
Defines functions poly2sample

Documented in poly2sample

#' @title poly2sample
#' @description {Converts a raster grid to point samples based on a overlapping polygon.}
#' @param x Object of class \emph{SpatialPolygons} or \emph{SpatialPolygonDataFrame}.
#' @param y A raster object or a numeric element.
#' @param preserve.id Logical. Should the output be polygon-wide?
#' @param min.cover A numeric element between 0 and 1.
#' @importFrom raster raster extent crop rasterToPoints rasterize xyFromCell cellFromXY crs
#' @importFrom sp SpatialPointsDataFrame
#' @seealso \code{\link{raster2sample}} \code{\link{ccLabel}}
#' @return A \emph{SpatialPointsDataFrame} with sampled pixels reporting on polygon percent coverage.
#' @details {\emph{poly2Sample} extends on the \code{\link[raster]{rasterize}} function from the raster 
#' package making it more efficient over large areas and converting its output into point samples rather 
#' than a raster object. For each polygon in (\emph{"x"}), \emph{poly2sample} extracts the overlapping 
#' pixels of a reference grid. Then, for each pixel, the function estimates the percentage of it that is 
#' covered by the reference polygon. If \emph{y} is a raster object, the function will use it as a reference  
#' grid. If \emph{y} is a numeric element, the function will build a raster from the extent of \emph{x} and 
#' a resolution equal to \emph{y}. Sometimes, two or more polygons can cover the same pixel. When this happens, 
#' the function will assign this pixel to each of the overlapping polygons and thus replicate this sample. When 
#' we want to analyze each polygon individually this can be useful. However, if e.g. the polygons are all of same 
#' class and we want to  avoid replicated samples, we can set \emph{preserve.id} to FALSE. When doing so, the 
#' function will identify all the unique pixels covered polygons and for, the duplicated it will sum the percent 
#' cover values. Points with percent values below \emph{min.cover} will be omitted from the output.}
#' @examples {
#'  require(raster)
#'  # read raster data
#'  r <- raster(system.file("extdata", "ndvi.tif", package="fieldRS")[1])
#'  # read field data
#'  data(fieldData)
#'  fieldData <- fieldData[1,]
#'  # extract samples
#'  samples <- poly2sample(fieldData, r)
#' }
#' @export


poly2sample <- function(x, y, preserve.id=TRUE, min.cover=0) {

# 1. Check input variables

  # check shapefile
  if(is.null('x')) {stop('"x" is missing')}
  if(!class(x)[1]%in%c('SpatialPolygons', 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame')) {
    stop('"x" is not a valid input')}

  # check/derive reference raster
  if (is.numeric(y)) {y <- extend(raster(extent(x), res=y, crs=crs(x)), y)} else {
    e <- try(extent(y))
    if (class(e) == "try-error") {stop('"y" is not of a valid class')}}
  # how should the data be handled?
  if (!is.logical(preserve.id)) {stop('"preserve.id" is not a logical argument')}

  # check overlap between x and y
  o <- checkOverlap(x, y)
  if (o[1] != 100) {stop('"x" is not contained by "y"')}

# 2. evaluate polygons

  lf <- function(i) {
    r <- extend(crop(y[[1]], extent(x[i,])), 1)
    r <- rasterToPoints(rasterize(x[i,], r, getCover=TRUE))
    return(data.frame(x=r[,1], y=r[,2], cover=r[,3], id=i))}

  df0 <- lapply(1:length(x), lf)
  df0 <- do.call(rbind, df0)
  df0 <- df0[which(df0$cover > 0),]
# 3. report
  if (nrow(df0) > 0) {
    # remove duplicates
    if (!preserve.id) {
      pp <- cellFromXY(y, df0[,c("x", "y")]) # pixel positions
      up <- unique(pp) # unique positions
      pc <- sapply(up, function(x) {sum(df0$cover[which(pp==x)])}) # update percentages
      pc[which(pc>1)] <- 1 # account for miss-calculations (related to e.g. overlapping polygons)
      xy <- xyFromCell(y, up) # convert unique positions to coordinates
      df0 <- data.frame(x=xy[,1], y=xy[,2], cover=pc) # build final data frame
      rm(pp, up, pc, xy)
    # filter unwanted points
    df0 <- df0[which(df0$cover >= min.cover),]
    # return output
    return(SpatialPointsDataFrame(df0[,1:2], df0, proj4string=crs(x)))
  } else {
    warning('no samples with a percent coverage >= 1%')



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fieldRS documentation built on July 8, 2020, 5:37 p.m.