
Defines functions Lwls2D

Documented in Lwls2D

#' Two dimensional local linear kernel smoother.
#' Two dimensional local weighted least squares smoother. Only local linear smoother for estimating the original curve is available (no higher order, no derivative). 
#' @param bw A scalar or a vector of length 2 specifying the bandwidth.
#' @param kern Kernel used: 'gauss', 'rect', 'gausvar', 'epan' (default), 'quar'.
#' @param xin An n by 2 data frame or matrix of x-coordinate.
#' @param yin A vector of y-coordinate.
#' @param win A vector of weights on the observations. 
#' @param xout1 a p1-vector of first output coordinate grid. Defaults to the input gridpoints if left unspecified.
#' @param xout2 a p2-vector of second output coordinate grid. Defaults to the input gridpoints if left unspecified.
#' @param xout alternative to xout1 and xout2. A matrix of p by 2 specifying the output points (may be inefficient if the size of \code{xout} is small).
#' @param crosscov using function for cross-covariance estimation (Default: FALSE). FALSE for auto-covariance estimation and 
#' TRUE for two-dimensional local linear kernel smoothing or cross-covariance estimation. 
#' For auto-covariance estimation (i.e., when \code{crosscov} is FALSE), \code{xout1} and \code{xout2} should be the same.
#' @param subset  a vector with the indices of x-/y-/w-in to be used (Default: NULL)
#' @param method should one try to sort the values xin and yin before using the lwls smoother? if yes ('sort2' - default for non-Gaussian kernels), if no ('plain' - fully stable; de)
#' @return a p1 by p2 matrix of fitted values if xout is not specified. Otherwise a vector of length p corresponding to the rows of xout. 
#' @export

Lwls2D <- function(bw, kern='epan', xin, yin, win=NULL, xout1=NULL, xout2=NULL, xout=NULL, subset=NULL, crosscov = FALSE, method = ifelse(kern == 'gauss', 'plain', 'sort2')) {

  # only support epan kernel now.
  # stopifnot(kern == 'epan')
  if ( !crosscov ) {
    # for auto-cov estimation, return an error if xout1 and xout2 are different
    if ( !isTRUE( all.equal( xout1, xout2 ) ) ) {
      stop ( 'xout1 and xout2 should be the same when crosscov is FALSE.' )
  if (length(bw) == 1){
    bw <- c(bw, bw)
  if (!is.matrix(xin) ||  (dim(xin)[2] != 2) ){
    stop('xin needs to be a n by 2 matrix')
  # xin <- matrix(xin, ncol=2) # This causes unexcepted/wrong results.
  if (is.null(win)){
    win <- rep(1, nrow(xin))
  if (!(nrow(xin) == length(yin) && nrow(xin) == length(win))) {
    stop('The length of xin, yin, and win (if specified) must be the same')
  if (!is.null(subset)) {
    xin <- xin[subset, ]
    yin <- yin[subset]
    win <- win[subset]
  if (!is.null(xout1) && !is.null(xout2) && !is.null(xout)) {
    stop('Either xout1/xout2 or xout should be specified, but not both.')
  if (is.null(xout1)) 
    xout1 <- sort(unique(xin[, 1]))
  if (is.null(xout2)) 
    xout2 <- sort(unique(xin[, 2]))
  # For passing numerics into the cpp smoother.
  storage.mode(bw) <- 'numeric'
  storage.mode(xin) <- 'numeric'
  storage.mode(yin) <- 'numeric'
  storage.mode(win) <- 'numeric'
  storage.mode(xout1) <- 'numeric'
  storage.mode(xout2) <- 'numeric'
  if (!is.null(xout))
    storage.mode(xout) <- 'numeric' 
  if (crosscov == TRUE){ 
    if (method == 'sort2') {
      ord <- order(xin[, 1])
      xin <- xin[ord, ]
      yin <- yin[ord]
      win <- win[ord]
      # browser()
      #ret <- RmullwlskCCsort2(bw, kern, t(xin), yin, win, xout1, xout2, FALSE)
       ret <- RmullwlskUniversal(bw, kern, t(xin), yin, win, xout1, xout2, FALSE, autoCov = FALSE)
    } else if (method == 'plain') {
      ret <- RmullwlskCC(bw, kern, t(xin), yin, win, xout1, xout2, FALSE)
    } else {
      if(method == 'plain'){
        ret <- Rmullwlsk(bw, kern, t(xin), yin, win, xout1, xout2, FALSE)
      } else if (method == 'sort2'){
        ord <- order(xin[, 1])
        xin <- xin[ord, ]
        yin <- yin[ord]
        win <- win[ord]
        # browser()
        ret <- RmullwlskUniversal(bw, kern, t(xin), yin, win, xout1, xout2, FALSE, autoCov = TRUE)

  if (!is.null(xout)) {
    ret <- interp2lin(xout1, xout2, ret, xout[, 1], xout[, 2])

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