
Defines functions paramFitGammaOne

Documented in paramFitGammaOne

#' @title Parameter Initialization Based on a Smooth Log-Concave Density
#' @description \code{paramFitGammaOne} fits in a first step a log-concave
#'   density to data points X with weights w using a smoothness parameter of
#'   gamma=1. In a second step, it calculates the upper convex hull of the set X
#'   and log(y), where y_i is the smooth log-concave density evaluated at X_i.
#'   It returns the hyperplane parameters of the faces of this upper convex
#'   hull.
#' @param X Set of data points (one sample per row)
#' @param w Vector with weights for X (\code{sum(w)==1})
#' @param ACVH Matrix where each row constitutes the normal vector of a face of
#'   conv(X)
#' @param bCVH Vector where each entry constitutes the intercept for a face of
#'   conv(X)
#' @param cvh Matrix where each row is a set of indices of points in X
#'   describing one face of conv(X)
#' @return A list containing the description of the upper convex hull of
#'   (X,log(y)) in term of hyperplane parameters: \item{a}{A matrix where each
#'   row constitutes a hyperplane normal} \item{b}{A vector where each
#'   entry constitutes the intercept of a hyperplane}
#'   Note the difference
#' @example R/Examples/paramFitGammaOne

paramFitGammaOne <- function(X, w, ACVH, bCVH, cvh) {
  n <- dim(X)[1]
  d <- dim(X)[2]
  m <- 10 * d # number of initial hyperplanes

  minLogLike <- 1e5
  numRuns <- 1
  # choose best model from a set of initializations
  for (i in 1:numRuns) {
    a <- runif(m * d, 0, 0.1)
    b <- runif(m)
    params <- c(a, b)
    r <- callNewtonBFGSLInitC(X, w, params, ACVH, bCVH)
    # check for best initialization
    if (r$logLike < minLogLike) {
      optParams <- r$params
      minLogLike <- r$logLike

  aOpt <- matrix(optParams[1:(m * d)], m, d)
  bOpt <- rep(optParams[(m * d + 1):length(optParams)])

  y <- matrix(-log(apply(exp(aOpt %*% t(X) + matrix(rep(bOpt, n), length(bOpt), n)), 2, sum)), n, 1)
  # analytically normalize log-concave density
  r <- callCalcExactIntegralC(X, y, cvh, rep(TRUE,length(y)), 1e-2)
  aOpt <- r$a
  bOpt <- r$b

  # limit the number of hyperplanes for 1D to 1000
  if (d == 1 && length(bOpt) > 1000) {
    idxSelect <- sample(length(bOpt), 1000)
    aOpt <- aOpt[idxSelect]
    bOpt <- bOpt[idxSelect]

  # detect if all hyerplanes where intitialized to the same parameters;
  # happens for small sample sizes --> very slow convergence in the final optimization
  idxCheck <- sample(length(bOpt), min(100, length(bOpt)))
  if (length(bOpt) > 1 && mean(apply(aOpt[idxCheck, ], 2, var)) < 1e-4) {
    print('#### Bad initialization due to small sample size, switch to kernel kensity based initialization ####');
    params <- paramFitKernelDensity(X, w, cvh)
  } else {
    params <- c(aOpt,bOpt)


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