
Defines functions fnb.update.fastNaiveBayes fnb.update.fnb.poisson fnb.update.fnb.gaussian fnb.update.fnb.multinomial fnb.update.fnb.bernoulli fnb.update.default fnb.update

Documented in fnb.update fnb.update.default fnb.update.fastNaiveBayes fnb.update.fnb.bernoulli fnb.update.fnb.gaussian fnb.update.fnb.multinomial fnb.update.fnb.poisson

#' @title Update function
#' @param object fitted model
#' @param x numeric matrix
#' @param y factor of classes
#' @param sparse boolean, set to true to use sparse matrices
#' @param check boolean, set to true to enable formal checks on input
#' @export
#' @import Matrix
#' @rdname updateFNB
fnb.update <- function(object, x, y, sparse = FALSE, check = TRUE){

#' @export
#' @import Matrix
#' @rdname updateFNB
fnb.update.default  <- function(object, x, y, sparse = FALSE, check = TRUE){
  stop('Not implemented for this class yet!')

#' @export
#' @import Matrix
#' @rdname updateFNB
fnb.update.fnb.bernoulli <- function(object, x, y, sparse = FALSE, check = TRUE){
    args <- fnb.check.args.model(x, y, priors=NULL, sparse)
    x <- args$x
    y <- args$y
    sparse <- args$sparse

  # Determine present
  oldpresent <- object$present
  newpresent <- fnb.utils.rowsum(x, y, sparse)

  complete_names <- unique(c(colnames(oldpresent), colnames(newpresent)))

  # rownames(oldpresent) <- object$levels
  # rownames(newpresent) <- levels(y)

  oldpresent <- fnb.utils.pad_with_zeros(oldpresent, sparse, complete_names)
  newpresent <- fnb.utils.pad_with_zeros(newpresent, sparse, complete_names)

  present <- rbind(oldpresent, newpresent)
  present <- fnb.utils.rowsum(present, as.factor(rownames(present)), sparse)

  # Determine obs
  oldobs <- object$obs
  newobs <- nrow(x)
  obs <- oldobs+newobs

  # Determine n (i.e. obs count per level)
  oldn <- object$n
  newn <- tabulate(y, nbins = nlevels(y))

  n <- rowsum(c(oldn, newn), c(object$levels, levels(y)))[,1]

    present = present,
    laplace = object$laplace,
    n = n,
    obs = obs,
    priors = object$priors,
    names = colnames(present),
    levels = names(n)),

    class = "fnb.bernoulli"

#' @export
#' @import Matrix
#' @rdname updateFNB
fnb.update.fnb.multinomial <- function(object, x, y, sparse = FALSE, check = TRUE){
    args <- fnb.check.args.model(x, y, priors=NULL, sparse)
    x <- args$x
    y <- args$y
    sparse <- args$sparse

  # Determine present
  oldpresent <- object$present
  newpresent <- fnb.utils.rowsum(x, y, sparse)

  complete_names <- unique(c(colnames(oldpresent), colnames(newpresent)))

  # rownames(oldpresent) <- object$levels
  # rownames(newpresent) <- levels(y)

  oldpresent <- fnb.utils.pad_with_zeros(oldpresent, sparse, complete_names)
  newpresent <- fnb.utils.pad_with_zeros(newpresent, sparse, complete_names)

  present <- rbind(oldpresent, newpresent)
  present <- fnb.utils.rowsum(present, as.factor(rownames(present)), sparse)

  # Determine obs
  oldobs <- object$obs
  newobs <- nrow(x)
  obs <- oldobs+newobs

  # Determine n (i.e. obs count per level)
  oldn <- object$n
  newn <- tabulate(y, nbins = nlevels(y))

  n <- rowsum(c(oldn, newn), c(object$levels, levels(y)))[,1]

    present = present,
    laplace = object$laplace,
    n = n,
    obs = obs,
    priors = object$priors,
    names = colnames(present),
    levels = names(n)),

    class = "fnb.multinomial"

#' @export
#' @import Matrix
#' @rdname updateFNB
fnb.update.fnb.gaussian <- function(object, x, y, sparse = FALSE, check = TRUE){
    args <- fnb.check.args.model(x, y, priors=NULL, sparse)
    x <- args$x
    y <- args$y
    sparse <- args$sparse

  oldx <- object$x
  x <- x[,colnames(x),drop=FALSE]
    stop("x has different columns than original data used to build object")

  newx <- rbind(object$x, x)
  newy <- factor(c(as.character(object$y), as.character(y)))

  return(fnb.gaussian(newx, newy, object$priors, sparse))

#' @export
#' @import Matrix
#' @rdname updateFNB
fnb.update.fnb.poisson <- function(object, x, y, sparse = FALSE, check = TRUE){
    args <- fnb.check.args.model(x, y, priors=NULL, sparse)
    x <- args$x
    y <- args$y
    sparse <- args$sparse

  oldx <- object$x
  x <- x[,colnames(x),drop=FALSE]
    stop("x has different columns than original data used to build object")

  newx <- rbind(object$x, x)
  newy <- factor(c(as.character(object$y), as.character(y)))

  return(fnb.poisson(newx, newy, object$priors, sparse))

#' @export
#' @import Matrix
#' @rdname updateFNB
fnb.update.fastNaiveBayes <- function(object, x, y, sparse = FALSE, check = TRUE){
    args <- fnb.check.args.model(x, y, priors=NULL, sparse)
    x <- args$x
    y <- args$y
    sparse <- args$sparse

  oldx <- object$x
  x <- x[,colnames(x),drop=FALSE]
    stop("x has different columns than original data used to build object")

  newx <- rbind(object$x, x)
  newy <- factor(c(as.character(object$y), as.character(y)))
  return(fnb.train(newx, newy, priors = object$priors, laplace = object$laplace,
                   sparse = sparse, check = check, distribution = object$distribution))

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fastNaiveBayes documentation built on May 4, 2020, 5:09 p.m.