Man pages for fishmethods
Fishery Science Methods and Models

agesurvAge-based Survival Estimators
agesurvclAge-Based Survival and Mortality Estimators for Cluster...
alkCreate An Age-Length Key
alkDSample Size Determination for Age Subsampling Using the D...
alkdataAge-Length Key for Gulf of Hauraki snapper, 1992-1993
alkpropAge-Length Key Proportions-At-Age
alkssSample Size Determination for Age Subsampling
astrocalc4rSolar zenith angles for biological research
AtkaMackLength and Age Data For Male and Female Atka Mackerel
bheqLength-based Beverton-Holt Equilibrium Total Instantaneous...
bhnoneqLength-based Beverton-Holt Nonequilibrium Z Estimator
bonitoData from an age and growth study of the pacific bonito.
bt.logBack-transformation of log-transformed mean and variance
buffaloLife Table Data for African Buffalo
catchNumber of cod captured in 10 standardized bottom trawl hauls...
catchmsyEstimating MSY from catch and resilience
catch.selectSelectivity Ogive from a Catch Curve
catchsurveyCatch-Survey Analysis
clus.lfStatistical Comparison of Length Frequencies from Simple...
clus.meanEstimation of Population Attributes and Effective Sample Size...
clus.rhoIntracluster Correlation Coefficients for Clustered Data
clus.rho.gCalculate A Common Intracluster Correlation Coefficient Among...
clus.str.lfStatistical Comparison of Length Frequencies from Stratified...
clus.t.testCorrecting a Two-Sample Test for Clustering
clus.vb.fitFit a Von Bertalanffy growth equation to clustered data via...
codcluslenLengths of Atlantic cod caught during Massachusetts Division...
codstrcluslenLengths of Atlantic cod caught during Massachusetts Division...
combinevarCombining Mean and Variances from Multiple Samples
compare2Comparisons of two age readers or two aging methods
compare.lrt.plusComparison of model objects
convmortConversion of Mortality Rates
countsRun size data for alewife (_Alosa pseudoharengus_)
cowcodCatch data (metric tons) for cowcod Sebastes levis 1900 to...
cpuekappTrawl survey based abundance estimation using data sets with...
darterCatch Removal Data For Fantail Darter
dbsraDepletion-Based Stock Reduction Analysis
deltadistDelta Distribution Mean and Variance Estimators
depletCatch-Effort Depletion Methods For a Closed Population
dlprojThis function performs projections for dbsra and catchmsy...
ep.dataA sub-sample of data from a simulated population collected...
ep_growthFitting the von Bertalanffy growth model to length-stratified...
eprEggs-Per-Recruit Analysis
fm_checkdesignCheck parameter structure of Hightower et al. (2001) models
fm_model_avgModel Averaging for the Telemetry Method of Hightower et al....
fm_telemetryEstimation of Fishing and Natural Mortality from Telemetry...
fpcFishing Power Correction Factor from Experimental Fishing
gapTukey's Gapping
GerkingMark-Recapture Data for Sunfish in an Indiana Lake
goosefishMean Length and Numbers of Lengths for Northern Goosefish,...
grotagMaximum likelihood estimation of growth and growth...
grotagplusFlexible maximum likelihood estimation of growth from...
growhampvon Bertalanffy Growth Models for Tagging Data Incorporating...
growthFitting Growth Curves to Length- or Weight-at-Age Data
growthlrtLikelihood Ratio Tests for Comparing Multiple Growth Curves
growthlrt.plusLikelihood Methods for Comparing Multiple Growth Curves
growthmultifitFit a Multi-Group Growth Model
growthResidPlot residuals of growth model fitted to tag data
growth_selFitting a von Bertalanffy curve to length and age data biased...
growthTrajectPlot growth trajectories obtained from tagging data
growtransGrowth Transition Matrix for a Size-Structured Population...
haddockBiological data for haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus)
HightowerOriginal data used in Hightower et al. (2001)
HoenigTag Data from Hoenig et al. (1998)
irm_crAge-Independent Instantaneous Rates Model of Jiang et al....
irm_hAge-Independent Instantaneous Rates Tag Return Model of...
JensenAge Frequency Data for Lake Whitefish By Individual Haul
JiangTag Data from Jiang (2005)
kappenmanPacific cod catch per effort from Table 1 in Kappenman (1999)
KimuraLength and Age Data For Male and Female Pacific Hake
lifetableLife Table Construction
lingcodCatch data (metric tons) for lingcod 1889 to 2001
makiData from Maki et al. 2001
matureEstimation of proportion mature at age when immature fish are...
M.empiricalEstimation of Natural Mortality Rates from Life History...
menhadenBiological data for menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus)
mort.alEstimation of Mortality using Times-At-Large Data from...
mrN.singleEstimate of Population Size from a Single Mark-Recapture...
nshrimpData for Gulf of Maine northern shrimp
opt_slotOptimum Slot and Trophy Size Limits for Recreational...
opt_trophyOptimum Trophy Size Limits for Recreational Fisheries
P.donacinaData from a growth study of New Zealand intertidal clams.
pgenProbability of a Management Parameter Exceeding a Reference...
pinfishLength, age and sex data for pinfish (Lagodon rhomboides)...
plot.grotagplusPlotting Tagging-Growth Objects
powertrendPower Analysis For Detecting Trends
print.grotagplusPrinting Tagging-Growth Objects
pwpopEstimate Net Reproductive Rates Over Multiple Periods Of An...
rempRandom Number Generation from an Empirical Distribution
rigTagging data from a growth study of rig
rockbassAge Frequency Data for Rock Bass
sblenTotal length (inches) of striped bass collected by...
sbotosOtolith ages of striped bass made by two age readers
sbprSpawning Stock Biomass-Per-Recruit Analysis
schnabelPopulation Size Estimates from Repeated Mark-Recapture...
ShepherdSeasonal Length Frequencies for Raja clavata
simulusAge and size data for the growth_sel function
slcaA Weakly Parametric Method for the Analysis of Length...
soleFlathead sole CPUEs
srEstimation and Model Comparison of Stock-Recruitment...
striperRecruitment Numbers and Female Spawning Stock Biomass for...
surveyfitEstimating the Relative Abundance of Fish From a Trawl Survey
surveyrefQuantitative reference points from stock abundance indices...
tag_model_avgModel Averaging for Instantaneous Rates Tag Return Models
tanakaSimulated alfonsino data for Tanaka (2006
troutMark-recapture data for Kenai River trout trout
vbfrFrancis' re-parameterization of the von Bertalanffy growth...
wolffishSpring untransformed mean catch per tow for wolffish...
yellowtailFall average catch per tow for southern New England...
yprYield-Per-Recruit Analysis
ztZ-transform or center a time series
fishmethods documentation built on April 27, 2023, 9:10 a.m.