dax_vw_model: DAX/VW hierarchical HMM with t-distributions

dax_vw_modelR Documentation

DAX/VW hierarchical HMM with t-distributions


A pre-computed HHMM with monthly averaged closing prices of the DAX from 2010 to 2022 on the coarse scale, Volkswagen AG stock data on the fine scale, two hidden fine-scale and coarse-scale states, respectively, and state-dependent t-distributions for demonstration purpose.




An object of class fHMM_model.


The model was estimated via:

controls <- set_controls(
  hierarchy = TRUE,
  states    = c(2, 2),
  sdds      = c("t", "t"),
  period    = "m",
  data      = list(
    file       = list(dax, vw),
    from       = "2010-01-01",
    to         = "2022-12-31",
    logreturns = c(TRUE, TRUE)
  fit       = list(
    runs       = 200, 
    iterlim    = 300,
    gradtol    = 1e-6,
    steptol    = 1e-6
dax_vw_data <- prepare_data(controls)
dax_vw_model <- fit_model(dax_vw_data, seed = 1, ncluster = 10)
dax_vw_model <- decode_states(dax_vw_model)
dax_vw_model <- compute_residuals(dax_vw_model)

fHMM documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:22 p.m.