
Defines functions qgev rgevr dgevr

Documented in dgevr qgev rgevr

#' The GEVr Distribution
#' Random number generation (rgevr) and density (dgevr) functions for the GEVr distribution with parameters loc, scale, and shape.
#' Also, quantile function (qgev) and cumulative distribution function (pgev) for the GEV1 distribution.
#' @name gevr
#' @rdname gevr
#' @param x Vector or matrix of observations. If x is a matrix, each row is taken to be a new observation.
#' @param q Vector of quantiles.
#' @param p Vector of probabilities.
#' @param n Number of observations
#' @param r Number of order statistics for each observation.
#' @param log.d Logical: Whether or not to return the log density. (FALSE by default)
#' @param lower.tail Logical: If TRUE (default), probabilities are P[X <= x] otherwise, P[X > x].
#' @param log.p Logical: If TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p). (FALSE by default)
#' @param loc,scale,shape Location, scale, and shape parameters. Can be vectors, but
#' the lengths must be appropriate.
#' @examples
#' # Plot the densities of the heavy and bounded upper tail forms of GEVr
#' set.seed(7)
#' dat1 <- rgevr(1000, 1, loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0.25)
#' dat2 <- rgevr(1000, 1, loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = -0.25)
#' hist(dat1, col = rgb(1, 0, 0, 0.5), xlim = c(-5, 10), ylim = c(0, 0.4),
#'      main = "Histogram of GEVr Densities", xlab = "Value", freq = FALSE)
#' hist(dat2, col = rgb(0, 0,1, 0.5), add = TRUE, freq = FALSE)
#' box()
#' # Generate sample with decreasing trend in location parameter
#' x <- rgevr(10, 2, loc = 10:1, scale = 1, shape = 0.1)
#' dgevr(x, loc = 10:1, scale = 10:1, shape = 0.1)
#' # Incorrect parameter specifications
#' \dontrun{
#' rgevr(10, 2, loc = 5:8, scale = 1, shape = 0.1)
#' rgevr(1, 2, loc = 5:8, scale = 1:2, shape = 0.1)
#' }
#' @details GEVr data (in matrix x) should be of the form \eqn{x[i,1] > x[i, 2] > \cdots > x[i, r]} for each observation
#' \eqn{i = 1, \ldots, n}. Note that currently the quantile and cdf functions are only for the GEV1 distribution. The GEVr
#' distribution is also known as the r-largest order statistics model and is a generalization of the block maxima model (GEV1).
#' The density function is given by \deqn{f_r (x_1, x_2, ..., x_r | \mu, \sigma, \xi) = \sigma^{-r} \exp\Big\{-(1+\xi z_r)^{-\frac{1}{\xi}}
#' - \left(\frac{1}{\xi}+1\right)\sum_{j=1}^{r}\log(1+\xi z_j)\Big\}} for some location parameter \eqn{\mu},
#' scale parameter \eqn{\sigma > 0}, and shape parameter \eqn{\xi}, where \eqn{x_1 > \cdots > x_r}, \eqn{z_j = (x_j - \mu) / \sigma},
#' and \eqn{1 + \xi z_j > 0} for \eqn{j=1, \ldots, r}. When \eqn{r = 1}, this distribution is exactly the GEV distribution.
#' @references Coles, S. (2001). An introduction to statistical modeling of extreme values (Vol. 208). London: Springer.

#' @rdname gevr
#' @export
dgevr <- function(x, loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0, log.d = FALSE) {
  x <- as.matrix(x)
  r <- ncol(x)
  if(min(scale) <= 0)
    stop("Invalid scale")
  cond1 <- (nrow(x) > 1) &
    (((length(loc) != nrow(x)) & (length(loc) != 1)) |
    ((length(scale) != nrow(x)) & (length(scale) != 1)) |
    ((length(shape) != nrow(x)) & (length(shape) != 1)))
  cond2 <- (nrow(x) == 1) &
    (length(unique(c(nrow(x), length(loc), length(scale), length(shape)))) > 2)
  if(cond1 | cond2)
    stop("Invalid parameter length!")
  if((nrow(x) == 1) & (max(length(loc), length(scale), length(shape)) > 1))
    x <- matrix(rep(x, max(length(loc), length(scale), length(shape))),
                ncol = r, byrow = TRUE)
  if(length(shape) == 1) shape <- rep(shape, max(nrow(x), length(loc), length(scale)))
  w <- matrix(((x - loc) / scale), ncol = r)
  z <- matrix(w * shape, ncol = r)
  z <- pmax(z, -1)
  log.density <- ifelse(shape == 0, rowSums(-log(scale) - w) - exp(-w[,r]),
                        rowSums(-log(scale) - ((1/shape) + 1) * log1p(z)) - exp((-1/shape) * log1p(z[,r])))
  log.density[is.nan(log.density) | is.infinite(log.density)] <- -Inf
  if (!log.d)
    log.density <- exp(log.density)

#' @rdname gevr
#' @export
rgevr <- function(n, r, loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0) {
  if(min(scale) <= 0)
    stop("Invalid scale")
  cond1 <- (n > 1) &
    (((length(loc) != n) & (length(loc) != 1)) |
    ((length(scale) != n) & (length(scale) != 1)) |
    ((length(shape) != n) & (length(shape) != 1)))
  cond2 <- (n == 1) &
    (length(unique(c(n, length(loc), length(scale), length(shape)))) > 2)
  if(cond1 | cond2)
    stop("Invalid parameter length!")
  umat <- t(apply(matrix(runif(n * r), n, r), 1, cumprod))
  if(r > 1) apply(umat, 2, qgev, loc = loc, scale = scale, shape = shape)
  else qgev(umat, loc = loc, scale = scale, shape = shape)

#' @rdname gevr
#' @export
qgev <- function(p, loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
  p <- as.vector(p)
    p <- exp(p)
  if((min(p, na.rm = TRUE) <= 0) || (max(p, na.rm = TRUE) >= 1))
    stop("`p' must contain probabilities in (0,1)")
  if(min(scale) <= 0)
    stop("Invalid scale")
  cond1 <- (length(p) > 1) &
    (((length(loc) != length(p)) & (length(loc) != 1)) |
    ((length(scale) != length(p)) & (length(scale) != 1)) |
    ((length(shape) != length(p)) & (length(shape) != 1)))
  cond2 <- (length(p) == 1) &
    (length(unique(c(length(p), length(loc), length(scale), length(shape)))) > 2)
  if(cond1 | cond2)
    stop("Invalid parameter length!")
    p <- 1 - p
  if(length(shape) == 1) shape <- rep(shape, max(length(p), length(loc), length(scale)))
  ifelse(shape == 0, loc - scale * log(-log(p)), loc + scale * expm1(log(-log(p)) * -shape) / shape)

#' @rdname gevr
#' @export
pgev <- function (q, loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
  q <- as.vector(q)
  if(min(scale) <= 0)
    stop("Invalid scale")
  cond1 <- (length(q) > 1) &
    (((length(loc) != length(q)) & (length(loc) != 1)) |
    ((length(scale) != length(q)) & (length(scale) != 1)) |
    ((length(shape) != length(q)) & (length(shape) != 1)))
  cond2 <- (length(q) == 1) &
    (length(unique(c(length(q), length(loc), length(scale), length(shape)))) > 2)
  if(cond1 | cond2)
    stop("Invalid parameter length!")
  if(length(shape) == 1) shape <- rep(shape, max(length(q), length(loc), length(scale)))
  w <- (q - loc) / scale
  z <- pmax(shape * w, -1)
  p <- ifelse(shape == 0, exp(-exp(-w)), exp(-exp((-1/shape)*log1p(z))))
    p <- 1 - p
    p <- log(p)

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eva documentation built on Jan. 13, 2021, 8:34 p.m.