sample: Draw random egocentric subsamples

View source: R/egor.R

sampleR Documentation

Draw random egocentric subsamples


Implementations of the base::sample() function for egor::egor() data.


sample(x, size, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL, ...)

## Default S3 method:
sample(x, ...)

## S3 method for class 'egor'
sample(x, size, replace = FALSE, prob = NULL, ...)


x, size, replace, prob

see base::sample().


extra arguments, currently unused.


An egor::egor() object whose egos have been resampled in accordance with the arguments. Note that its egor::ego_design() information is overwritten in favor of the selection probabilities used in the sampling.


A reimplementation of sample as a generic was necessary because base::sample() is not a generic and cannot take data-frame-alikes as arguments.


fmh.ego <- as.egor(faux.mesa.high)

# Create a tiny weighted sample:
(s3 <- sample(fmh.ego, 3, replace=TRUE, prob=1:nrow(fmh.ego$ego)))
# Resampling with prob=weights(egor) creates a self-weighted
# sample:
(sample(s3, 3, replace=TRUE, prob=weights(s3)))

# Create a large weighted sample, oversampling 12th-graders:
p <- ifelse(as_tibble(fmh.ego$ego)$Grade==12, 2, 1)
s2000 <- sample(fmh.ego, 2000, replace=TRUE, prob=p)

# Summary function adjusts for weights:
( <- summary(faux.mesa.high ~ edges + nodematch("Grade") +
                     nodefactor("Race") + gwesp(0,fix=TRUE)))
(summ.ego <- summary(s2000 ~ edges + nodematch("Grade") + 
                     nodefactor("Race") + gwesp(0,fix=TRUE),

ergm.ego documentation built on May 31, 2023, 7:28 p.m.

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