
Defines functions convert_distribution_name_to_function distribution_vector id_vector

Documented in distribution_vector id_vector

#' id vector with sequence of integers
#' @param size integer, size of the output vector
#' @param start integer, value of the first element
#' @export
#' @examples
#' id_vector(10, 2)
id_vector <- function(size, start = 1) {
  start:(start + size - 1)

#' vector of values that follow specified distribution
#' @param size integer, size of the output vector
#' @param distribution_type character, type of distribution. You can use
#'  direct function name, e.g. "rnorm" or a regular name (e.g. "normal", "gaussian").
#'  All standard distributions from {stats} package are covered. For a list
#'  check \link[stats]{Distributions}
#' @param distribution_arguments list of arguments required by the distribution function
#' @import stats
#' @export
#' @examples
#' distribution_vector(10, "normal", list(mean = 2, sd = 0.5))
distribution_vector <- function(size, distribution_type, distribution_arguments = list()) {
  distribution_function_name <- convert_distribution_name_to_function(distribution_type)

  args <- c(n = size, distribution_arguments)

  do.call(distribution_function_name, args)

convert_distribution_name_to_function <- function(distribution_name) {
  distributions <- yaml::read_yaml(system.file("distributions.yaml", package = "fixtuRes"))
  function_name <- names(purrr::keep(distributions, ~ tolower(distribution_name) %in% .x))

  if (length(function_name) == 1) {
  } else {

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fixtuRes documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:13 p.m.