
Defines functions get.conv.crit handle.tol.param flash_set_conv_crit

Documented in flash_set_conv_crit

#' Set convergence criterion and tolerance parameter
#' Used in a \code{\link{flash}} pipeline to set the criterion for
#'   determining whether a greedy fit or backfit has "converged."
#' @details Function \code{flash_set_conv_crit} can be used to customize
#'   the convergence criterion for a \code{flash} object. This criterion
#'   determines when to stop optimizing a newly added factor
#'   (see \code{\link{flash_greedy}}) and when to stop backfitting
#'   (\code{\link{flash_backfit}}). Note that, because most alternative
#'   convergence criteria do not make sense in the context of a nullcheck, it
#'   does not set the "convergence" criterion for \code{\link{flash_nullcheck}}
#'   (for example, \code{\link{flash_conv_crit_max_chg_L}} would simply return
#'   the maximum \eqn{L^2}-normalized loading for each set of loadings
#'   \eqn{\ell_{\cdot k}}).
#'   The criterion is defined by the function supplied as argument to \code{fn},
#'   which must accept exactly three parameters,
#'   \code{curr}, \code{prev}, and \code{k}. \code{curr} refers to the
#'   \code{\link{flash_fit}} object from the current iteration; \code{prev},
#'   to the \code{flash_fit} object from the previous iteration;
#'   and, if the iteration is a sequential backfitting iteration (that is, a
#'   \code{\link{flash_backfit}} iteration with argument
#'   \code{extrapolate = FALSE}), \code{k} identifies the factor/loadings pair
#'   that is currently being updated (in all other cases, \code{k} is
#'   \code{NULL}). The function must output a numeric value; if the value is
#'   less than or equal to \code{tol}, then the fit is considered to have
#'   "converged." The meaning of "convergence" here varies according to the
#'   operation being performed.
#'   In the greedy algorithm, \code{fn} simply compares the fit from
#'   one iteration to the next. During a backfit, it similarly compares fits from
#'   one iteration to the next, but it only considers the fit to have
#'   converged when the value of \code{fn} over successive updates to
#'   \emph{all} factor/loadings pairs is less than or equal to \code{tol}. If,
#'   for example, factor/loadings pairs \eqn{1, \ldots, K} are being
#'   sequentially backfitted, then fits are compared before and
#'   after the update to factor/loadings 1, before and after the update to
#'   factor/loadings 2, and so on through factor/loadings \eqn{K},
#'   and backfitting only terminates when \code{fn} returns a value less
#'   than or equal to \code{tol} for all \eqn{K} updates.
#'   Package \code{flashier} provides a number of functions that may be supplied
#'   as convergence criteria: see
#'   \code{\link{flash_conv_crit_elbo_diff}} (the default criterion),
#'   \code{\link{flash_conv_crit_max_chg}},
#'   \code{\link{flash_conv_crit_max_chg_L}}, and
#'   \code{\link{flash_conv_crit_max_chg_F}}. Custom functions may also be
#'   defined. Typically, they will compare the fit in \code{curr} (the current
#'   iteration) to the fit in \code{prev} (the previous iteration).
#'   To facilitate working with \code{flash_fit} objects, package
#'   \code{flashier} provides a number of accessors, which are enumerated in
#'   the documentation for object \code{\link{flash_fit}}. Custom functions
#'   should return a numeric value that can be compared against \code{tol}; see
#'   \strong{Examples} below.
#' @param flash A \code{flash} or \code{flash_fit} object.
#' @param fn The convergence criterion function (see Details below). If
#'   \code{NULL}, then only the tolerance parameter is updated (thus a
#'   convergence criterion can be set at the beginning of a \code{flash} pipeline,
#'   allowing the tolerance parameter to be updated at will without needing to
#'   re-specify the convergence criterion each time). The default convergence
#'   criterion, which is set when the \code{flash} object is initialized, is
#'   \code{\link{flash_conv_crit_elbo_diff}}, which calculates the
#'   difference in the variational lower bound or "ELBO" from one iteration to
#'   the next.
#' @param tol The tolerance parameter (see Details below). The default, which is
#'   set when the \code{flash} object is initialized (see
#'   \code{\link{flash_init}}), is \eqn{np\sqrt{\epsilon}}, where \eqn{n} is the
#'   number of rows in the dataset, \eqn{p} is the number of columns, and
#'   \eqn{\epsilon} is equal to \code{\link{.Machine}$double.eps}.
#' @return The \code{\link{flash}} object from argument \code{flash}, with the
#'   new convergence criterion reflected in updates to the "internal"
#'   \code{flash_fit} object. These settings will persist across
#'   all subsequent calls to \code{flash_xxx} functions in the same
#'   \code{flash} pipeline (unless, of course, \code{flash_set_conv_crit} is
#'   again called within the same pipeline).
#' @examples
#' fl <- flash_init(gtex) %>%
#'   flash_set_conv_crit(flash_conv_crit_max_chg, tol = 1e-3) %>%
#'   flash_set_verbose(
#'     verbose = 3,
#'     fns = flash_verbose_max_chg,
#'     colnames = "Max Chg",
#'     colwidths = 20
#'   ) %>%
#'   flash_greedy(Kmax = 3)
#' @export
flash_set_conv_crit <- function(flash,
                                fn = NULL,
                                tol) {
  fit <- get.fit(flash)

  if (is.null(fn)) {
    fn <- get.conv.crit.fn(flash)
  must.be.numeric(tol, allow.infinite = TRUE, allow.null = FALSE)

  fit <- set.conv.crit(fit, fn, tol)
  flash <- set.fit(flash, fit)


handle.tol.param <- function(tol, flash) {
  if (is.null(tol)) {
    tol <- get.conv.tol(flash)
  must.be.numeric(tol, allow.infinite = TRUE, allow.null = FALSE)

get.conv.crit <- function(update.info) {

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flashier documentation built on Oct. 17, 2023, 5:07 p.m.