
Defines functions initBN

Documented in initBN

#' initBN: a function to initialize the bayesian network.
#' @param ped A ped object with information of the genotyped members. The ped object must be in Familias format.
#' @param bplotped An alternative ped object to be compared. 
#' @import paramlink
#' @import graphics
#' @examples 
#' pbn  <- initBN(toyped)
#' @export
#' @return A bayesian network.


MUT_MODEL_NAMES <- c("none","equal","stepwise")
#if(exists("mmodel")) rm(mmodel)

   res <- initBN.fromVars(bplotped=bplotped)
   res <- initBN.fromPed(ped,bplotped=bplotped)

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fbnet documentation built on July 9, 2023, 6:24 p.m.