dat <- matrix(c(
  "lm",           "least-squares regression",
  "glm",          "Poisson regression",
  "glm",          "logistic regression",
  "glm.nb",       "negative binomial regression",
  "model.matrix", "extracting the regressor matrix from a fitted (generalized) linear model object",
  "coef",         "extracting the estimated coefficients from a fitted (generalized) linear model object",
  "vcov",         "extracting the estimated covariance matrix from a fitted (generalized) linear model object",
  "logLik",       "extracting the fitted log-likelihood from a fitted (generalized) linear model object"),
  nrow = 2
i <- sample(1:ncol(dat), 1)
fun <- dat[1, i]
descr <- dat[2, i]


What is the name of the R function for r descr?


r fun is the R function for r descr. See ?r fun`` for the corresponding manual page.


extype: string exsolution: r fun exname: R functions

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