
Defines functions laws

laws <-
    ###### expectile regression according to eilers, schnabel
    # parameters:
    # formula - vector of responses ~ f(vector of independent,type="which base to use") + ...
    # smooth - if smoothing with schall's algorithm, asymmetric cross validation or no smoothing shall be done
    # lambda - smoothing penalty, important if no smoothing is done
    # nb - number of parameters per covariate
    # nbp - number of penalized parameters per covariate
    # nbunp - number of unpenalized parameters per covariate
    nterms = length(nb)
    m = length(yy)
    np = length(pp)
    #  myapply <- lapply
    #  if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix" && require("parallel")) 
    #  {
    #      if (!parallel:::isChild()) 
    #      {
    #          myapply <- mclapply
    #      }
    #  }
    if(length(lambda) < nterms)
        lala = rep(lambda[1],nterms)
        lala = lambda
    lala_orig <- lala
    dummy.reg <- function(pp,lala,smooth,yy,B,DD,nb,nterms,center)
        #cat("Expectile: ",pp,"\n")
        if(smooth == "schall")
        	constmat = matrix(0,nrow=1,ncol=ncol(B))
       sch = schall(yy,B,pp,DD,nb,lala,constmat,center,types)
       lala = sch[[2]]
       vector.a.ma.schall = sch[[1]]
       diag.hat = sch[[3]]
        else if(smooth == "aic"||smooth == "bic"||smooth == "ocv"||smooth == "gcv")
            lala_glatt <- lala[unlist(types) != "parametric"]
            glatterms <- which(unlist(types) != "parametric" )
            if(length(glatterms) > 0) {
                acv.min = nlminb(start=lala_glatt,objective=smoothCPPP,y=as.numeric(yy),B=B,tau=pp,lambdashort_orig=as.numeric(lala_orig),DD=DD,NB=as.integer(nb),glatterms = glatterms, smoothtype=smooth,lower=0,upper=10000)
                lala[unlist(types) != "parametric"] <- abs(acv.min$par)

            aa <- lltLS(y=as.numeric(yy), B=B, tau=pp, lambdashort_glatt=as.numeric(lala), lambdashort_orig=as.numeric(lala), DD=DD, NB=as.integer(nb), glatterms = 1:length(lala))
            vector.a.ma.schall <- aa$a  
            diag.hat = aa$diag.hat.ma
        else if(smooth == "cvgrid")
            lala_glatt <- lala[unlist(types) != "parametric"]
            glatterms <- which(unlist(types) != "parametric" )
            if(length(glatterms) > 0) {
            lala_glatt = cvgrid_fast(yy,B,pp,DD,as.integer(nb),types,lala)
            lala[unlist(types) != "parametric"] <- abs(lala_glatt)

            aa <- lltLS(y=as.numeric(yy), B=B, tau=pp, lambdashort_glatt=as.numeric(lala), lambdashort_orig=as.numeric(lala), DD=DD, NB=as.integer(nb), glatterms = 1:length(lala))
            vector.a.ma.schall <- aa$a  
            diag.hat = aa$diag.hat.ma
        else if(smooth == "lcurve")
            lala_glatt <- lala[unlist(types) != "parametric"]
            glatterms <- which(unlist(types) != "parametric" )
            if(length(glatterms) > 0) {
            lala_glatt = lcurve_fast(yy,B,pp,DD,nb,types,lala)
            lala[unlist(types) != "parametric"] <- abs(lala_glatt)

            aa <- lltLS(y=as.numeric(yy), B=B, tau=pp, lambdashort_glatt=as.numeric(lala), lambdashort_orig=as.numeric(lala), DD=DD, NB=as.integer(nb), glatterms = 1:length(lala))
            vector.a.ma.schall <- aa$a  
            diag.hat = aa$diag.hat.ma
            lala_glatt <- lala[unlist(types) != "parametric"]
            glatterms <- which(unlist(types) != "parametric" )
            aa <- lltLS(y=as.numeric(yy), B=B, tau=pp, lambdashort_glatt=as.numeric(lala), lambdashort_orig=as.numeric(lala), DD=DD, NB=as.integer(nb), glatterms = 1:length(lala))
            vector.a.ma.schall <- aa$a  
            diag.hat = aa$diag.hat.ma 
    if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix")
        coef.vector = mclapply(pp,function(pp) dummy.reg(pp,lala,smooth,yy,B,DD,nb,nterms,center),mc.cores = max(1,min(detectCores()-1,LAWSmaxCores)))
    else if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows")
        coef.vector = mclapply(pp,function(pp) dummy.reg(pp,lala,smooth,yy,B,DD,nb,nterms,center),mc.cores = 1)
    lala <- matrix(lambda, nrow=nterms, ncol=np)
    vector.a.ma.schall <- matrix(NA, nrow=sum(nb)+(1*center),ncol=np)
    diag.hat = matrix(NA,nrow=m,ncol=np)
    for(i in 1:np)
        vector.a.ma.schall[,i] = coef.vector[[i]][[1]]
        lala[,i] = coef.vector[[i]][[2]]
        diag.hat[,i] = coef.vector[[i]][[3]]

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expectreg documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:12 a.m.