
Defines functions xl.property

Documented in xl.property

#' Excel constants and helper function for setting Excel range properties. 
#' \code{xl.constants} is a list with (surprise!) Excel named constants. 
#' @param ... names of arguments are properties as in Excel VBA, values are properties values.
#' @return list of class \code{xl.property}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # create random matrix
#' rand_mat = matrix(runif(16), ncol = 4)
#' # put it on the new worksheet
#' xln[a1] = rand_mat 
#' # set bold font, format numbers as percent and align it
#' cr[a1] = xl.property(Font.Bold = TRUE, 
#'                      NumberFormat = "0.00%", 
#'                      HorizontalAlignment = xl.constants$xlCenter
#'                      )
#' }
#' @export
xl.property = function(...){
    curr_names = names(list(...))
    stopif(is.null(curr_names) || any(curr_names==""), "There are no names for some properties.")
    res = list(...)
    class(res) = union("xl.property", class(res))

#' @export
#' @rdname xl.property
xl.constants = list(
        xlAll = -4104,
        xlAutomatic = -4105,
        xlBoth = 1,
        xlCenter = -4108,
        xlChecker = 9,
        xlCircle = 8,
        xlCorner = 2,
        xlCrissCross = 16,
        xlCross = 4,
        xlDiamond = 2,
        xlDistributed = -4117,
        xlDoubleAccounting = 5,
        xlFixedValue = 1,
        xlFormats = -4122,
        xlGray16 = 17,
        xlGray8 = 18,
        xlGrid = 15,
        xlHigh = -4127,
        xlInside = 2,
        xlJustify = -4130,
        xlLightDown = 13,
        xlLightHorizontal = 11,
        xlLightUp = 14,
        xlLightVertical = 12,
        xlLow = -4134,
        xlManual = -4135,
        xlMinusValues = 3,
        xlModule = -4141,
        xlNextToAxis = 4,
        xlNone = -4142,
        xlNotes = -4144,
        xlOff = -4146,
        xlOn = 1,
        xlPercent = 2,
        xlPlus = 9,
        xlPlusValues = 2,
        xlSemiGray75 = 10,
        xlShowLabel = 4,
        xlShowLabelAndPercent = 5,
        xlShowPercent = 3,
        xlShowValue = 2,
        xlSimple = -4154,
        xlSingle = 2,
        xlSingleAccounting = 4,
        xlSolid = 1,
        xlSquare = 1,
        xlStar = 5,
        xlStError = 4,
        xlToolbarButton = 2,
        xlTriangle = 3,
        xlGray25 = -4124,
        xlGray50 = -4125,
        xlGray75 = -4126,
        xlBottom = -4107,
        xlLeft = -4131,
        xlRight = -4152,
        xlTop = -4160,
        xl3DBar = -4099,
        xl3DSurface = -4103,
        xlBar = 2,
        xlColumn = 3,
        xlCombination = -4111,
        xlCustom = -4114,
        xlDefaultAutoFormat = -1,
        xlMaximum = 2,
        xlMinimum = 4,
        xlOpaque = 3,
        xlTransparent = 2,
        xlBidi = -5000,
        xlLatin = -5001,
        xlContext = -5002,
        xlLTR = -5003,
        xlRTL = -5004,
        xlFullScript = 1,
        xlPartialScript = 2,
        xlMixedScript = 3,
        xlMixedAuthorizedScript = 4,
        xlVisualCursor = 2,
        xlLogicalCursor = 1,
        xlSystem = 1,
        xlPartial = 3,
        xlHindiNumerals = 3,
        xlBidiCalendar = 3,
        xlGregorian = 2,
        xlComplete = 4,
        xlScale = 3,
        xlClosed = 3,
        xlColor1 = 7,
        xlColor2 = 8,
        xlColor3 = 9,
        xlConstants = 2,
        xlContents = 2,
        xlBelow = 1,
        xlCascade = 7,
        xlCenterAcrossSelection = 7,
        xlChart4 = 2,
        xlChartSeries = 17,
        xlChartShort = 6,
        xlChartTitles = 18,
        xlClassic1 = 1,
        xlClassic2 = 2,
        xlClassic3 = 3,
        xl3DEffects1 = 13,
        xl3DEffects2 = 14,
        xlAbove = 0,
        xlAccounting1 = 4,
        xlAccounting2 = 5,
        xlAccounting3 = 6,
        xlAccounting4 = 17,
        xlAdd = 2,
        xlDebugCodePane = 13,
        xlDesktop = 9,
        xlDirect = 1,
        xlDivide = 5,
        xlDoubleClosed = 5,
        xlDoubleOpen = 4,
        xlDoubleQuote = 1,
        xlEntireChart = 20,
        xlExcelMenus = 1,
        xlExtended = 3,
        xlFill = 5,
        xlFirst = 0,
        xlFloating = 5,
        xlFormula = 5,
        xlGeneral = 1,
        xlGridline = 22,
        xlIcons = 1,
        xlImmediatePane = 12,
        xlInteger = 2,
        xlLast = 1,
        xlLastCell = 11,
        xlList1 = 10,
        xlList2 = 11,
        xlList3 = 12,
        xlLocalFormat1 = 15,
        xlLocalFormat2 = 16,
        xlLong = 3,
        xlLotusHelp = 2,
        xlMacrosheetCell = 7,
        xlMixed = 2,
        xlMultiply = 4,
        xlNarrow = 1,
        xlNoDocuments = 3,
        xlOpen = 2,
        xlOutside = 3,
        xlReference = 4,
        xlSemiautomatic = 2,
        xlShort = 1,
        xlSingleQuote = 2,
        xlStrict = 2,
        xlSubtract = 3,
        xlTextBox = 16,
        xlTiled = 1,
        xlTitleBar = 8,
        xlToolbar = 1,
        xlVisible = 12,
        xlWatchPane = 11,
        xlWide = 3,
        xlWorkbookTab = 6,
        xlWorksheet4 = 1,
        xlWorksheetCell = 3,
        xlWorksheetShort = 5,
        xlAllExceptBorders = 7,
        xlLeftToRight = 2,
        xlTopToBottom = 1,
        xlVeryHidden = 2,
        xlDrawingObject = 14,
        xlCreatorCode = 1480803660,
        xlBuiltIn = 21,
        xlUserDefined = 22,
        xlAnyGallery = 23,
        xlColorIndexAutomatic = -4105,
        xlColorIndexNone = -4142,
        xlCap = 1,
        xlNoCap = 2,
        xlColumns = 2,
        xlRows = 1,
        xlScaleLinear = -4132,
        xlScaleLogarithmic = -4133,
        xlAutoFill = 4,
        xlChronological = 3,
        xlGrowth = 2,
        xlDataSeriesLinear = -4132,
        xlAxisCrossesAutomatic = -4105,
        xlAxisCrossesCustom = -4114,
        xlAxisCrossesMaximum = 2,
        xlAxisCrossesMinimum = 4,
        xlPrimary = 1,
        xlSecondary = 2,
        xlBackgroundAutomatic = -4105,
        xlBackgroundOpaque = 3,
        xlBackgroundTransparent = 2,
        xlMaximized = -4137,
        xlMinimized = -4140,
        xlNormal = -4143,
        xlCategory = 1,
        xlSeriesAxis = 3,
        xlValue = 2,
        xlArrowHeadLengthLong = 3,
        xlArrowHeadLengthMedium = -4138,
        xlArrowHeadLengthShort = 1,
        xlVAlignBottom = -4107,
        xlVAlignCenter = -4108,
        xlVAlignDistributed = -4117,
        xlVAlignJustify = -4130,
        xlVAlignTop = -4160,
        xlTickMarkCross = 4,
        xlTickMarkInside = 2,
        xlTickMarkNone = -4142,
        xlTickMarkOutside = 3,
        xlX = -4168,
        xlY = 1,
        xlErrorBarIncludeBoth = 1,
        xlErrorBarIncludeMinusValues = 3,
        xlErrorBarIncludeNone = -4142,
        xlErrorBarIncludePlusValues = 2,
        xlInterpolated = 3,
        xlNotPlotted = 1,
        xlZero = 2,
        xlArrowHeadStyleClosed = 3,
        xlArrowHeadStyleDoubleClosed = 5,
        xlArrowHeadStyleDoubleOpen = 4,
        xlArrowHeadStyleNone = -4142,
        xlArrowHeadStyleOpen = 2,
        xlArrowHeadWidthMedium = -4138,
        xlArrowHeadWidthNarrow = 1,
        xlArrowHeadWidthWide = 3,
        xlHAlignCenter = -4108,
        xlHAlignCenterAcrossSelection = 7,
        xlHAlignDistributed = -4117,
        xlHAlignFill = 5,
        xlHAlignGeneral = 1,
        xlHAlignJustify = -4130,
        xlHAlignLeft = -4131,
        xlHAlignRight = -4152,
        xlTickLabelPositionHigh = -4127,
        xlTickLabelPositionLow = -4134,
        xlTickLabelPositionNextToAxis = 4,
        xlTickLabelPositionNone = -4142,
        xlLegendPositionBottom = -4107,
        xlLegendPositionCorner = 2,
        xlLegendPositionLeft = -4131,
        xlLegendPositionRight = -4152,
        xlLegendPositionTop = -4160,
        xlLegendPositionCustom = -4161,
        xlStackScale = 3,
        xlStack = 2,
        xlStretch = 1,
        xlSides = 1,
        xlEnd = 2,
        xlEndSides = 3,
        xlFront = 4,
        xlFrontSides = 5,
        xlFrontEnd = 6,
        xlAllFaces = 7,
        xlDownward = -4170,
        xlHorizontal = -4128,
        xlUpward = -4171,
        xlVertical = -4166,
        xlTickLabelOrientationAutomatic = -4105,
        xlTickLabelOrientationDownward = -4170,
        xlTickLabelOrientationHorizontal = -4128,
        xlTickLabelOrientationUpward = -4171,
        xlTickLabelOrientationVertical = -4166,
        xlHairline = 1,
        xlMedium = -4138,
        xlThick = 4,
        xlThin = 2,
        xlDay = 1,
        xlMonth = 3,
        xlWeekday = 2,
        xlYear = 4,
        xlUnderlineStyleDouble = -4119,
        xlUnderlineStyleDoubleAccounting = 5,
        xlUnderlineStyleNone = -4142,
        xlUnderlineStyleSingle = 2,
        xlUnderlineStyleSingleAccounting = 4,
        xlErrorBarTypeCustom = -4114,
        xlErrorBarTypeFixedValue = 1,
        xlErrorBarTypePercent = 2,
        xlErrorBarTypeStDev = -4155,
        xlErrorBarTypeStError = 4,
        xlExponential = 5,
        xlLinear = -4132,
        xlLogarithmic = -4133,
        xlMovingAvg = 6,
        xlPolynomial = 3,
        xlPower = 4,
        xlContinuous = 1,
        xlDash = -4115,
        xlDashDot = 4,
        xlDashDotDot = 5,
        xlDot = -4118,
        xlDouble = -4119,
        xlSlantDashDot = 13,
        xlLineStyleNone = -4142,
        xlDataLabelsShowNone = -4142,
        xlDataLabelsShowValue = 2,
        xlDataLabelsShowPercent = 3,
        xlDataLabelsShowLabel = 4,
        xlDataLabelsShowLabelAndPercent = 5,
        xlDataLabelsShowBubbleSizes = 6,
        xlMarkerStyleAutomatic = -4105,
        xlMarkerStyleCircle = 8,
        xlMarkerStyleDash = -4115,
        xlMarkerStyleDiamond = 2,
        xlMarkerStyleDot = -4118,
        xlMarkerStyleNone = -4142,
        xlMarkerStylePicture = -4147,
        xlMarkerStylePlus = 9,
        xlMarkerStyleSquare = 1,
        xlMarkerStyleStar = 5,
        xlMarkerStyleTriangle = 3,
        xlMarkerStyleX = -4168,
        xlBMP = 1,
        xlCGM = 7,
        xlDRW = 4,
        xlDXF = 5,
        xlEPS = 8,
        xlHGL = 6,
        xlPCT = 13,
        xlPCX = 10,
        xlPIC = 11,
        xlPLT = 12,
        xlTIF = 9,
        xlWMF = 2,
        xlWPG = 3,
        xlPatternAutomatic = -4105,
        xlPatternChecker = 9,
        xlPatternCrissCross = 16,
        xlPatternDown = -4121,
        xlPatternGray16 = 17,
        xlPatternGray25 = -4124,
        xlPatternGray50 = -4125,
        xlPatternGray75 = -4126,
        xlPatternGray8 = 18,
        xlPatternGrid = 15,
        xlPatternHorizontal = -4128,
        xlPatternLightDown = 13,
        xlPatternLightHorizontal = 11,
        xlPatternLightUp = 14,
        xlPatternLightVertical = 12,
        xlPatternNone = -4142,
        xlPatternSemiGray75 = 10,
        xlPatternSolid = 1,
        xlPatternUp = -4162,
        xlPatternVertical = -4166,
        xlPatternLinearGradient = 4000,
        xlPatternRectangularGradient = 4001,
        xlSplitByPosition = 1,
        xlSplitByPercentValue = 3,
        xlSplitByCustomSplit = 4,
        xlSplitByValue = 2,
        xlHundreds = -2,
        xlThousands = -3,
        xlTenThousands = -4,
        xlHundredThousands = -5,
        xlMillions = -6,
        xlTenMillions = -7,
        xlHundredMillions = -8,
        xlThousandMillions = -9,
        xlMillionMillions = -10,
        xlLabelPositionCenter = -4108,
        xlLabelPositionAbove = 0,
        xlLabelPositionBelow = 1,
        xlLabelPositionLeft = -4131,
        xlLabelPositionRight = -4152,
        xlLabelPositionOutsideEnd = 2,
        xlLabelPositionInsideEnd = 3,
        xlLabelPositionInsideBase = 4,
        xlLabelPositionBestFit = 5,
        xlLabelPositionMixed = 6,
        xlLabelPositionCustom = 7,
        xlDays = 0,
        xlMonths = 1,
        xlYears = 2,
        xlCategoryScale = 2,
        xlTimeScale = 3,
        xlAutomaticScale = -4105,
        xlBox = 0,
        xlPyramidToPoint = 1,
        xlPyramidToMax = 2,
        xlCylinder = 3,
        xlConeToPoint = 4,
        xlConeToMax = 5,
        xlColumnClustered = 51,
        xlColumnStacked = 52,
        xlColumnStacked100 = 53,
        xl3DColumnClustered = 54,
        xl3DColumnStacked = 55,
        xl3DColumnStacked100 = 56,
        xlBarClustered = 57,
        xlBarStacked = 58,
        xlBarStacked100 = 59,
        xl3DBarClustered = 60,
        xl3DBarStacked = 61,
        xl3DBarStacked100 = 62,
        xlLineStacked = 63,
        xlLineStacked100 = 64,
        xlLineMarkers = 65,
        xlLineMarkersStacked = 66,
        xlLineMarkersStacked100 = 67,
        xlPieOfPie = 68,
        xlPieExploded = 69,
        xl3DPieExploded = 70,
        xlBarOfPie = 71,
        xlXYScatterSmooth = 72,
        xlXYScatterSmoothNoMarkers = 73,
        xlXYScatterLines = 74,
        xlXYScatterLinesNoMarkers = 75,
        xlAreaStacked = 76,
        xlAreaStacked100 = 77,
        xl3DAreaStacked = 78,
        xl3DAreaStacked100 = 79,
        xlDoughnutExploded = 80,
        xlRadarMarkers = 81,
        xlRadarFilled = 82,
        xlSurface = 83,
        xlSurfaceWireframe = 84,
        xlSurfaceTopView = 85,
        xlSurfaceTopViewWireframe = 86,
        xlBubble = 15,
        xlBubble3DEffect = 87,
        xlStockHLC = 88,
        xlStockOHLC = 89,
        xlStockVHLC = 90,
        xlStockVOHLC = 91,
        xlCylinderColClustered = 92,
        xlCylinderColStacked = 93,
        xlCylinderColStacked100 = 94,
        xlCylinderBarClustered = 95,
        xlCylinderBarStacked = 96,
        xlCylinderBarStacked100 = 97,
        xlCylinderCol = 98,
        xlConeColClustered = 99,
        xlConeColStacked = 100,
        xlConeColStacked100 = 101,
        xlConeBarClustered = 102,
        xlConeBarStacked = 103,
        xlConeBarStacked100 = 104,
        xlConeCol = 105,
        xlPyramidColClustered = 106,
        xlPyramidColStacked = 107,
        xlPyramidColStacked100 = 108,
        xlPyramidBarClustered = 109,
        xlPyramidBarStacked = 110,
        xlPyramidBarStacked100 = 111,
        xlPyramidCol = 112,
        xl3DColumn = -4100,
        xlLine = 4,
        xl3DLine = -4101,
        xl3DPie = -4102,
        xlPie = 5,
        xlXYScatter = -4169,
        xl3DArea = -4098,
        xlArea = 1,
        xlDoughnut = -4120,
        xlRadar = -4151,
        xlDataLabel = 0,
        xlChartArea = 2,
        xlSeries = 3,
        xlChartTitle = 4,
        xlWalls = 5,
        xlCorners = 6,
        xlDataTable = 7,
        xlTrendline = 8,
        xlErrorBars = 9,
        xlXErrorBars = 10,
        xlYErrorBars = 11,
        xlLegendEntry = 12,
        xlLegendKey = 13,
        xlShape = 14,
        xlMajorGridlines = 15,
        xlMinorGridlines = 16,
        xlAxisTitle = 17,
        xlUpBars = 18,
        xlPlotArea = 19,
        xlDownBars = 20,
        xlAxis = 21,
        xlSeriesLines = 22,
        xlFloor = 23,
        xlLegend = 24,
        xlHiLoLines = 25,
        xlDropLines = 26,
        xlRadarAxisLabels = 27,
        xlNothing = 28,
        xlLeaderLines = 29,
        xlDisplayUnitLabel = 30,
        xlPivotChartFieldButton = 31,
        xlPivotChartDropZone = 32,
        xlSizeIsWidth = 2,
        xlSizeIsArea = 1,
        xlShiftDown = -4121,
        xlShiftToRight = -4161,
        xlShiftToLeft = -4159,
        xlShiftUp = -4162,
        xlDown = -4121,
        xlToLeft = -4159,
        xlToRight = -4161,
        xlUp = -4162,
        xlAverage = -4106,
        xlCount = -4112,
        xlCountNums = -4113,
        xlMax = -4136,
        xlMin = -4139,
        xlProduct = -4149,
        xlStDev = -4155,
        xlStDevP = -4156,
        xlSum = -4157,
        xlVar = -4164,
        xlVarP = -4165,
        xlUnknown = 1000,
        xlChart = -4109,
        xlDialogSheet = -4116,
        xlExcel4IntlMacroSheet = 4,
        xlExcel4MacroSheet = 3,
        xlWorksheet = -4167,
        xlColumnHeader = -4110,
        xlColumnItem = 5,
        xlDataHeader = 3,
        xlDataItem = 7,
        xlPageHeader = 2,
        xlPageItem = 6,
        xlRowHeader = -4153,
        xlRowItem = 4,
        xlTableBody = 8,
        xlFormulas = -4123,
        xlComments = -4144,
        xlValues = -4163,
        xlChartAsWindow = 5,
        xlChartInPlace = 4,
        xlClipboard = 3,
        xlInfo = -4129,
        xlWorkbook = 1,
        xlDate = 2,
        xlNumber = -4145,
        xlText = -4158,
        xlBitmap = 2,
        xlPicture = -4147,
        xlScenario = 4,
        xlConsolidation = 3,
        xlDatabase = 1,
        xlExternal = 2,
        xlPivotTable = -4148,
        xlA1 = 1,
        xlR1C1 = -4150,
        xlMicrosoftAccess = 4,
        xlMicrosoftFoxPro = 5,
        xlMicrosoftMail = 3,
        xlMicrosoftPowerPoint = 2,
        xlMicrosoftProject = 6,
        xlMicrosoftSchedulePlus = 7,
        xlMicrosoftWord = 1,
        xlNoButton = 0,
        xlPrimaryButton = 1,
        xlSecondaryButton = 2,
        xlCopy = 1,
        xlCut = 2,
        xlFillWithAll = -4104,
        xlFillWithContents = 2,
        xlFillWithFormats = -4122,
        xlFilterCopy = 2,
        xlFilterInPlace = 1,
        xlDownThenOver = 1,
        xlOverThenDown = 2,
        xlLinkTypeExcelLinks = 1,
        xlLinkTypeOLELinks = 2,
        xlColumnThenRow = 2,
        xlRowThenColumn = 1,
        xlDisabled = 0,
        xlErrorHandler = 2,
        xlInterrupt = 1,
        xlPageBreakAutomatic = -4105,
        xlPageBreakManual = -4135,
        xlPageBreakNone = -4142,
        xlOLEControl = 2,
        xlOLEEmbed = 1,
        xlOLELink = 0,
        xlLandscape = 2,
        xlPortrait = 1,
        xlEditionDate = 2,
        xlUpdateState = 1,
        xlLinkInfoStatus = 3,
        xlCommandUnderlinesAutomatic = -4105,
        xlCommandUnderlinesOff = -4146,
        xlCommandUnderlinesOn = 1,
        xlVerbOpen = 2,
        xlVerbPrimary = 1,
        xlCalculationAutomatic = -4105,
        xlCalculationManual = -4135,
        xlCalculationSemiautomatic = 2,
        xlReadOnly = 3,
        xlReadWrite = 2,
        xlPublisher = 1,
        xlSubscriber = 2,
        xlFitToPage = 2,
        xlFullPage = 3,
        xlScreenSize = 1,
        xlPart = 2,
        xlWhole = 1,
        xlMAPI = 1,
        xlNoMailSystem = 0,
        xlPowerTalk = 2,
        xlLinkInfoOLELinks = 2,
        xlLinkInfoPublishers = 5,
        xlLinkInfoSubscribers = 6,
        xlErrDiv0 = 2007,
        xlErrNA = 2042,
        xlErrName = 2029,
        xlErrNull = 2000,
        xlErrNum = 2036,
        xlErrRef = 2023,
        xlErrValue = 2015,
        xlBIFF = 2,
        xlPICT = 1,
        xlRTF = 4,
        xlVALU = 8,
        xlExcelLinks = 1,
        xlOLELinks = 2,
        xlPublishers = 5,
        xlSubscribers = 6,
        xlCellTypeBlanks = 4,
        xlCellTypeConstants = 2,
        xlCellTypeFormulas = -4123,
        xlCellTypeLastCell = 11,
        xlCellTypeComments = -4144,
        xlCellTypeVisible = 12,
        xlCellTypeAllFormatConditions = -4172,
        xlCellTypeSameFormatConditions = -4173,
        xlCellTypeAllValidation = -4174,
        xlCellTypeSameValidation = -4175,
        xlArrangeStyleCascade = 7,
        xlArrangeStyleHorizontal = -4128,
        xlArrangeStyleTiled = 1,
        xlArrangeStyleVertical = -4166,
        xlIBeam = 3,
        xlDefault = -4143,
        xlNorthwestArrow = 1,
        xlWait = 2,
        xlAutomaticUpdate = 4,
        xlCancel = 1,
        xlChangeAttributes = 6,
        xlManualUpdate = 5,
        xlOpenSource = 3,
        xlSelect = 3,
        xlSendPublisher = 2,
        xlUpdateSubscriber = 2,
        xlFillCopy = 1,
        xlFillDays = 5,
        xlFillDefault = 0,
        xlFillFormats = 3,
        xlFillMonths = 7,
        xlFillSeries = 2,
        xlFillValues = 4,
        xlFillWeekdays = 6,
        xlFillYears = 8,
        xlGrowthTrend = 10,
        xlLinearTrend = 9,
        xlAnd = 1,
        xlBottom10Items = 4,
        xlBottom10Percent = 6,
        xlOr = 2,
        xlTop10Items = 3,
        xlTop10Percent = 5,
        xlFilterValues = 7,
        xlFilterCellColor = 8,
        xlFilterFontColor = 9,
        xlFilterIcon = 10,
        xlFilterDynamic = 11,
        xlFilterNoFill = 12,
        xlFilterAutomaticFontColor = 13,
        xlFilterNoIcon = 14,
        xlClipboardFormatBIFF12 = 63,
        xlClipboardFormatBIFF = 8,
        xlClipboardFormatBIFF2 = 18,
        xlClipboardFormatBIFF3 = 20,
        xlClipboardFormatBIFF4 = 30,
        xlClipboardFormatBinary = 15,
        xlClipboardFormatBitmap = 9,
        xlClipboardFormatCGM = 13,
        xlClipboardFormatCSV = 5,
        xlClipboardFormatDIF = 4,
        xlClipboardFormatDspText = 12,
        xlClipboardFormatEmbeddedObject = 21,
        xlClipboardFormatEmbedSource = 22,
        xlClipboardFormatLink = 11,
        xlClipboardFormatLinkSource = 23,
        xlClipboardFormatLinkSourceDesc = 32,
        xlClipboardFormatMovie = 24,
        xlClipboardFormatNative = 14,
        xlClipboardFormatObjectDesc = 31,
        xlClipboardFormatObjectLink = 19,
        xlClipboardFormatOwnerLink = 17,
        xlClipboardFormatPICT = 2,
        xlClipboardFormatPrintPICT = 3,
        xlClipboardFormatRTF = 7,
        xlClipboardFormatScreenPICT = 29,
        xlClipboardFormatStandardFont = 28,
        xlClipboardFormatStandardScale = 27,
        xlClipboardFormatSYLK = 6,
        xlClipboardFormatTable = 16,
        xlClipboardFormatText = 0,
        xlClipboardFormatToolFace = 25,
        xlClipboardFormatToolFacePICT = 26,
        xlClipboardFormatVALU = 1,
        xlClipboardFormatWK1 = 10,
        xlAddIn = 18,
        xlCSV = 6,
        xlCSVMac = 22,
        xlCSVMSDOS = 24,
        xlCSVWindows = 23,
        xlDBF2 = 7,
        xlDBF3 = 8,
        xlDBF4 = 11,
        xlDIF = 9,
        xlExcel2 = 16,
        xlExcel2FarEast = 27,
        xlExcel3 = 29,
        xlExcel4 = 33,
        xlExcel5 = 39,
        xlExcel7 = 39,
        xlExcel9795 = 43,
        xlExcel4Workbook = 35,
        xlIntlAddIn = 26,
        xlIntlMacro = 25,
        xlWorkbookNormal = -4143,
        xlSYLK = 2,
        xlTemplate = 17,
        xlCurrentPlatformText = -4158,
        xlTextMac = 19,
        xlTextMSDOS = 21,
        xlTextPrinter = 36,
        xlTextWindows = 20,
        xlWJ2WD1 = 14,
        xlWK1 = 5,
        xlWK1ALL = 31,
        xlWK1FMT = 30,
        xlWK3 = 15,
        xlWK4 = 38,
        xlWK3FM3 = 32,
        xlWKS = 4,
        xlWorks2FarEast = 28,
        xlWQ1 = 34,
        xlWJ3 = 40,
        xlWJ3FJ3 = 41,
        xlUnicodeText = 42,
        xlHtml = 44,
        xlWebArchive = 45,
        xlXMLSpreadsheet = 46,
        xlExcel12 = 50,
        xlOpenXMLWorkbook = 51,
        xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled = 52,
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excel.link documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:18 p.m.