
Defines functions toggle_behavior check_curl_list http.list http.default http_ http

Documented in http

#' higher level error wrappers
#' @export
#' @param response The result of a call via \pkg{crul}, \pkg{curl}, or
#' \pkg{httr}
#' @param muffle (logical) whether to not respond when status codes
#' in 1xx-3xx series. Default: \code{FALSE}
#' @template params
#' @seealso \code{\link{Error}}, \code{\link[fauxpas]{Error-Classes}}
#' @section using package \pkg{curl}:
#' curl reponses are simple lists, so we have little to go on to make sure
#' it's a response from the \pkg{curl} package. We check for list names
#' internally but of course you could pass in a list with the right named
#' elements, while the values are complete nonsense, in which case
#' we'll probably fail badly. There's not much we can do.
#' @note These \code{http*} methods only use \code{$do} and not
#' \code{$do_verbose}.
#' @examples
#' res <- list(url="https://a.com", status_code=200, type="application/xml", 
#'  headers=charToRaw("a"), modified=NA, times=5, content=charToRaw('b'))
#' http(res, behavior = "message")
http <- function(response, behavior = "auto", message_template, muffle = FALSE) {
http_ <- function(response, behavior = "auto", message_template, muffle = FALSE) {
  stat <- fetch_status(response)
  if (muffle) if (stat < 300) return(invisible(response))
  behavior <- toggle_behavior(stat, behavior)
  tmp <- Error$new(behavior = behavior, message_template = message_template)
#' @export
http.default <- function(response, behavior = "auto", message_template, muffle = FALSE) {
  stop("no 'http' method for ", class(response)[[1L]], call. = FALSE)
#' @export
http.response <- http_
#' @export
http.HttpResponse <- http_
#' @export
http.list <- function(response, behavior = "auto", message_template, muffle = FALSE) {
  http_(response, behavior, message_template)

check_curl_list <- function(x) {
  # attempt to make sure list is from curl
  ## any names?
  if (length(names(x)) == 0) {
    stop('curl response list must have named elements - see docs')
  ## the right names?
  if (!all(c('url', 'status_code', 'headers', 'modified', 'times') %in%
           names(x))) {
    stop("found list names '", paste0(names(x), collapse = ", "),
         "' - indicating input not likely a curl response - see docs")
  ## the right classes
  stopifnot(inherits(x$url, "character"))
  stopifnot(inherits(x$headers, "raw"))
  stopifnot(inherits(x$times, "numeric"))
  ### sometimes content won't be present
  if (!is.null(x$content)) stopifnot(inherits(x$content, "raw"))

toggle_behavior <- function(status, behavior) {
  stopifnot(inherits(behavior, "character"))
  if (!behavior %in% c('stop', 'warning', 'message', 'auto')) {
    stop("'behavior' must be one of stop, warning, message, or auto",
      call. = FALSE)
    auto = {
      status_type <- as.character((status %/% 100) * 100)
        '100' = "message",
        '200' = "message",
        '300' = "warning",
        '400' = "stop",
        '500' = "stop"
    stop = "stop",
    warning = "warning",
    message = "message"

Try the fauxpas package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

fauxpas documentation built on May 3, 2023, 9:14 a.m.