Man pages for fHMM
Fitting Hidden Markov Models to Financial Data

check_dateCheck date format
coef.fHMM_modelModel coefficients
compare_modelsCompare multiple models
compute_ciCompute confidence intervals
compute_residualsCompute (pseudo-) residuals
compute_T_starCompute lengths of fine-scale chunks
daxDeutscher Aktienindex (DAX) index data
dax_model_2nDAX 2-state HMM with normal distributions
dax_model_3tDAX 3-state HMM with t-distributions
dax_vw_modelDAX/VW hierarchical HMM with t-distributions
decode_statesDecode the underlying hidden state sequence
dfCon2dfUnconThis function un-constrains the constrained degrees of...
dfUncon2dfConThis function constrains the un-constrained degrees of...
download_dataDownload financial data from Yahoo Finance
fHMM_colorsSet color scheme for visualizations
fHMM_dataConstructor of an 'fHMM_data' object
fHMM_eventsChecking events
fHMM_modelConstructor of a model object
fHMM-packagefHMM: Fitting Hidden Markov Models to Financial Data
fHMM_parametersSet and check model parameters
fHMM_sddsDefine state-dependent distributions
find_closest_yearFind the closest year to a given date
fit_modelModel fitting
Gamma2deltaThis function computes the stationary distribution of a...
Gamma2gammasConThis function constrains the non-diagonal matrix elements of...
Gamma2gammasUnconThis function un-constrains the non-diagonal matrix elements...
gammasCon2GammaThis function builds a transition probability matrix of...
gammasCon2gammasUnconThis function un-constrains the constrained non-diagonal...
gammasUncon2GammaThis function builds a transition probability matrix from...
gammasUncon2gammasConThis function constrains non-diagonal elements 'gammasUncon'...
is_numberCheck for integers
is_tpmCheck for transition probability matrix
match_allBest-possible match of two numeric vectors
muCon2muUnconThis function un-constrains the constrained expected values...
muUncon2muConThis function constrains the un-constrained expected values...
nLL_hhmmNegative log-likelihood function of an HHMM
nLL_hmmNegative log-likelihood function of an HMM
nparNumber of model parameters
par2parConThis function transforms an object of class 'fHMM_parameters'...
par2parUnconThis function transforms an object of class 'fHMM_parameters'...
parameter_labelsCreate labels for estimated parameters
parCon2parThis function transforms an object of class 'parCon' into an...
parCon2parUnconThis function transforms an object of class 'parCon' into an...
parUncon2parThis function transforms an object of class 'parUncon' into...
parUncon2parConThis function transforms an object of class 'parUncon' into...
plot.fHMM_dataPlot method for an object of class 'fHMM_data'
plot.fHMM_modelPlot method for an object of class 'fHMM_model'
plot_llVisualization of log-likelihood values
plot_prVisualize pseudo residuals
plot_sddsVisualization of estimated state-dependent distributions
plot_tsVisualize time series
prepare_dataPrepare data
read_dataRead data
reorder_statesReorder estimated states
sample_tpmSample transition probability matrices
set_controlsSet and validate controls
sigmaCon2sigmaUnconThis function un-constrains the constrained standard...
sigmaUncon2sigmaConThis function constrains the un-constrained standard...
sim_model_2gammaSimulated 2-state HMM with gamma distributions
sim_model_4lnormSimulated 4-state HMM with log-normal distributions
simulate_dataSimulate data
simulate_markov_chainSimulate Markov chain
simulate_observationsSimulate state-dependent observations
spxStandard & Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) index data
unempUnemployment rate data USA
unemp_spx_model_3_2Unemployment rate and S&P 500 hierarchical HMM
vwVolkswagen AG (VW) stock data
fHMM documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 5:10 p.m.