
Defines functions compare_predictions

Documented in compare_predictions

#' Compare predictions of ERGM to FERGM.
#' This function allows you to assess the importance of the frailty term in prediction by comparing the predictive accuracy of an ERGM to an FERGM.
#' Note: Prior to estimating this function, ensure the network object of interest is saved to the global environment and named "net."
#' @param ergm.fit A model object returned by the \code{ergm} function.  Must be specified.
#' @param fergm.fit A model object returned by the \code{fergm} function.  Must be specified.
#' @param seed An integer that sets the seed for the random number generator to assist in replication.  Defaults to a null value for no seed setting.
#' @param replications The number of networks to be simulated to assess predictions. Defaults to 500.
#' @keywords Fit GOF Prediction.
#' @references Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M., Dino P. Christenson, and Jason W. Morgan. 2018. ``Modeling Unobserved Heterogeneity in Social Networks with the Frailty Exponential Random Graph Model." \emph{Political Analysis}. (26)1:3-19.
#' @references Stan Development Team (2016). RStan: the R interface to Stan. R package version 2.14.1. \url{http://mc-stan.org/}.
#' @return The compare_predictions function returns a matrix reflecting the number of correctly predicted ties for the ERGM and FERGM for each network simulated.
#' @examples
#' # load example data
#' library(fergm)
#' data("ergm.fit")
#' data("fergm.fit")
#' # Use built in compare_predictions function to compare predictions of ERGM and FERGM,
#' # few replications due to example
#' # Make sure "net" is an object defined in the global environment.
#' net <- ergm.fit$network
#' predict_out <- compare_predictions(ergm.fit = ergm.fit, fergm.fit = fergm.fit,
#'                                    replications = 10, seed=12345)
#' # Use the built in compare_predictions_plot function to examine the densities of
#' #  correctly predicted ties from the compare_predictions simulations
#' compare_predictions_plot(predict_out)
#' # We can also conduct a KS test to determine if the FERGM fit
#'      # it statistically disginguishable from the ERGM fit
#' compare_predictions_test(predict_out)
#' @export

compare_predictions <- function(ergm.fit = NULL, fergm.fit = NULL, seed = NULL, replications = 500){

  if("net" %in% ls(envir = .GlobalEnv) == FALSE){
    stop("Network object used on LHS of ERGM and FERGM must be present in global environment and be named 'net'.
         Failing to do this leads to errors in the 'ergm' method for 'simulate' as a valid LHS network is not found.")

  } else {
    warning("Note: This function relies upon network simulation to compare ERGM and FERGM predictions.  Consider specifying a seed to set to ensure replicability.")

  lt <- function(m) { m[lower.tri(m)] }
  n_dyads <- choose(ergm.fit$network$gal$n, 2)

  new_formula <- stats::update.formula(ergm.fit$formula, net ~ .)
  ergm_coefs <- ergm.fit$coef
  net <- ergm.fit$network
  ergm.pred <- function()
    flo.truth <- lt(as.matrix(net))
    sim.pred <- lt(as.matrix(simulate(object = new_formula, coef = ergm_coefs)))
    sum(flo.truth == sim.pred) / n_dyads

  pct_correct_ergm <- replicate(replications, ergm.pred())

  stan.dta <- fergm.fit$stan.dta
  stan.fit <- fergm.fit$stan.fit

  truth <- stan.dta$y
  predictions <- extract(stan.fit, "predictions")$predictions

  pct_correct_fergm <- sapply(1:nrow(predictions),
                              function(r) sum(truth == predictions[r,]) / n_dyads)

  correct_mat <- cbind(pct_correct_ergm, pct_correct_fergm)

  improvement <- round(((mean(pct_correct_fergm)-mean(pct_correct_ergm))/mean(pct_correct_ergm))*100, 2)

  cat(paste0("The FERGM fit reflects a ", improvement, "% improvement in tie prediction relative to the ERGM across ", replications, " simulations"))


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fergm documentation built on May 2, 2019, 2:37 a.m.