#' Live indicators and the profiles and domains they belong to
#' Outputs a data frame of indicators within a profile or domain
#' @return A data frame of indicators within a profile or domain.
#' @param ProfileID Numeric vector, id of profiles of interest
#' @param DomainID Numeric vector, id of domains of interest
#' @param path String; Fingertips API address. Function will default to the
#' correct address
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Returns a complete data frame of indicators and their domains and profiles
#' indicators()
#' # Returns a data frame of all of the indicators in the Public Health Outcomes Framework
#' indicators(ProfileID = 19)}
#' @import dplyr
#' @family lookup functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{area_types}} for area type and their parent mappings,
#' \code{\link{indicator_metadata}} for indicator metadata,
#' \code{\link{profiles}} for profile lookups,
#' \code{\link{deprivation_decile}} for deprivation decile lookups,
#' \code{\link{category_types}} for category lookups,
#' \code{\link{indicator_areatypes}} for indicators by area types lookups,
#' \code{\link{indicators_unique}} for unique indicatorids and their names,
#' \code{\link{nearest_neighbours}} for a vector of nearest neighbours for an area and
#' \code{\link{indicator_order}} for the order indicators are presented on the
#' Fingertips website within a Domain
#' @export
indicators <- function(ProfileID = NULL,
DomainID = NULL,
path) {
if (missing(path)) path <- fingertips_endpoint()
set_config(config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L))
fingertips_ensure_api_available(endpoint = path)
if (!is.null(ProfileID)){
tempdf <- profiles(ProfileID = ProfileID, path = path)
if (!is.null(DomainID)) warning("DomainID is ignored as ProfileID has also been entered")
DomainID <- tempdf$DomainID
} else if (!is.null(DomainID)) {
tempdf <- profiles(path = path)
DomainID <- DomainID
} else {
tempdf <- profiles(path = path)
DomainID <- tempdf$DomainID
if (length(DomainID) > 150) {
DomainID <- c(paste(DomainID[1:149], collapse = ","),
paste(DomainID[150:length(DomainID)], collapse = ","))
url <- paste0(path,
df <- url %>%
lapply(function(dom) {
dom %>%
GET(use_proxy(ie_get_proxy_for_url(.), username = "", password = "", auth = "ntlm")) %>%
content("text") %>%
fromJSON(flatten = TRUE)
}) %>%
bind_rows %>%
left_join(tempdf, by = c("GroupId" = "DomainID")) %>%
select(IndicatorID = IndicatorId, IndicatorName,
DomainID = GroupId, DomainName,
ProfileID, ProfileName) %>%
mutate(IndicatorName = factor(IndicatorName)) %>%
#' Live indicators
#' Outputs a data frame of indicators (their id and name only). Note, this
#' function can take up to a few minutes to run (depending on internet
#' connection speeds)
#' @return A data frame of indicator ids and names
#' @inheritParams indicators
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' indicators_unique(ProfileID = 21)}
#' @family lookup functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{indicators}} for indicators and their parent domains and
#' profiles, \code{\link{area_types}} for area type and their parent
#' mappings, \code{\link{indicator_metadata}} for indicator metadata and
#' \code{\link{profiles}} for profile lookups and
#' \code{\link{deprivation_decile}} for deprivation decile lookups and
#' \code{\link{category_types}} for category lookups,
#' \code{\link{indicator_areatypes}} for indicators by area types lookups and
#' \code{\link{indicator_order}} for the order indicators are presented on the
#' Fingertips website within a Domain
#' @export
indicators_unique <- function(ProfileID = NULL,
DomainID = NULL,
path) {
if (missing(path)) path <- fingertips_endpoint()
fingertips_ensure_api_available(endpoint = path)
df <- indicators(ProfileID, DomainID, path = path)
df <- unique(df[,c("IndicatorID", "IndicatorName")])
#' Indicator order number
#' Outputs a tibble of indicator ids and their sequence number for the provided
#' domain and area type. This enables the user to order the indicators as they
#' are ordered on the Fingertips website.
#' @return A data frame of indicator ids and sequence number
#' @inheritParams fingertips_data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' indicator_order(DomainID = 1938133161, AreaTypeID = 102, ParentAreaTypeID = 6)}
#' @family lookup functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{indicators}} for indicators and their parent domains and profiles,
#' \code{\link{area_types}} for area type and their parent mappings,
#' \code{\link{indicator_metadata}} for indicator metadata,
#' \code{\link{profiles}} for profile lookups,
#' \code{\link{deprivation_decile}} for deprivation decile lookups,
#' \code{\link{category_types}} for category lookups,
#' \code{\link{indicator_areatypes}} for indicators by area types lookups and
#' \code{\link{nearest_neighbours}} for a vector of nearest neighbours for an area
#' @export
indicator_order <- function(DomainID,
path) {
if (missing(DomainID)|missing(AreaTypeID)|missing(ParentAreaTypeID))
stop("All of DomainID, AreaTypeID and ParentAreaTypeID are required")
if (missing(path)) path <- fingertips_endpoint()
fingertips_ensure_api_available(endpoint = path)
ParentAreaCode <- paste0(path,
ParentAreaTypeID)) %>%
GET(use_proxy(ie_get_proxy_for_url(.), username = "", password = "", auth = "ntlm")) %>%
content("text") %>%
fromJSON %>%
ParentAreaCode <- ParentAreaCode[grepl("^E", ParentAreaCode)][1]
domid <- DomainID
ProfileID <- profiles(path = path) %>%
filter(DomainID == domid)
if (nrow(ProfileID) == 0) {
stop("DomainID does not exist")
} else {
ProfileID <- unique(ProfileID$ProfileID)
path <- paste0(path,
ProfileID, DomainID, AreaTypeID, ParentAreaCode))
set_config(config(ssl_verifypeer = 0L))
indicator_order <- path %>%
GET(use_proxy(ie_get_proxy_for_url(.), username = "", password = "", auth = "ntlm")) %>%
content("text") %>%
fromJSON %>%
select(IID, Sequence, Sex, Age)
indicator_order$Sex <- indicator_order$Sex$Name
indicator_order$Age <- indicator_order$Age$Name
indicator_order <- indicator_order %>%
rename(IndicatorID = IID) %>%
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