quasicircle2Dareal: Quasicircle2Dareal domain

quasicircle2DarealR Documentation

Quasicircle2Dareal domain


The mesh of a quasicircular domain, together with a non-stationary field observed over seven circular subdomains and the incindence matrix defining the subdomains used by Azzimonti et. al 2015. This dataset can be used to test the smooth.FEM function for areal data.


Azzimonti, L., Sangalli, L. M., Secchi, P., Domanin, M., & Nobile, F. (2015). Blood flow velocity field estimation via spatial regression with PDE penalization. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 110(511), 1057-1071.

fdaPDE documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 5:09 p.m.