
Defines functions fetch_player_details_footywire fetch_player_details_afltables fetch_player_details_afl fetch_player_details

Documented in fetch_player_details fetch_player_details_afl fetch_player_details_afltables fetch_player_details_footywire

#' Fetch Player Details
#' @description
#' `fetch_player_details` returns player details such as date of birth, debut
#' and other details. The exact details that are returned will depend on which
#' source is provided.
#' By default the source used will be the official AFL website.
#' [fetch_player_details_afl()], [fetch_player_details_afltables()] and [fetch_player_details_footywire()]
#' can be called directly and return data from the AFL website, AFL Tables and Footywire respectively.
#' The function will typically be used to return the current team lists. For historical data, you can use the `current` argument set to FALSE. This will return all historical data for AFL.com and Footywire data. AFLTables data will always return historical data.
#' @param team team the player played for in the season for, defaults to NULL which returns all teams
#' @param current logical, return the current team list for the current calendar year or all historical data
#' @param comp One of "AFLM" (default) or "AFLW"
#' @param source One of "AFL" (default), "footywire", "afltables"
#' @param ... Optional parameters passed onto various functions depending on source.
#' @return A Tibble with the details of the relevant players.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Return data for current Hawthorn players
#' fetch_player_details("Hawthorn")
#' fetch_player_details("Adelaide", current = FALSE, comp = "AFLW")
#' fetch_player_details("GWS", current = TRUE, csource = "footywire")
#' }
#' @family fetch player details functions
#' @seealso
#' * [fetch_player_details_afl] for AFL.com data.
#' * [fetch_player_details_footywire] for Footywire data.
#' * [fetch_player_details_footywire] for AFL Tables data.
fetch_player_details <- function(team = NULL,
                                 current = TRUE,
                                 comp = "AFLM",
                                 source = "AFL",
                                 ...) {
  # Do some data checks
  check_comp_source(comp, source)

  # Ignore certain parameters based on source
  if (source == "afltables") {
    cli::cli_inform("For the afltables source, details are returned for all seasons. Ignoring `current` argument")
  } else if (current) {
    season <- as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"))
    cli::cli_inform("Returning player details for current season (`{season}`) from source `{source}`")
  } else if (!current & source == "AFL") {
    season <- 2012:as.numeric(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y"))
    cli::cli_inform("Returning player details from AFL website for seasons {min(season)} to {max(season)}")
  } else if (!current) {
    cli::cli_inform("Returning historical player details from source `{source}`")

  dat <- switch(source,
    "AFL" = purrr::map_dfr(
      ~ fetch_player_details_afl(
        season = .x,
        team = team,
        comp = comp
    "afltables" = fetch_player_details_afltables(team),
    "footywire" = fetch_player_details_footywire(team, current = current),

  if (is.null(dat)) cli::cli_warn("The source \"{source}\" does not have Player Details data. Please use one of \"afltables\" and \"footywire\"")

#' @param season Season in YYYY format
#' @param official_teams boolean, defaults to FALSE. Indicates if we should match `team` to the official list from the API. If this is TRUE, it will use the list from the API and uou can use `fetch_teams_afl` to see what these names should be
#' @rdname fetch_player_details
#' @export
fetch_player_details_afl <- function(season, team = NULL, comp = "AFLM", official_teams = FALSE) {
  # perform some validation
  season <- check_season(season)

  # get season id
  comp_seas_id <- find_season_id(season, comp)

  if (is.null(comp_seas_id)) {
    cli::cli_warn("No player details data found for season {season} on AFL.com.au for {comp}")

  if (!comp %in% c("AFLM", "AFLW")) official_teams <- TRUE

  # return team abbreviation
  if (!is.null(team)) {
    if (official_teams) {
      team_check_afl2(team, comp)
      team_abr <- team_abr_afl2(team, comp)
      team_ids <- find_team_id(team_abr, comp)
      team_names <- team
    } else {
      team_abr <- team_abr_afl(team)
      team_ids <- find_team_id(team_abr, comp)
      team_names <- team
  } else {
    team_dat <- find_team_id(team, comp = comp)
    team_ids <- team_dat$id
    team_names <- team_dat$name

  args <- list(
    teamId = team_ids,
    team = team_names,
    compSeasonId = comp_seas_id

  df <- purrr::pmap_dfr(args, fetch_squad_afl, season = season)

  df %>%
    dplyr::mutate(data_accessed = Sys.Date())

#' @rdname fetch_player_details
#' @export
fetch_player_details_afltables <- function(team = NULL) {
  if (is.null(team)) {
    cli::cli_progress_step("Fetching player details for all teams")

    teams <- c(
      "Adelaide", "Brisbane Lions", "Brisbane Bears",
      "Carlton", "Collingwood", "Essendon", "Fitzroy",
      "Fremantle", "GWS", "Geelong", "Gold Coast",
      "Hawthorn", "Melbourne", "North Melbourne",
      "Port Adelaide", "Richmond", "St Kilda",
      "Sydney", "West Coast", "University",
      "Western Bulldogs"

    details_data <- teams %>%

  } else {
    details_data <- get_player_details_afltables(team)


#' @rdname fetch_player_details
#' @export
fetch_player_details_footywire <- function(team, current = TRUE) {

  if (current == TRUE) {
  } else {

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