
Defines functions fbatcinstall.debug sh.install fbat.install fbat.extrapath fbat.full.exename fbat.exename fbat.install.http.dest fbat.install.http fbat.install.default.exePath isLinux isMac isWindows permission

RTOOLS <- "Rtools28.exe"
RTOOLS.HOME <- "http://www.murdoch-sutherland.com/Rtools/"
#RTOOLS.URL <- "http://www.murdoch-sutherland.com/Rtools/Rtools28.exe"
RTOOLS.URL <- paste( RTOOLS.HOME, RTOOLS, sep="" )
## Installs to 'C:\Rtools\bin\sh.exe'
SH.EXE <- "C:/Rtools/bin/sh.exe"

permission <- function( msg ) {
  ##library( tcltk )
  res <- tkmessageBox(message=msg,icon="question",type="yesno",default="yes")
  return( tclvalue(res) == "yes" )

#isWindows <- getFromNamespace( "isWindows", "pbatR" )
isWindows <- function()
  return( tolower(Sys.info()["sysname"]) == "windows" )
isMac <- function()
  return( tolower(Sys.info()["sysname"]) == "darwin" )
isLinux <- function()
  return( tolower(Sys.info()["sysname"]) == "linux" )

## Returns default install paths
fbat.install.default.exePath <- function() {
  if( isWindows() ) return( "C:/" )
  if( isMac() || isLinux() ) return( "~/bin" )

  stop( "Could not determine system OS type." )

## Returns download paths
fbat.install.http <- function() {
  #if( isWindows() ) return( "http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~tjhoffm/fbati/fbatWin202c.zip" )
  #if( isLinux() ) return( "http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~tjhoffm/fbati/fbatLinux202c.zip" )
  #if( isMac() ) return( "http://www.people.fas.harvard.edu/~tjhoffm/fbati/fbatDarwin202c.zip" )
  if( isWindows() ) return( "http://www.biostat.harvard.edu/%7Efbat/software/fbat202C_win.zip" )
  if( isLinux() ) return( "http://www.biostat.harvard.edu/%7Efbat/software/fbat202C_linux.tar.gz" )
  if( isMac() ) return( "http://www.biostat.harvard.edu/%7Efbat/software/fbat202C_darwin.tar.gz" )

  stop( "Could not determine system OS type." )
fbat.install.http.dest <- function() {
  if( isWindows() ) return( "fbat.zip" )
  return( "fbat.tgz" )

fbat.exename <- function() {
  #if( isLinux() ) return( "fbatLinux202c" )
  #if( isWindows() ) return( "fbatWin202c.exe" )
  #if( isMac() ) return( "fbatDarwin202c" )

  if( isLinux() || isMac() ) return( "fbat" )
  if( isWindows() ) return( "fbat.exe" )

  stop( "Could not determine system OS type." )

fbat.full.exename <- function( exePath=NULL ) {
  fbatname <- fbat.exename()

  if( is.null(exePath) ) exePath <- fbat.install.default.exePath()
  return( paste( exePath, "/", fbatname, sep="" ) )

fbat.extrapath <- function() {
  if( isWindows() ) return( "fbat202C_win/" )
  if( isLinux() ) return( "fbat202C_linux/" )
  if( isMac() ) return( "fbat202C/" )

  stop( "Could not determine system OS type." )

fbat.install <- function( exePath=NULL ) {
  ## Destination files...
  dest <- fbat.full.exename( exePath )
  if( !file.exists(dest) ) {
    ## Get permission from user.
    if( !permission(paste( "May I download the file [", fbat.install.http(), "], and extract the FBAT executable to the folder [", fbat.full.exename(exePath), "]? You must agree to the FBAT license.", sep="" )) )
      stop( paste( "User did not wish to download the file [", fbat.install.http(), "] to the current working directory. You will need to download and extract fbat manually to the location [", fbat.full.exename(exePath), "].", sep="" ) )

    ## Prep the install directory
    if( is.null( exePath ) ) exePath <- fbat.install.default.exePath()
    if( !file.exists(exePath) ) dir.create( exePath )

    ## Download the file
    cat( "Downloading FBAT...\n" )
    download.file( url=fbat.install.http(), destfile=fbat.install.http.dest(), mode="wb" )
    if( !file.exists( fbat.install.http.dest() ) )
      stop( paste( "Could not download the file [", fbat.install.http(), "] to the current working directory. You may need to download and extract fbat manually to the location [", fbat.full.exename(exePath), "].", sep="" ) )

    ## Extract the file
    cat( "Extracting FBAT...\n" )
    if( !isWindows() ) {
      ## Make it pass codetools check
      assign( "zip.unpack", function() { stop("zip.unpack only available in windows.") } )

    if( isWindows() ) {
      ##zip.file.extract( paste(fbat.extrapath(),fbat.exename(),sep=""), "fbat.zip" )
      zip.unpack( "fbat.zip", "." )
      file.copy( from=paste(fbat.extrapath(),fbat.exename(),sep=""), to="." )
      if( !file.exists( fbat.exename()) )
        stop( paste( "Could not extract the file [fbat.zip] in the current working directory to the file [", fbat.exename(), "]. You may need to download and extract fbat manually to the location [", fbat.full.exename(exePath), "].", sep="" ) )
      cat( "tar -zxvf fbat.tgz", "\n" )
      system( "tar -zxvf fbat.tgz" )
      cat( paste( "mv ", fbat.extrapath(), "* .", sep="" ), "\n" )
      system( paste( "mv ", fbat.extrapath(), "* .", sep="" ) )
      if( !file.exists(fbat.exename()) )
        stop( paste( "Could not extract the file [fbat.tgz] in the current working directory to the file [", fbat.exename(), "]. You may need to download and extract fbat manually to the location [", fbat.full.exename(exePath), "].", sep="" ) )

    ## And move it to the proper location
   file.copy( fbat.exename(), dest )
   if( !isWindows() )
    Sys.chmod( dest ) ## OK, this is just stupid. Thank you.s

    ## Make sure it exists then...
    if( !file.exists( dest ) )
      stop( "Failed to install fbat" )

sh.install <- function() {
  if( !isWindows() || file.exists(SH.EXE) )

  #if( !permission( paste( "Can I download and then run the installer for Rtools? This is required for the sh.exe program to control the FBAT program. I would like to download the file [", RTOOLS.URL, "], run it, you will proceed through the installation, and return here. Do not change the defaults, as then this will no longer work. Proceed?", sep="" ) )
  if( !permission( paste( "Can I download and then run the installer for Rtools? This is required for the sh.exe program to control FBAT. This would involve downloading [", RTOOLS.URL, "], running it, installing to the default location, and then returning here. Note that a newer version may be available on the website if this fails, or you prefer that version. Proceed?", sep="" ) ) )
    stop( "Could not install the 'sh.exe' file, terminating." )

  cat( "Downloading file...\n" )
  download.file( url=RTOOLS.URL, destfile="rtools.exe", mode="wb" )
  cat( "Installing file...\n" )
  system( "rtools.exe" )

  if( !file.exists(SH.EXE) )
    stop( "Installation of sh.exe failed. Installation failed." )

fbatcinstall.debug <- function() {
  ## Do we recognize the OS?
  cat( "isWindows", isWindows(), "\n" )
  cat( "isLinux", isLinux(), "\n" )
  cat( "isMac", isMac(), "\n" )

  ## What's the exename?
  cat( "exename:", fbat.exename(), "\n" )
  cat( "full exename (default):", fbat.full.exename(), "\n" )

  ## Try installing fbat
  print( dir() ) ## List directory contents to see what happened.

  ## Try installing sh (windows only)

Try the fbati package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

fbati documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 9:31 p.m.