
context("getting multivar to work with multiple variables")
testthat::test_that("multivar works at all with multiple variables", {
  corp_data1_test <- copy(fedmatch::corp_data1)
  corp_data2_test <- copy(fedmatch::corp_data2)
  corp_data1_test[, id_1 := seq(1, .N)]
  corp_data2_test[, id_2 := seq(1, .N)]
  # corp_data1_test
  corp_data2_test[, Country := country]
  corp_data2_test[, Company := Name]
  fake_result_table <- data.table(
    match = sample(c(1, 0, 1), 1e5, replace = TRUE),
    Company_compare = runif(1e5),
    Country_compare = sample(c(1, 0), 1e5, replace = TRUE)

  logit_model <- glm(match ~ Company_compare + Country_compare,
    family = "binomial",
    data = fake_result_table
  # corp_data2_test
  # fake_result_table
  # class(logit_model)
  result <- multivar_match(corp_data1_test, corp_data2_test,
    by = c("Country", "Company"), unique_key_1 = "id_1",
    unique_key_2 = "id_2", logit = logit_model, compare_type = c("indicator", "stringdist"),
    wgts = NULL, nthread = 1,
    suffixes = c("_1", "_2")
  expect_is(result, "data.table")
testthat::test_that("multivar works as part of a tier match", {
  corp_data1_test <- copy(fedmatch::corp_data1)
  corp_data2_test <- copy(fedmatch::corp_data2)
  corp_data1_test[, id_1 := seq(1, .N)]
  corp_data2_test[, id_2 := seq(1, .N)]
  # corp_data1_test
  corp_data2_test[, Country := country]
  corp_data2_test[, Company := Name]
  fake_result_table <- data.table(
    match = sample(c(1, 0, 1), 1e5, replace = TRUE),
    Company_compare = runif(1e5),
    Country_compare = sample(c(1, 0), 1e5, replace = TRUE)

  logit_model <- glm(match ~ Company_compare + Country_compare,
    family = "binomial",
    data = fake_result_table

  tier_list <- list(
    a = list(match_type = "exact"),
    b = list(match_type = "fuzzy"),
    c = list(
      match_type = "multivar",
      by.x = c("Company", "Country"),
      by.y = c("Company", "Country"),
      multivar_settings = list(
        logit = logit_model, missing = FALSE,
        compare_type = c("stringdist", "indicator"), blocks = NULL, blocks.x = NULL, blocks.y = NULL,
        top = 1, threshold = NULL
    d = list(match_type = "exact", clean_settings = list(remove_words = TRUE))
  # tier_list[["c"]][["by.y"]]
  result <- tier_match(corp_data1_test, corp_data2_test,
    by.x = "Company", by.y = "Name",
    unique_key_1 = "id_1", unique_key_2 = "id_2",
    tiers = tier_list, takeout = "neither",
    suffixes = c("_1", "_2"), verbose = T
  result$matches[tier == "c"]
  expect_is(result$matches, "data.table")
testthat::test_that("multivar works with wgt_jaccard", {
  corp_data1_test <- copy(fedmatch::corp_data1)
  corp_data2_test <- copy(fedmatch::corp_data2)
  corp_data1_test[, id_1 := seq(1, .N)]
  corp_data2_test[, id_2 := seq(1, .N)]
  # corp_data1_test
  corp_data2_test[, Country := country]
  corp_data2_test[, Company := Name]
  fake_result_table <- data.table(
    match = c(rep(1, .25e5), rep(0, .25e5), rep(1, .5e5)),
    Company_compare = seq(.00001, 1, .00001),
    Country_compare = sample(c(1, 0), 1e5, replace = TRUE)

  logit_model <- glm(match ~ Company_compare + Country_compare,
                     family = "binomial",
                     data = fake_result_table
  # corp_data2_test
  # fake_result_table
  # class(logit_model)
  result <- multivar_match(corp_data1_test, corp_data2_test,
                           by = c("Country", "Company"), unique_key_1 = "id_1",
                           unique_key_2 = "id_2", logit = logit_model,
                           compare_type = c("indicator", "wgt_jaccard_dist"),
                           wgts = NULL, nthread = 1,
                           suffixes = c("_1", "_2")
  expect_is(result, "data.table")

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fedmatch documentation built on Nov. 23, 2021, 1:07 a.m.