#' Select indicator
#' Point and click method of selecting indicators and assigning them to object.
#' Note, this function can take up to a few minutes to run (depending on
#' internet connection speeds).
#' @return A numeric vector of indicator IDs
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Opens a browser window allowing the user to select indicators by their name, domain and profile
#' inds <- select_indicators()}
#' @import miniUI
#' @importFrom shiny runGadget fillRow h4 observeEvent browserViewer stopApp
#' renderTable tableOutput
#' @importFrom DT dataTableOutput renderDataTable JS datatable
#' @importFrom shinycssloaders withSpinner
#' @export
select_indicators <- function() {
# nocov start
ui <- miniPage(
gadgetTitleBar("Select indicators"),
fillRow(flex = c(1, 3),
h4("Selected indicators"),
color = "#98002E",
size = 2.5
server <- function(input, output, session) {
inds <- indicators()
output$indicators <- renderDataTable(
callback = JS("var tips = 'Select/unselect indicator',
cells = $('#indicators tr td');
$(cells).attr('title', tips );
$(cells).css('cursor', 'pointer');
options = list(
pageLength = 25),
rownames = FALSE,
selection = "multiple"
), server = FALSE)
output$selected <- renderTable({
inds[input$indicators_rows_selected,"IndicatorID", drop = FALSE]
rownames = FALSE)
observeEvent(input$done, {
inds <- inds[input$indicators_rows_selected,1]
returnValue <- as.numeric(inds$IndicatorID)
observeEvent(input$cancel, {
runGadget(ui, server, viewer = browserViewer())
# nocov end
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