Man pages for event
Event History Procedures and Models

autointensityPlot Autointensity Function of a Point Process
bpCreate a Vector of Cumulative Numbers of Previous Events for...
coxreCox Proportional Hazards Model with Random Effect
cprocessPlot Counting Process Data
ehrRegression Models for Event History Intensity Functions
eventEvent History Analysis Library
hboxcoxLog Hazard Function for a Box-Cox Process
hburrLog Hazard Function for a Burr Process
hcauchyLog Hazard Function for a Cauchy Process
hexpLog Hazard Function for a Poisson Process
hgammaLog Hazard Function for a Gamma Process
hgextvalLog Hazard Function for an Extreme Value Process
hggammaLog Hazard Function for a Generalized Gamma Process
hglogisLog Hazard Function for a Generalized Logistic Process
hgweibullLog Hazard Function for a Generalized Weibull Process
hhjorthLog Hazard Function for a Hjorth Process
hinvgaussLog Hazard Function for a Inverse Gauss Process
hlaplaceLog Hazard Function for a Laplace Process
hlnormLog Hazard Function for a Log Normal Process
hlogisLog Hazard Function for a Logistic Process
hnormLog Hazard Function for a Normal Process
hparetoLog Hazard Function for a Pareto Process
hskewlaplaceLog Hazard Function for a Skew Laplace Process
hstudentLog Hazard Function for a Student t Process
hweibullLog Hazard Function for a Weibull Process
identCreate an Individual Identification Vector for a Point...
kalsurvRepeated Events Models with Frailty or Serial Dependence
kmKaplan-Meier Survivor Curves
pbirthFit Overdispersed Count Data as a Birth Process
plot.intensityPlot Intensity Functions
ppCreate a Point Process Vector from Times between Events
tccovCreate a Vector of Time-constant Covariates for a Point...
tpastCreate a Vector of Times Past since Previous Events for a...
ttimeCreate a Vector of Total Time Elapsed for each Individual for...
tvcovCreate a Vector of Time-varying Covariates for a Point...
event documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:07 a.m.