team_and_scores_filters: Helper Function to Determine Teams or Scores to Include

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s)


Helper function not exported for users. This creates a vector of teams names that match the filter information passed in in ... and a vector of TRUE, FALSE for each row of x$scores to include. This function is used throughout the package whenever filtering on scores or teams columns is requested.





A list with elements scores which is a scores data frame with uniform team names and teams which is a teams data frame. Typically is a fbRanks object in most function calls.


Other filters to apply when printing. These must match column names in either x$teams or x$scores. For example, if x$teams has a column named 'country' with values 'UK','Canada' and 'Germany', you can pass in country="UK" to only show UK ranks.


A list with include.teams, a vector of team names, and include.scores, a vector of TRUE, FALSE for each row in x$scores.


Eli Holmes, Seattle, USA.


fbRanks documentation built on May 1, 2019, 8:01 p.m.