
#' Fast Adaptive Shrinkage/Thresholding Algorithm
#' \code{fasta} implements back-tracking with Barzelai-Borwein step size selection
#' @param f function handle for computing the smooth part of the objective
#' @param gradf function handle for computing the gradient of objective
#' @param g function handle for computing the nonsmooth part of the objective
#' @param proxg function handle for computing proximal mapping
#' @param x0 initial guess
#' @param tau1 initial stepsize
#' @param max_iters maximum iterations before automatic termination
#' @param w lookback window for non-montone line search
#' @param backtrack boolean to perform backtracking line search
#' @param recordIterates boolean to record iterate sequence
#' @param stepsizeShrink multplier to decrease step size
#' @param eps_n epsilon to prevent normalized residual from dividing by zero
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' #------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(12345)
#' n <- 100
#' p <- 25
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p)
#' beta <- matrix(rnorm(p),p,1)
#' y <- X%*%beta + rnorm(n)
#' beta0 <- matrix(0,p,1) # initial starting vector
#' f <- function(beta){ 0.5*norm(X%*%beta - y, "F")^2 }
#' gradf <- function(beta){ t(X)%*%(X%*%beta - y) }
#' g <- function(beta) { 0 }
#' proxg <- function(beta, tau) { beta }
#' x0 <- double(p) # initial starting iterate
#' tau1 <- 10
#' sol <- fasta(f,gradf,g,proxg,x0,tau1)
#' # Check KKT conditions
#' gradf(sol$x)
#' #------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' #------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(12345)
#' n <- 100
#' p <- 25
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p)
#' beta <- matrix(rnorm(p),p,1)
#' y <- X%*%beta + rnorm(n)
#' beta0 <- matrix(0,p,1) # initial starting vector
#' lambda <- 10
#' f <- function(beta){ 0.5*norm(X%*%beta - y, "F")^2 }
#' gradf <- function(beta){ t(X)%*%(X%*%beta - y) }
#' g <- function(beta) { lambda*norm(as.matrix(beta),'1') }
#' proxg <- function(beta, tau) { sign(beta)*(sapply(abs(beta) - tau*lambda,
#'   FUN=function(x) {max(x,0)})) }
#' x0 <- double(p) # initial starting iterate
#' tau1 <- 10
#' sol <- fasta(f,gradf,g,proxg,x0,tau1)
#' # Check KKT conditions
#' cbind(sol$x,t(X)%*%(y-X%*%sol$x)/lambda)
#' #------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' #------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(12345)
#' n <- 100
#' p <- 25
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p)
#' y <- sample(c(0,1),nrow(X),replace=TRUE)
#' beta <- matrix(rnorm(p),p,1)
#' beta0 <- matrix(0,p,1) # initial starting vector
#' f <- function(beta) { -t(y)%*%(X%*%beta) + sum(log(1+exp(X%*%beta))) } # objective function
#' gradf <- function(beta) { -t(X)%*%(y-plogis(X%*%beta)) } # gradient
#' g <- function(beta) { 0 }
#' proxg <- function(beta, tau) { beta }
#' x0 <- double(p) # initial starting iterate
#' tau1 <- 10
#' sol <- fasta(f,gradf,g,proxg,x0,tau1)
#' # Check KKT conditions
#' gradf(sol$x)
#' #------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' #------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' set.seed(12345)
#' n <- 100
#' p <- 25
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p)
#' y <- sample(c(0,1),nrow(X),replace=TRUE)
#' beta <- matrix(rnorm(p),p,1)
#' beta0 <- matrix(0,p,1) # initial starting vector
#' lambda <- 5
#' f <- function(beta) { -t(y)%*%(X%*%beta) + sum(log(1+exp(X%*%beta))) } # objective function
#' gradf <- function(beta) { -t(X)%*%(y-plogis(X%*%beta)) } # gradient
#' g <- function(beta) { lambda*norm(as.matrix(beta),'1') }
#' proxg <- function(beta, tau) { sign(beta)*(sapply(abs(beta) - tau*lambda,
#'   FUN=function(x) {max(x,0)})) }
#' x0 <- double(p) # initial starting iterate
#' tau1 <- 10
#' sol <- fasta(f,gradf,g,proxg,x0,tau1)
#' # Check KKT conditions
#' cbind(sol$x,-gradf(sol$x)/lambda)
fasta <- function(f,gradf,g,proxg,x0,tau1,max_iters=1e2,w=10,backtrack=TRUE,recordIterates=FALSE,stepsizeShrink=0.5,eps_n=1e-15) {
  ## Allocate memory
  residual <- double(max_iters)          #  Residuals
  normalizedResid <- double(max_iters)   #  Normalized residuals
  taus       <- double(max_iters)        #  Stepsizes
  fVals      <- double(max_iters)        #  The value of 'f', the smooth objective term
  objective  <- double(max_iters+1)      #  The value of the objective function (f+g)
  totalBacktracks <- 0                   #  How many times was backtracking activated?
  backtrackCount  <- 0                   #  Backtracks on this iterations

  ## Intialize array values
  x1       <- x0
  d1       <- x1
  f1       <- f(d1)
  fVals[1] <- f1
  gradf1   <- gradf(d1)

  if (recordIterates) {
    iterates <- matrix(0,length(x0),max_iters+1)
    iterates[,1] <- x1
  } else {
    iterates <- NULL

  ##  The handle non-monotonicity
  maxResidual       <- -Inf   #  Stores the maximum value of the residual that has been seen. Used to evaluate stopping conditions.
  minObjectiveValue <-  Inf   #  Stores the best objective value that has been seen.  Used to return best iterate, rather than last iterate

  objective[1] <- f1 + g(x0)

  ## Begin Loop
  for (i in 1:max_iters) {
    ##  Rename iterates relative to loop index.  "0" denotes index i, and "1" denotes index i+1
    x0 <- x1                       # x_i <--- x_{i+1}
    gradf0 <- matrix(gradf1)       # gradf0 is now $\nabla f(x_i)$
    tau0 <- tau1                   # \tau_i <--- \tau_{i+1}

    ##  FBS step: obtain x_{i+1} from x_i
    x1hat <- x0 - tau0 * c(gradf0) # Define \hat x_{i+1}
    x1 <- proxg(x1hat, tau0)       # Define x_{i+1}

    ##  Non-monotone backtracking line search
    Dx <- matrix(x1 - x0)
    d1 <- x1
    f1 <- f(d1)
    if (backtrack) {
      M <- max( fVals[max(i-w,1):max(i-1,1)] )  # Get largest of last 10 values of 'f'
      backtrackCount <- 0
      prop <- (f1 - 1e-12 > M + t(Dx)%*%gradf0 + 0.5*(norm(Dx,'f')**2)/tau0) && (backtrackCount < 20)
#      print(paste("Pre AND: ", prop))
#      print(paste("Sufficient Decrease: ",f1 - 1e-12 > M + t(Dx)%*%gradf0 + 0.5*(norm(Dx,'f')**2)/tau0) )
#      print(paste("f1: ", f1, "M: ", M, "<Dx,gradf0>: ", t(Dx)%*%gradf0, "tau0: ", tau0))
#      print(paste("backtrack: ",backtrackCount < 20))
      #  Note: 1e-12 is to quench rounding errors
      while ( prop ) {# The backtracking loop
        tau0 <- tau0*stepsizeShrink      # shrink stepsize
        x1hat <- x0 - tau0*c(gradf0)     # redo the FBS
        x1 <- proxg(x1hat, tau0)
        d1 <- x1
        f1 <- f(d1)
        Dx <- matrix(x1 - x0)
        backtrackCount <- backtrackCount + 1
#        print(paste("Sufficient Decrease: ",f1 - 1e-12 > M + t(Dx)%*%gradf0 + 0.5*(norm(Dx,'f')**2)/tau0) )
#        print(paste("backtrack: ",backtrackCount < 20))
        prop <- (f1 - 1e-12 > M + t(Dx)%*%gradf0 + 0.5*(norm(Dx,'f')**2)/tau0) && (backtrackCount < 20)
#        print(paste("AND: ", prop))
#        print(paste("backtrackCount: ",backtrackCount))
      totalBacktracks <- totalBacktracks + backtrackCount

    ## Record information
    taus[i] <- tau0  # stepsize
    residual[i]  <-  norm(Dx,'f')/tau0  # Estimate of the gradient, should be zero at solution
    maxResidual <- max(maxResidual, residual[i])
    normalizer <- max(norm(gradf0,'f'),norm(as.matrix(x1 - x1hat),'f')/tau0) + eps_n
    normalizedResid[i] <- residual[i]/normalizer   # Normalized residual:  size of discrepancy between the two derivative terms, divided by the size of the terms
    fVals[i] <- f1
    #  record function values
    objective[i+1] <- f1 + g(x1)
    newObjectiveValue <- objective[i+1]

     if (recordIterates) {  #  record iterate values
       iterates[,i+1] <- x1

    if (newObjectiveValue < minObjectiveValue) { # Methods is non-monotone:  Make sure to record best solutiom
      bestObjectiveIterate <- x1
      minObjectiveValue <- min(minObjectiveValue, newObjectiveValue)

    ## Compute stepsize needed for next iteration using BB/spectral method
    gradf1 <- gradf(d1)
    Dg <- matrix(gradf1 + (x1hat - x0)/tau0) # Delta_g, note that Delta_x was recorded above during backtracking
    dotprod <- t(Dx)%*%Dg
#    print(paste("dotprod: ", t(Dx)%*%Dg))
    tau_s <- norm(Dx,'f')^2 / dotprod   #  First BB stepsize rule
    tau_m <- dotprod / norm(Dg,'f')^2   #  Alternate BB stepsize rule
    tau_m <- max(tau_m,0)
    if (abs(dotprod) < 1e-15) break
    if (2*tau_m > tau_s) {   #  Use "Adaptive"  combination of tau_s and tau_m
      tau1 <- tau_m
    } else {
      tau1 <- tau_s - .5*tau_m  #  Experiment with this param
    if ( (tau1 <= 0) || is.infinite(tau1) || is.nan(tau1) ) {
      tau1 <- tau0*1.5

  if (recordIterates) {  #  record iterate values
    iterates <- iterates[,1:(i+1),drop=FALSE]


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fasta documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:28 p.m.