
Defines functions dexpectilizeMatR

Documented in dexpectilizeMatR

#' Dexpectilize a matrix according the a single asymmetric point
#' \eqn{\tau \in (0, 1)}.
#' @description This function is part of the erfe package. It de-expectilizes
#' a matrix of data vertor-wise, which means subtracting
#' the expectile of level \eqn{\tau \in (0, 1)} to every vector of
#' the matrix column-wise. When \eqn{\tau=0.5} then the process of
#' de-expectilizing corresponds to the process of deamining
#' the matrix column-wise. That is, subtracting the mean-column
#' from the column vector.
#' @return Return a de-expectilized matrix of the matrix ymat.
#' @author Amadou Barry, \email{barryhafia@@gmail.com}
#' @references Barry, Amadou, Oualkacha, Karim, and Charpentier
#'  Arthur. (2022). \emph{Weighted asymmetric least squares
#'   regression with fixed-effects}.
#'  arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.04737
#' @param ymat Numeric matrix to de-expectilize column-wise.
#' @param aweight Numeric vector of individual asymmetric weight.
#' @param panSizeVec Numeric vector of individual panel size.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(13)
#' temps_obs <- 5
#' n_subj <- 50
#' id <- rep(1:n_subj, each=temps_obs) 
#' asym <- 0.5
#' panSizeVec <- unname(unlist(lapply(split(id, id), function(x) length(x)))) 
#' ymat <- matrix(NA, nrow = n_subj * temps_obs, ncol = 5)
#' ymat <- matrix(mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n_subj * ncol(ymat),
#' sigma = diag(rep(1, temps_obs))), ncol = ncol(ymat))
#' aweight <- rep(asym, temps_obs * n_subj)
#' aweight[!(ymat[, 1] > mean(ymat[, 1]))] = 1 - asym
#' dexpectilizeMatR(ymat, aweight, panSizeVec)
#' @export
#' @importFrom mvtnorm rmvnorm
dexpectilizeMatR <- function(ymat, aweight, panSizeVec) {
  nsubj <- length(panSizeVec)
  xnrow <- nrow(ymat)
  xncol <- ncol(ymat)
  ydexpectMat <- matrix(NA, nrow = xnrow, ncol = xncol)
  for(k in 1:xncol) {
    a <- 1
    b <- panSizeVec[1]
    for (i in 1:nsubj) {
      irangepanel <- seq(a, b)
      mobs <- length(irangepanel)
      iypanel <- ymat[a:b, k]
      iaweight <- aweight[a:b]
      sum_iaweight <- sum(iaweight)
      iexpectile <- sum(iypanel * iaweight) / sum_iaweight
      for(j in 1:mobs) {
        l <- irangepanel[j]
        ydexpectMat[l, k] <- ymat[l, k]  - iexpectile
      a <- a + panSizeVec[i]
      b <- b + panSizeVec[i + 1]

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erfe documentation built on Dec. 16, 2022, 5:15 p.m.