
Defines functions elx_make_query

Documented in elx_make_query

#' Create SPARQL queries
#' Generates pre-defined or manual SPARQL queries to retrieve document ids from Cellar.
#' List of available resource types: http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/resource-type .
#' Note that not all resource types are compatible with default parameter values.
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @param resource_type Type of resource to be retrieved via SPARQL query
#' @param manual_type Define manually the type of resource to be retrieved
#' @param directory Restrict the results to a given directory code
#' @param sector Restrict the results to a given sector code
#' @param include_corrigenda If `TRUE`, results include corrigenda
#' @param include_celex If `TRUE`, results include CELEX identifier for each resource URI
#' @param include_date If `TRUE`, results include document date
#' @param include_date_force If `TRUE`, results include date of entry into force
#' @param include_date_endvalid If `TRUE`, results include date of end of validity
#' @param include_date_transpos If `TRUE`, results include date of transposition deadline for directives
#' @param include_date_lodged If `TRUE`, results include date a court case was lodged with the court
#' @param include_lbs If `TRUE`, results include legal bases of legislation
#' @param include_force If `TRUE`, results include whether legislation is in force
#' @param include_eurovoc If `TRUE`, results include EuroVoc descriptors of subject matter
#' @param include_citations If `TRUE`, results include citations (CELEX-labelled)
#' @param include_citations_detailed If `TRUE`, results include citations (CELEX-labelled) with additional details
#' @param include_author If `TRUE`, results include document author(s)
#' @param include_directory If `TRUE`, results include the label of the Eur-Lex directory code
#' @param include_directory_code If `TRUE`, results include the Eur-Lex directory code
#' @param include_sector If `TRUE`, results include the Eur-Lex sector code
#' @param include_ecli If `TRUE`, results include the ECLI identifier for court documents
#' @param include_court_procedure If `TRUE`, results include type of court procedure and outcome
#' @param include_judge_rapporteur If `TRUE`, results include the Judge-Rapporteur
#' @param include_advocate_general If `TRUE`, results include the Advocate General
#' @param include_court_formation If `TRUE`, results include the court formation
#' @param include_court_scholarship If `TRUE`, results include court-curated relevant scholarship
#' @param include_court_origin If `TRUE`, results include country of origin of court case
#' @param include_original_language If `TRUE`, results include authentic language of document (usually case)
#' @param include_proposal If `TRUE`, results include the CELEX of the proposal of the adopted legal act
#' @param order Order results by ids
#' @param limit Limit the number of results, for testing purposes mainly
#' @return
#' A character string containing the SPARQL query
#' @export
#' @examples
#' elx_make_query(resource_type = "directive", include_date = TRUE, include_force = TRUE)
#' elx_make_query(resource_type = "regulation", include_corrigenda = TRUE, order = TRUE)
#' elx_make_query(resource_type = "any", sector = 2)
#' elx_make_query(resource_type = "manual", manual_type = "SWD")

elx_make_query <- function(resource_type = c("any","directive","regulation","decision","recommendation","intagr","caselaw","manual","proposal","national_impl"),
                           manual_type = "", directory = NULL, sector = NULL,
                           include_corrigenda = FALSE, include_celex = TRUE, include_lbs = FALSE,
                           include_date = FALSE, include_date_force = FALSE, include_date_endvalid = FALSE,
                           include_date_transpos = FALSE, include_date_lodged = FALSE,
                           include_force = FALSE, include_eurovoc = FALSE,
                           include_citations = FALSE, include_citations_detailed = FALSE,
                           include_author = FALSE,
                           include_directory = FALSE, include_directory_code = FALSE,
                           include_sector = FALSE,
                           include_ecli = FALSE, include_court_procedure = FALSE,
                           include_judge_rapporteur = FALSE,
                           include_advocate_general = FALSE,
                           include_court_formation = FALSE,
                           include_court_scholarship = FALSE,
                           include_court_origin = FALSE,
                           include_original_language = FALSE,
                           include_proposal = FALSE,
                           order = FALSE, limit = NULL){

  if (missing(resource_type)) stop("'resource_type' must be defined")
  if (!resource_type %in% c("any","directive","regulation","decision","recommendation","intagr","caselaw","manual","proposal","national_impl")) stop("'resource_type' must be defined")

  if (resource_type == "manual" & nchar(manual_type) < 2){
    stop("Please specify resource type manually (e.g. 'DIR', 'REG', 'JUDG').", call. = TRUE)

  if (!resource_type %in% c("caselaw","manual","any") & include_court_procedure == TRUE){
    stop("Resource and variable requested are incompatible.", call. = TRUE)

  if (include_date_transpos == TRUE & !resource_type %in% c("any","directive")){
    stop("Transposition date currently only available for directives.", call. = TRUE)

  query <- "PREFIX cdm: <http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#>
  PREFIX annot: <http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/annotation#>
  PREFIX skos:<http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#>
  PREFIX dc:<http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>
  PREFIX xsd:<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>
  PREFIX rdf:<http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
  PREFIX owl:<http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>
  select distinct ?work ?type"

  if (include_celex == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "?celex", sep = " ")


  if (include_date == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "?date", sep = " ")


  if (include_date_force == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "?dateforce", sep = " ")


  if (include_date_endvalid == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "?dateendvalid", sep = " ")


  if (include_date_transpos == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "?datetranspos", sep = " ")


  if (include_date_lodged == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "?datelodged", sep = " ")


  if (include_lbs == TRUE){

    if (resource_type %in% c("caselaw")){
      stop("Legal basis variable incompatible with requested resource type", call. = TRUE)

    query <- paste(query, "?lbs ?lbcelex ?lbsuffix", sep = " ")


  if (include_force == TRUE){

    if (resource_type %in% c("caselaw")){
      stop("Force variable incompatible with requested resource type", call. = TRUE)

    query <- paste(query, "?force", sep = " ")


  if (include_eurovoc == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "?eurovoc", sep = " ")


  if (include_court_procedure == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "?courtprocedure", sep = " ")


  if (include_ecli == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "?ecli", sep = " ")


  if (include_author == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "?author", sep = " ")

  if (include_citations == TRUE){
    query <- paste(query, "?citationcelex", sep = " ")

  if (include_citations_detailed == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "?citationcelex ?citationdetailcit ?citationdetail", sep = " ")


  if (include_directory == TRUE | include_directory_code == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "?directory", sep = " ")


  if (include_sector == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "?sector", sep = " ")

  if (include_advocate_general == TRUE){
    query <- paste(query, "?ag", sep = " ")
  if (include_judge_rapporteur == TRUE){
    query <- paste(query, "?jr", sep = " ")
  if (include_court_formation == TRUE){
    query <- paste(query, "?cf", sep = " ")
  if (include_court_scholarship == TRUE){
    query <- paste(query, "?scholarship", sep = " ")
  if (include_court_origin == TRUE){
    query <- paste(query, "?courtorigin", sep = " ")
  if (include_original_language == TRUE){
    query <- paste(query, "?origlang", sep = " ")
  if (include_proposal == TRUE){
    query <- paste(query, "?proposal", sep = " ")

  if (resource_type == "any"){
    query <- paste(query, "where{", sep = " ")

  if (resource_type != "any"){
    query <- paste(query, "where{ ?work cdm:work_has_resource-type ?type.", sep = " ")

  if (!missing(directory)){
    if (!is.character(directory)) stop("Directory code must be of character type", call. = TRUE)

    query <- paste(query, "
    VALUES (?value)
    { (<http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/fd_555/",directory,">)
    {?work cdm:resource_legal_is_about_concept_directory-code ?value.
    {?work cdm:resource_legal_is_about_concept_directory-code ?directory.
      ?value skos:narrower+ ?directory.
    ", sep = "")


  if (!missing(sector)){
    if (!sector %in% 0:9) stop("Sector code must be an integer between 0 and 9", call. = TRUE)

    query <- paste(query, "
    ?work cdm:resource_legal_id_sector ?sector.
    FILTER(str(?sector)='", sector, "')
                   sep = "")


  if (resource_type == "directive"){
    query <- paste(query, "FILTER(?type=<http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/resource-type/DIR>||
  ?type=<http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/resource-type/DIR_DEL>)", sep = " ")

  if (resource_type == "recommendation"){
    query <- paste(query, "FILTER(?type=<http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/resource-type/RECO>||
                   ?type=<http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/resource-type/RECO_DRAFT>)", sep = " ")

  if (resource_type == "regulation"){
    query <- paste(query, "FILTER(?type=<http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/resource-type/REG>||
  ?type=<http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/resource-type/REG_DEL>)", sep = " ")

  if (resource_type == "intagr"){
    query <- paste(query, "FILTER(?type=<http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/resource-type/AGREE_INTERNATION>||
  ?type=<http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/resource-type/MEMORANDUM_UNDERST>)", sep = " ")

  if (resource_type == "decision"){
    query <- paste(query, "FILTER(?type=<http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/resource-type/DEC>||
  ?type=<http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/resource-type/JOINT_DEC>)", sep = " ")

  if (resource_type == "caselaw"){
    query <- paste(query, "FILTER(?type=<http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/resource-type/JUDG>||
  ?type=<http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/resource-type/OPIN_AG>)", sep = " ")

  if (resource_type == "proposal"){
    query <- paste(query, "FILTER(?type=<http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/resource-type/PROP_DIR>||
  ?type=<http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/resource-type/PROP_DEC_NO_ADDRESSEE>)", sep = " ")

  if (resource_type == "national_impl"){
    query <- paste(query, "FILTER(?type=<http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/resource-type/MEAS_NATION_IMPL>", sep = " ")

  if (nchar(manual_type) > 1 & resource_type == "manual"){
    query <- paste(query, "FILTER(?type=<http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/resource-type/", manual_type, ">)", sep = "")

  if (include_corrigenda == FALSE){
    query <- paste(query,"\n FILTER not exists{?work cdm:work_has_resource-type <http://publications.europa.eu/resource/authority/resource-type/CORRIGENDUM>}", sep = " ")

  if (include_celex == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:resource_legal_id_celex ?celex.}")


  if (include_date == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:work_date_document ?date.}")


  if (include_date_force == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:resource_legal_date_entry-into-force ?dateforce.}")


  if (include_date_endvalid == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:resource_legal_date_end-of-validity ?dateendvalid.}")


  if (include_date_transpos == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:directive_date_transposition ?datetranspos.}")


  if (include_date_lodged == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:resource_legal_date_request_opinion ?datelodged.}")


  if (include_lbs == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:resource_legal_based_on_resource_legal ?lbs.
    ?lbs cdm:resource_legal_id_celex ?lbcelex.
    OPTIONAL{?bn owl:annotatedSource ?work.
    ?bn owl:annotatedProperty <http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#resource_legal_based_on_resource_legal>.
    ?bn owl:annotatedTarget ?lbs.
    ?bn annot:comment_on_legal_basis ?lbsuffix}}",
                   sep = " ")


  if (include_force == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:resource_legal_in-force ?force.}")


  if (include_eurovoc == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, 'OPTIONAL{?work cdm:work_is_about_concept_eurovoc ?eurovoc. graph ?gs
    { ?eurovoc skos:prefLabel ?subjectLabel filter (lang(?subjectLabel)="en") }.}')


  if (include_author == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:work_created_by_agent ?authorx.
                   ?authorx skos:prefLabel ?author. FILTER(lang(?author)='en')}.")

  if (include_citations == TRUE){
    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:work_cites_work ?citation. 
                   ?citation cdm:resource_legal_id_celex ?citationcelex.}")

  if (include_citations_detailed == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:work_cites_work ?citation. 
                   ?citation cdm:resource_legal_id_celex ?citationcelex.
                   OPTIONAL{?bn owl:annotatedSource ?work.
    ?bn owl:annotatedProperty <http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work_cites_work>.
    ?bn owl:annotatedTarget ?citation.
    ?bn annot:fragment_cited_target ?citationdetailcit.}
    OPTIONAL{?bn owl:annotatedSource ?work.
    ?bn owl:annotatedProperty <http://publications.europa.eu/ontology/cdm#work_cites_work>.
    ?bn owl:annotatedTarget ?citation.
    ?bn annot:fragment_citing_source ?citationdetail.}}")


  if (include_court_procedure == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:case-law_has_type_procedure_concept_type_procedure ?proc.
           ?proc skos:prefLabel ?courtprocedure. FILTER(lang(?courtprocedure)='en')}.")

  if (include_advocate_general == TRUE){
    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:case-law_delivered_by_advocate-general ?agx.
                   ?agx cdm:agent_name ?ag.}")
  if (include_judge_rapporteur == TRUE){
    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:case-law_delivered_by_judge ?jrx.
                   ?jrx cdm:agent_name ?jr.}")
  if (include_court_formation == TRUE){
    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:case-law_delivered_by_court-formation ?cfx.
                   ?cfx skos:prefLabel ?cf. FILTER(lang(?cf)='en')}.")
  if (include_court_scholarship == TRUE){
    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:case-law_article_journal_related ?scholarship.}")
  if (include_court_origin == TRUE){
    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:case-law_originates_in_country ?courtoriginx.
                   ?courtoriginx skos:prefLabel ?courtorigin. FILTER(lang(?courtorigin)='en')}.")
  if (include_original_language == TRUE){
    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:resource_legal_uses_originally_language ?origlangx.
                   ?origlangx skos:prefLabel ?origlang. FILTER(lang(?origlang)='en')}.")
  if (include_proposal == TRUE){
    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:resource_legal_adopts_resource_legal ?adoptedx.
                   ?adoptedx cdm:resource_legal_id_celex ?proposal.}")

  if (include_ecli == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:case-law_ecli ?ecli.}")


  if (include_directory == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:resource_legal_is_about_concept_directory-code ?directoryx.
                   ?directoryx skos:prefLabel ?directory. FILTER(lang(?directory)='en').}")

  if (include_directory_code == TRUE){
    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:resource_legal_is_about_concept_directory-code ?directory.}")

  if (include_sector == TRUE){

    query <- paste(query, "OPTIONAL{?work cdm:resource_legal_id_sector ?sector.}")

  # add filter to hide versioned works (keeps only latest record if several)
  query <- paste(
    'FILTER not exists{?work cdm:do_not_index "true"^^<http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#boolean>}.'
  # order
  if (order == TRUE){
    query <- paste(query, "} order by str(?date)")
  } else {query <- paste(query, "}")} 

  # limit
  if (!is.null(limit) & is.integer(as.integer(limit))){
    query <- paste(query, "limit", limit, sep = " ")



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