or indexes from 1994 to 2004. There are 17 columns and 3747 rows. The date is not regular because there is no trading on weekends and holidays. Therefore, the date is represented by a number, not a date.


This is the transformated data set used in the study of Sun and Liao (2011).


The daily returns for SP 500 and individual firms are from the database of the Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP). The risk-free rate of return is the secondary market rate for the 3-month US Treasury bills from the Federal Reserve Bank.


Sun, C., and X. Liao. 2011. Effects of litigation under the Endangered Species Act on forest firm values. Journal of Forest Economics 17(4):388-398.

See Also

evReturn; evRisk.


dim(daEsa); colnames(daEsa)
head(daEsa); tail(daEsa)

# if dates are stored as a date object in R, then it can be converted into
# numbers as the following example shows.

raw <- as.Date(c('1990-01-02', '1991-11-12')); raw; str(raw)
raw2 <- as.numeric(strftime(raw, format = "%Y%m%d")); raw2; str(raw2)

erer documentation built on April 18, 2022, 5:06 p.m.