
df <- create_test_data()

df_preprocess1 <- df %>%
        filter(IndicatorName == "Indicator 1")
df_preprocess <- df_preprocess1 %>%
        mutate(Timeperiod = "2015") %>%
        rbind(df_preprocess1) %>%
        mutate(TimeperiodSortable = as.numeric(Timeperiod))

df2 <- df %>%
        mutate(IndicatorName = factor(IndicatorName,
                                      levels = rev(unique(df$IndicatorName))),
               Value = ifelse(IndicatorName == "Indicator 5", NA, Value + 1))

df_dps <- df %>%
        mutate(Value = case_when(
                grepl("2$|4$|6$", IndicatorName) ~ round(Value,1),
                TRUE ~ round(Value, 0)))

df_error <- rbind(df, df2)

full_p <- area_profiles(df,
                        value = Value,
                        count = Count,
                        area_code = AreaCode,
                        local_area_code = "AC122",
                        indicator = IndicatorName,
                        timeperiod = Timeperiod,
                        trend = Trend,
                        polarity = Polarity,
                        significance = Significance,
                        area_type = AreaType,
                        median_line_area_code = "C001",
                        comparator_area_code = "PAC12",
                        datatable = TRUE,
                        relative_domain_text_size = 0.75,
                        relative_text_size = 1.2,
                        bar_width = 0.68,
                        indicator_label_nudgex = -0.1,
                        show_dividers = "outer",
                        header_positions = c(-1, -0.7, -0.44, -0.35, -0.25,
                            -0.15, -0.05, 1.08)

full_p_no_trend <- area_profiles(df,
                        value = Value,
                        count = Count,
                        area_code = AreaCode,
                        local_area_code = "AC100",
                        indicator = IndicatorName,
                        timeperiod = Timeperiod,
                        polarity = Polarity,
                        significance = Significance,
                        area_type = AreaType,
                        median_line_area_code = "C001",
                        comparator_area_code = "PAC12",
                        datatable = TRUE,
                        relative_domain_text_size = 0.75,
                        relative_text_size = 1.2,
                        bar_width = 0.68,
                        indicator_label_nudgex = -0.1,
                        show_dividers = "outer",
                        header_positions = c(-0.7, -0.7, -0.44, -0.35, -0.25,
                                             -0.15, -0.05, 1.08),
                        header_labels = c("Indicator", "",
                                          "Time\nperiod", "Local\ncount",
                                          "Local\nvalue", "England\nvalue",
                                          "Worst/\nLowest", "Best/\nHighest")

full_with_factor_indicators_p <- suppressWarnings(
                      value = Value,
                      count = Count,
                      area_code = AreaCode,
                      local_area_code = "AC100",
                      indicator = IndicatorName,
                      timeperiod = Timeperiod,
                      trend = Trend,
                      polarity = Polarity,
                      significance = Significance,
                      area_type = AreaType,
                      median_line_area_code = "C001",
                      comparator_area_code = "PAC12",
                      datatable = TRUE,
                      relative_domain_text_size = 0.75,
                      relative_text_size = 1.2,
                      bar_width = 0.68,
                      indicator_label_nudgex = -0.1,
                      show_dividers = "outer",
                      header_positions = c(-1, -0.7, -0.53, -0.35, -0.25,
                                           -0.15, -0.05, 1.08))

full_no_dt_p <- area_profiles(df,
                              value = Value,
                              count = Count,
                              area_code = AreaCode,
                              local_area_code = "AC122",
                              indicator = IndicatorName,
                              timeperiod = Timeperiod,
                              trend = Trend,
                              polarity = Polarity,
                              significance = Significance,
                              area_type = AreaType,
                              median_line_area_code = "C001",
                              comparator_area_code = "PAC12",
                              bar_width = 0.68,
                              datatable = FALSE)

full_no_dt_p_modified_colours <- area_profiles(df,
                                               value = Value,
                                               count = Count,
                                               area_code = AreaCode,
                                               local_area_code = "AC122",
                                               indicator = IndicatorName,
                                               timeperiod = Timeperiod,
                                               trend = Trend,
                                               polarity = Polarity,
                                               significance = Significance,
                                               area_type = AreaType,
                                               cols = c("Worse" = "purple"),
                                               median_line_area_code = "C001",
                                               comparator_area_code = "PAC12",
                                               bar_width = 0.68,
                                               datatable = FALSE)

full_with_domains_p <- area_profiles(df,
                                     value = Value,
                                     count = Count,
                                     area_code = AreaCode,
                                     local_area_code = "AC122",
                                     indicator = IndicatorName,
                                     timeperiod = Timeperiod,
                                     trend = Trend,
                                     polarity = Polarity,
                                     significance = Significance,
                                     area_type = AreaType,
                                     median_line_area_code = "C001",
                                     comparator_area_code = "PAC12",
                                     datatable = TRUE,
                                     relative_domain_text_size = 0.75,
                                     relative_text_size = 1.2,
                                     bar_width = 0.68,
                                     indicator_label_nudgex = -0.1,
                                     show_dividers = "outer",
                                     header_positions = c(-1, -0.7, -0.53, -0.35, -0.25,
                                                          -0.15, -0.05, 1.05),
                                     domain = Domain)

full_all_dividers_p <- area_profiles(df,
                                     value = Value,
                                     count = Count,
                                     area_code = AreaCode,
                                     local_area_code = "AC122",
                                     indicator = IndicatorName,
                                     timeperiod = Timeperiod,
                                     trend = Trend,
                                     polarity = Polarity,
                                     significance = Significance,
                                     area_type = AreaType,
                                     median_line_area_code = "C001",
                                     datatable = TRUE,
                                     relative_domain_text_size = 0.75,
                                     relative_text_size = 1.2,
                                     bar_width = 0.68,
                                     indicator_label_nudgex = -0.1,
                                     show_dividers = "all",
                                     header_positions = c(-1, -0.7, -0.53, -0.35, -0.25,
                                                          -0.15, -0.05, 1.05))

dps_p <- area_profiles(df_dps,
                       value = Value,
                       count = Count,
                       area_code = AreaCode,
                       local_area_code = "AC122",
                       indicator = IndicatorName,
                       timeperiod = Timeperiod,
                       trend = Trend,
                       polarity = Polarity,
                       significance = Significance,
                       area_type = AreaType,
                       median_line_area_code = "C001",
                       comparator_area_code = "PAC12",
                       datatable = TRUE,
                       relative_domain_text_size = 0.75,
                       relative_text_size = 1.2,
                       bar_width = 0.68,
                       indicator_label_nudgex = -0.1,
                       show_dividers = "outer",
                       header_positions = c(-1, -0.7, -0.44, -0.35, -0.25,
                                            -0.15, -0.05, 1.08),
                       dps = NA)

test_that("Error for duplicate values in spine chart works", {
                                   value = Value,
                                   count = Count,
                                   area_code = AreaCode,
                                   local_area_code = "AC122",
                                   indicator = IndicatorName,
                                   timeperiod = Timeperiod,
                                   trend = Trend,
                                   polarity = Polarity,
                                   significance = Significance,
                                   area_type = AreaType,
                                   median_line_area_code = "C001",
                                   comparator_area_code = "PAC12",
                                   datatable = TRUE,
                                   show_dividers = "outer"
                     "Some areas have multiple values for an indicator\\. An example is AC100 for the indicator Indicator 1")

# Visual tests ------------------------------------------------------------

test_that("full area profiles draws correctly", {
        vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("full area profiles",

test_that("full area profiles draws correctly with no trends information", {
        vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("full area profiles no trend",

test_that("full area profiles with factor indicator name draws correctly", {
        vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("full with factor area profiles",

test_that("area profiles with no dt draws correctly", {
        vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("no dt area profiles",

test_that("area profiles with colour modification draws correctly", {
        vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("modified colours area profiles",

test_that("area profiles with domains draws correctly", {
        vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("domains included area profiles",

test_that("full area profiles all dividers draws correctly", {
        vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("full area all dividers profiles",

test_that("error messages work for area_profiles", {
                                   value = Value,
                                   count = Count,
                                   area_code = AreaCode,
                                   local_area_code = "BB2",
                                   indicator = IndicatorName,
                                   timeperiod = Timeperiod,
                                   trend = Trend,
                                   polarity = Polarity,
                                   significance = Significance,
                                   area_type = AreaType,
                                   median_line_area_code = "C001"),
                     "BB2 not in area_code field provided")
                                   value = Value,
                                   count = Count,
                                   area_code = AreaCode,
                                   local_area_code = "AC122",
                                   indicator = IndicatorName,
                                   timeperiod = Timeperiod,
                                   trend = Trend,
                                   polarity = Polarity,
                                   significance = Significance,
                                   area_type = AreaType,
                                   median_line_area_code = "AB1"),
                     "AB1 not in area_code field provided")
                                   value = Value,
                                   count = Count,
                                   area_code = AreaCode,
                                   local_area_code = "AC122",
                                   indicator = IndicatorName,
                                   timeperiod = Timeperiod,
                                   trend = Trend,
                                   polarity = Polarity,
                                   significance = Significance,
                                   area_type = AreaType,
                                   median_line_area_code = "C001",
                                   comparator_area_code = "CB1"),
                     "CB1 not in area_code field provided")
        expect_error(full_no_dt_p <- area_profiles(df,
                                                   value = Value,
                                                   count = Count,
                                                   area_code = AreaCode,
                                                   local_area_code = "AC122",
                                                   indicator = IndicatorName,
                                                   timeperiod = Timeperiod,
                                                   trend = Trend,
                                                   polarity = Polarity,
                                                   significance = Significance,
                                                   area_type = AreaType,
                                                   median_line_area_code = "C001",
                                                   comparator_area_code = "PAC12",
                                                   header_labels = c("Indicator", "Time\nperiod",
                                                                     "Local\ncount", "Local\nvalue",
                                                                     "England\nvalue", "Worst/\nLowest",
                                                   bar_width = 0.68,
                                                   datatable = FALSE),
                     "header_labels argument must have a length of 8")
        expect_error(full_no_dt_p <- area_profiles(df,
                                                   value = Value,
                                                   count = Count,
                                                   area_code = AreaCode,
                                                   local_area_code = "AC122",
                                                   indicator = IndicatorName,
                                                   timeperiod = Timeperiod,
                                                   trend = Trend,
                                                   polarity = Polarity,
                                                   significance = Significance,
                                                   area_type = AreaType,
                                                   median_line_area_code = "C001",
                                                   comparator_area_code = "PAC12",
                                                   header_positions  = c(-1.83, -0.53,
                                                                         -0.35, -0.25,
                                                                         -0.15, -0.05, 1.05),
                                                   bar_width = 0.68,
                                                   datatable = FALSE),
                     "header_positions argument must have a length of 8")

test_that("warning messages work for area_profiles", {
                                     value = Value,
                                     count = Count,
                                     area_code = AreaCode,
                                     local_area_code = "AC122",
                                     indicator = IndicatorName,
                                     timeperiod = Timeperiod,
                                     trend = Trend,
                                     polarity = Polarity,
                                     significance = Significance,
                                     area_type = AreaType,
                                     median_line_area_code = "C001",
                                     comparator_area_code = "PAC12",
                                     datatable = TRUE,
                                     relative_domain_text_size = 0.75,
                                     relative_text_size = 1.2,
                                     bar_width = 0.68,
                                     indicator_label_nudgex = -0.1,
                                     show_dividers = "outer",
                                     header_positions = c(-1, -0.7, -0.44, -0.35, -0.25,
                                                          -0.15, -0.05, 0.9),
                                     dps = NA),
                     "Some bars may not display if the final value of the header_positions argument is less than 1")


df_preprocess_test <- spine_preprocess(df_preprocess,
test_that("area_profiles preprocessing function works", {
        expect_equal(unique(df_preprocess_test$Timeperiod), "2016")

test_that("differing dps area profiles draws correctly", {
        vdiffr::expect_doppelganger("differing dps area profiles",

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